Srain Yield Stability of some Bread Wheat Cultivars Introduced in Moderate and Cold Area of Iran
Subject Areas :
Journal of Crop Ecophysiology
Alireza Tarinejad
1 - Associate Prof, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture Biotechnology, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
Received: 2016-12-25
Accepted : 2017-02-08
Published : 2017-07-23
Stability Analysis,
Equivalence Rick,
Shukla σ2,
Abstract :
Due to genotype×environmental interaction, seed yields of genotypes are usually evaluated in broad range of environmental conditions to obtain efficient information concering cultivar selection and introduction. For this purpose, an experiment was conducted based on RCBD with three replications, using 20 bread wheat cultivars to study seed yield stability of cultivars introduced during the past several years to cold, and moderate areas of Iran. This experiment was carried out at the Agriculture Research Station of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch during 2009-2012, for 4 years. Because of significant genotype×environmental interaction, stability analysis was performed by all possible methods to obtain stable and high potential cultivars. The result of stability analysis showed non parametric, AMMI, GGE biplot and simultaneous selection stability methods introduce lower, high, and higher yielding cultivars to be stable. On basis of all stability methods, Bahar (spring type introduced in 2008), Mahdavi (facultative type released in 1995), and Azadi cultivar (winter type introduced in 1989) respectively with 7.27, 7.13 and 6.88 (t/ha grain yield) were stable and were highly potential cultivars among other cultivars. These cultivars could be introduced to researchers as stable cultivars to be used as parental ones in breeding programs for production of highly stable and seed yielding lines.
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