Variation of Agronomic Traits and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes Using Subirrigation
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop EcophysiologyHossein Sabouri 1 , Hojat Ghorbani Vaghei 2 , Mohammad Reza Jafarzade Razmi 3 , Mohsen Rezaei 4 , Mahnaz Katozi 5 , Somayeh Sanchouli 6
1 - Associte Professor of Plant Production, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Gonbad-e-Kavoos, Gonbad-e-Kavoos,Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Wood and Forest, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Gonbad-e-Kavoos, Gonbad-e-Kavoos,Iran.
3 - Master of Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Gonbad-e-Kavoos, Gonbad-e-Kavoos,Iran.
4 - MS.c. in Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Gonbad-e-Kavoos, Gonbad-e-Kavoos,Iran.
5 - Ph.D. Student of Nuclear Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
6 - MS.c. in Biotechnology, Shirvan Higher Complex Education, Shirvan, Iran.
Keywords: Yield, Chlorophyll fluorescence, Subirrigation, Part of yield,
Abstract :
To evaluate variation of agronomic traits and chlorophyll fluorescence in rice genotypes using subirrigation, as randomized completely block design with three replications was conducted in 2013-2014. During the growth of seedlings in the treasury, the main plot was prepared according to the experimental design in the plots. Transplantation was carried out after 4-3 leaves with the selection of healthy and uniform seedlings on June 20th. In the method of flood irrigation, the land was prepared as usual. To prepare subirrigation treatments, each plot was removed to a depth of 40 cm and porous clay capsules were used. The irrigation system consisted of three main pipelines (the number of irrigation treatments), one valve head and one volume meter installed on each main pipe. The main tubes were spread along the floor and the water needed for each treatment was taken using 16 mm tubes at the beginning of each plot. By placing the pressure gauge at the beginning of the pipelines, the system pressure was modulated in the subirrigation irrigation system. Significant differences detected between genotypes in all traits at 1% probablity. HHZ1-DT3-Y1Y1, HHZ 22-Y3-DT1-Y1, HHZ 6-DT1-LI1-LI1, IR14L110 and HHZ 23-DT16-DT1-DT1 had the highest grain weight. These genotypes in terms of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, it is evident that these genotypes are in terms of parameters such as Y (II), ETR, qP, qL, NPQ, Fm, Fv / Fm and F'v / F'm were high and were low in terms of qN, NPQ and Fo parameters. High yield genotypes and high photosynthetic potency can be used to cultivation and breeding programs in subirrigation stress areas. Therefore, these genotypes can be of further studies to be used as genotypes with low water requirements.
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