The Role of Salicylic Acid and Chitosan Foliar Applications under Drought Stress Condition on Some Physiological Traits and Oil Yield of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop EcophysiologyAyoub Amiri 1 , Sedigheh Esmaeilzadeh Bahabadi 2 , Parviz Yadollahi Dehcheshmeh 3 , Alireza Sirousmehr 4
1 - M.Sc. Agronomy, Department of Agronomy, Zabol University, Zabol, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Zabol University, Zabol, Iran.
3 - M.Sc. Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Zabol University and member of elite club of Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, Zabol University, Zabol, Iran.
Keywords: Irrigation, yield, Salicylic acid, Safflower, Chitosan,
Abstract :
To study the effects of drought and foliar applications of salicylic acid and chitosan on some physiological traits and oil yield of safflower under drought a split plot experiment with three replications based on a randomized complete block design was conducted at the University of Zabol, Iran. Treatments were three levels irrigations at 25, 50 and 75% of soil available water assigned to main plots, and four levels of foliar applications of salicylic acid and chitosan (control, 0.424 g/liter of salicylic acid, 5 g/liter of chitosan and mixed application of salicylic acid and chitosan) to sub-plots. Water stress reduced oil yield and phosphorus, potassium and calcium contents of shoot. Oil yield was decreased with increasing drought stress by 11% as compared to that of control. Severe water stress also increased the amount of sodium in seed, but its effects on nitrogen and iron control of shoot, membrane stability index and relative humidity were not significant. Foliar application of salicylic acid and chitosan increased macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and micronutrients (calcium and iron). Seed oil yield was not affected by foliar spray. In general, combined application chitosan and salicylic acid on traits under study was effective. It can be suggested that combined application of chitosan and salicylic acid could be effective in growing safflower at this region.
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- Mousavifar, B.A., M.A. Behdani, M.J. Jam alahmadi, and M.S. Hosseini bajd. 2010. Effects of limited irrigation on growth and yield of spring genotypes of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Birjand. Journal of Agricultural Ecology. 2(4):639-627. (In Persian).
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- Raissi, A., M. Galavi, M. Zafaraneieh, M. Soluki, and R. Mousavi. 2013. Biochemical change of seeds and yield of Isabgol (Plantago ovata) under bio-fertilizer, organic manure and chemical fertilizer. Bulletin of Environment Pharmacology and Life Sciences. 2: 112-117.
- Ramazannejad, R., M. Lahooti, and A. Ganjali. 2013. Effect of salicylic acid spraying on some physiological and biochemical indices of susceptible and resistant chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under drought stress. Journal of Plant Echophysiology. 5(12): 46-62. (In Persian).
- Ramroudi, M., and A.R. Khamar. 2013. Interaction of salicylic acid spraying and irrigation treatments on some properties of quantitative, qualitative and basil osmotic regulator. Journal Applied Research EchoPhysiology plants. 1(1): 19- 32. (In Persian).
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- Veraplakorn, V., M. Nanakorn, L. Kaveeta, S. Suwanwong, and I. Bennett. 2013. Variation in ion accumulation as a measure of salt tolerance in seedling and callus of Stylosanthes guianensis. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology. 25(2): 106-115.
- Vicente, M., and J. Plasencia. 2011. Salicylic acid beyond defence: its role in plant growth and development. Journal of Experimental Botani. 62(10): 3321-3338.
- Amiri, A., S. Esmaeilzadeh Bahabadi, and A.R. Sirus Mehr. 2013. The effect of chitosan spraying on crop yield under drought stress. First National Conference of Agricultural Engineering and Natural Resources, Hamedan. (In Persian).
- Anonymous. 2011. Iranian Vegetable Oil Industry Association (IVOI). Available at Web site (Verified 10 June 2012)
- Arab, S., M. Brothers Firoozabadi, H.R. Asghari, A. Gholami, and M. Rahimi. 2012. Effects of drought stress on yield and yield of spring safflower under the influence of sodium nitroprusside and ascorbic acid spray. 2012. First National Conference on Stress-vegetarian (non-biological), Isfahan. (In Persian).
- Arfan, M., H.R. Athar, and M. Ashraf. 2007. Does exogenous application of salicylic acid through the rooting medium modulate growth and photosynthetic capacity in two differently adapted sp ring wheat cultivars under salt stress. Journal of Plant Physiology. 164: 685-694.
- Ashraf, M., and M.R. Foolad. 2007. Roles of glycine betaine in improving plant abiotic stress resistance. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 59: 206-216.
- Baligar, V.C., N.K. Fageria, and Z.L. He. 2008. Nutrient use efficiency in plants. Communication in soil Science and Plant Analysis. 32: 921- 950.
- Boonlertnirunt, S., E.D. Sarobol, S. Meechoui, and I. Sooksathan. 2007. Drought recovery and grain yield potential of rice after chitosan application. Kasetsart Journal. 41: 1-6.
- Clavel, D., O. Diouf, J.L. Khalfaoui, and S. Braconnier. 2006. Genotypes variations in fluorescence parameters among closely related groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) lines and their potential for drought screening programs. Field Crops Research. 96: 296-306.
- Croisier, F., and C. Jérôme. 2013. Chitosan-based biomaterials for tissue engineering. European Polymer Journal. 49: 780- 792.
- Desen, K., and S. Guchou. 2005. The effect of reactive oxygen species on ethylene production induced by osmotic stress in etiolated mung bean seedling. Plant Growth Regulation. 443: 573-508.
- Guan, Y.J., J. Hu, X.J. Wang, and C.X. Shao. 2009. Seed priming with chitosan improves maize stress germination and seedling growth in relation to physiology changes under low temperature. Journal of Zhejiang University- Science. 10: 427-433.
- Ge, T., N. Sun, L. Bai, C. Tong, and F. Sui. 2012. Effects of drought stress on phosphorus and potassium uptake dynamics in summer maize (Zea mays) throughout the growth cycle. Acta Physiology Plantarum. 34 (6): 2179–2186.
- Hamrouni, I., H. Ben Salah, and B. Marzouk. 2001. Effect of water deficit on lipids of safflower aerial parts. Journal Phytochemistry. 58: 277-280.
- Hashemi Tonekaboni, M. 1995. Testing for Chrbohydrats and Lipids. Publishing Center, University of Tehran. (In Persian).
- Horvath, E., G. Szalai, and T. Janda. 2007. Induction of abiotic stress tolerance by salicylic acid signaling. Plant Growth Regulation. 26: 290-300.
- Kafi, M., and M. Rostami. 2008. Effect of drought stress in reproductive growth stage on yield and components yield and oil content three safflower cultivars in irrigation with salty water conditions. Iranian Agronomy Reaserch. 5(1): 121-131. (In Persian).
- Khajepour, M.R. 2007. Industrial production plants. Isfahan University of Technology. 580 pages. (In Persian).
- Knudsen, D., G.E. Peterson, and P.E. Pratt. 1982. Lithium, sodium and potassium. P. 225- 246. In: A.L. Page (ed). Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. American Society of Agronomy. Medison, WI.
- Krantev, A., R. Yordanova, T. Janda, G. Szalai, and L. Popova. 2008. Treatment with salicylic acid decreases the effect of cadmium on photosynthesis in maize plants. Journal of Plant Physiology. 165(9): 920-931.
- Kuchenbuch, R., N. Claasen, and A. Jungk. 1986. Potassium availability in relation to soil moisture. I. Effect of soil moisture on potassium diffusion, root growth and potassium uptake of onion plants. Plant and Soil. 95: 221-231.
- Lindsay, W.L. 1972. Zinc in soils and plant nutrition. Advance Argonomy Discoverer. 24: 147- 186.
- Mahdavi, B., S.A.M. Modarres Sanavy, M. Aghaalikhani, M. Sharifi, and A. Dolatabadian. 2011. Chitosan improves osmotic potential tolerance in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) seedlings, Journal of Crop Improvement. 25: 728–741.
- Malakooti, M.J., and M.N. Gheybi. 2000. Determination of the critical nutrients in the soil, plants and fruit. Agricultural Education Publishing Center, Karaj, Iran. (In Persian).
- Mehrabian Moghadam, N., M.J. Arvine, GH.R. Khajuyi Nejad, and K. Maghsudi. 2011. Effect salicylic acid on the growth and yield of corn in drought conditions in the field. Journal Seedlings and Seeds. 2-27(1): 41-55. (In Persian).
- Metwally, A., I. Finlemeier, M. Georgi, and K.J. Dietz. 2003. Salicylic acid alleviates the cadmium toxicity in barley seedling. Physiology and Biochemistry of Plant. 132: 272 -281.
- Misra, A., and N.K. Srivastava. 2000. Influence of water stress on Japanese Mint. Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plant. 7(1): 51-58.
- Mousavifar, B.A., M.A. Behdani, M.J. Jam alahmadi, and M.S. Hosseini bajd. 2010. Effects of limited irrigation on growth and yield of spring genotypes of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Birjand. Journal of Agricultural Ecology. 2(4):639-627. (In Persian).
- Munns, R., and R. James. 2003. Screening methods for salinity tolerance: A case study with tetraploid wheat.Journal of Plant and Soil. 253: 201-218.
- Nematollahi, A., A. Jafari, and A. Bagheri. 2013. Effects of drought and salicylic acid on photosynthetic pigment and nutrient uptake of the cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Journal of Plant EchoPhysiology. 5(12): 86-102. (In Persian).
- Page, A.L., R.H. Miller, and D.R. Keeney. 1982. Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. (2nd edition). 345 pp.
- Pirzad, A., H. Alyari, M. R. Shakiba, S. Zehtab-Salmasi, and A. Mohammadi. 2006. Essential oil content and composition of german chamomile (Matricariachamomilla L.) at different irrigation regimes. Journal of Agronomy. 5(3): 451-455. (In Persian).
- Qasim, M., M. Ashraf, M.A. Jamil, M.Y. Ashraf, S.U. Rehman, and E.S. Rha. 2003. Water relations and gas exchange properties in some elite canola (Brassica napus L.) lines under salt stress. Annals of Applied Biology. 142: 307-316.
- Raissi, A., M. Galavi, M. Zafaraneieh, M. Soluki, and R. Mousavi. 2013. Biochemical change of seeds and yield of Isabgol (Plantago ovata) under bio-fertilizer, organic manure and chemical fertilizer. Bulletin of Environment Pharmacology and Life Sciences. 2: 112-117.
- Ramazannejad, R., M. Lahooti, and A. Ganjali. 2013. Effect of salicylic acid spraying on some physiological and biochemical indices of susceptible and resistant chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under drought stress. Journal of Plant Echophysiology. 5(12): 46-62. (In Persian).
- Ramroudi, M., and A.R. Khamar. 2013. Interaction of salicylic acid spraying and irrigation treatments on some properties of quantitative, qualitative and basil osmotic regulator. Journal Applied Research EchoPhysiology plants. 1(1): 19- 32. (In Persian).
- Rayan, J.R., G. Estefan, and A. Rashid. 2001. Soil and plant analysis laboratory manual, (2nd edition). ICARDA, Syria. pp: 231.
- Senaratna, T., D. Touchell, E. Bunn, and K. Dixon. 2000. Acetyl (salicylic acid Asprin (and salicylic acid induce multiple stress tolerance in bean and tomato plants. Plant Growth Regulation. 30: 157-161.
- Sheikha, S.A.K., and F.M. AL-Malki. 2009. Growth and chlorophyll responses of bean plants to the chitosan applications European. Journal of Scientific Research. 50: 124-134.
- Shekari, F., A. Pakmehr, M. Rastgo, J. Saba, M. Vazayefi, and E. Zengani. 2010. Effect of salicylic acid priming on characteristies some morphological bean (Vigna unguiculata L.) under water steress on stage sheath packaging. Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 4(1): 10-26. (In Persian).
- Sodaeizadeh, H., and F. Mansouri. 2014. Effect of drought stress on dry matter, nutrients and soluble sugars tube herb sage (Salvia macrosiphon Boiss). Dry Canvas Journal. 4(1): 1-9. (In Persian).
- Tabatabai, J. 2009. Mineral nutrition of plants. Tabriz University, 389 pp. (In Persian).
- Tavakolee Zenialee, A. 2002. Study of irrigation cutting during growth stages on seed and oil yield and its components in safflower. M.Sc. Thesis University of Tehran, Iran. (In Persian).
- Veraplakorn, V., M. Nanakorn, L. Kaveeta, S. Suwanwong, and I. Bennett. 2013. Variation in ion accumulation as a measure of salt tolerance in seedling and callus of Stylosanthes guianensis. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology. 25(2): 106-115.
- Vicente, M., and J. Plasencia. 2011. Salicylic acid beyond defence: its role in plant growth and development. Journal of Experimental Botani. 62(10): 3321-3338.