Evaluation of Yield, Harvest Index, and Water Use Efficiency of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) in Different Treatments of Irrigation and Sowing Date
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop Ecophysiology
Arameh Zand-Silakhoor
Hamid Madani
Hossein Heidari Sharifabadi
Mojtaba Mahmoudi
Ghorban Nourmohamad
1 - Ph.D. Student in Agriculture, Agronomy and Horticulture Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Industry, Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
3 - Professor, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran. Iran
4 - Research Assistant Professor of Soil and Water Research Department, Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization. Sari, Iran
5 - Professor, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran. Iran
Keywords: Water deficit, harvest index, Irrigation interval, Flower yield, Sepal yield,
Abstract :
In order to evaluate different irrigation regimes and planting date on yield, water use efficiency, and harvest index of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdarjffa L.), an experiment was conducted in form of split plot in randomized complete blocks with three replications in Karaj in 2017. Experimental treatments included irrigation round (Irrigation intervals of 8, 10, and 12 days) as a main plot, andplanting date treatments at three levels of 4th June, 18th June, and 2th July as a sub-plot. Results showed that the main effect of irrigation treatments was significant on all traits except harvest index. Planting date had a significant effect only on plant height, stem diameter, biological yield, flower water use efficiency, and sepal water use efficiency. The interaction of irrigation treatment levels and planting date only made a significant difference in biomass water use efficiency. Also, the flower harvest index was not affected by any of the applied treatments.The greatest plant height (181.2 cm), stem diameter (2.91 cm) and biological yield (14.6 t.ha-1) were obtained in the irrigation interval of 8 days. The highest sepal water use efficiency of (0.18 g.L-1), flower water use efficiency (0.034 g.L-1) and sepal harvest index (11.12 %) were observed in the irrigation interval of 12 days. The irrigation interval of 10 days had the highest sepal yield (1.59 t.ha-1) and flower yield (307.7 kg.ha-1).Delay in planting caused a decrease of 12, 16, and 7% in plant height, stem diameter, and biological yield, respectively and increase in the sepal water use efficiency and biological yield water use efficiency by 22 and 20%, respectively compared to optimum planting time. The highest biological yield water use efficiency (2.41 g.L-1) was obtained in irrigation interval of 12 days and one month delay in planting. Based on the obtained results, irrigation interval of 10 days is recommended to achieve maximum flower yield and sepal yield, increase the flower water use efficiency and sepal harvest index. Also, in order to shorten the cultivation period and save water consumption, the date of 18th June is recommended for plant cultivation in Karaj.
Ahmad, A.S., M.K., Abdelrahman, and E.H. Abuelgasim. 2009. Some genotypic phenotypic of Roselle (Hibiscus Subdariffa Subdarriffa) and their practical Implications. Journal of Science and Technology. 10(2): 69-79.
2018. FAO (Food and Agriculture of United Nation). World food situation, Available at: http://www.fao.org/worldfoodsituation/csdb/en/
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Bhandari, B., J. Shrestha, and M.P. Tripathi. 2018. Productivity of maize (Zea mays) as affected by varieties and sowing dates. International Journal of Applied Biology. 2(2): 13-19.
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Faramarzi, A., S. Seyedin, N. Mohbali Poor, and Sh. Shahrokhi. 2012. Study of sowing date on yield and components of cotton varieties (Gossypium hirsutum) yield of in Miandeh region. Journal of Research in Agronomy Science. 16(4): 27-38. (In Persian).
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Howard, A., and G.L.C. Howard. 2011. Studies in Indian fibre plants. No. 2. on some new varieties of Hibiscus cannabinus and Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Genetics and Molecular Biology. 4: 9-36.
Kahil, A.A., F.A.S. Hassan, and E.F. Ali. 2017. Influence of bio-fertilizers on growth, yield, and anthocyanin content of Hibiscus sabdariffa plant under Taif region conditions. Annual Research and Review in Biology. 17(1): 1-15.
Keshavarz, D. 2011. The effect of different water quantities on yield, water use efficiency and cotton yield function in Mazandaran province, Iranian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Production Science. 21(1): 103-111. (In Persian).
Keshavarz, H., S.A.M. Modares-Sanavy, and M. Mahdipour-Afra. 2018. Organic and chemical fertilizer affected yield and essential oil of two mint species. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 21(6): 1674-1681.
Keyvan Rad, S., H. Madani, H. Heidari Sharifabadi, M. Mahmoudi, and G. Nourmohamadi. 2021. Evaluation of yield and yield components of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) in different treatments of irrigation distance and sowing date. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 15(59): 377-392. (In Persian).
Khatib, F., B. Torabi, and A, Rahimi. 2015. Assessing the effect of planting date on safflower cultivars growth and seed yield in Rafsanjan condition. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 13(2):316-317 (In Persian).
Khodabin, G., Z. Tahmasebi-Sarvestani, A.H. Shirani Rad, S.A.M. Modarres-Sanavy, and E. Bakhshandeh. 2020. The Effect of withholding irrigation and foliar application of Zn and Mn on yield and eco-physiological characteristics of rapeseed (Brassica napus). Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 18(1): 85-100.
Koocheki, A.R., J. Shabahang, S. Khorramdel, F. Najafi, and S. Bakhshaei. 2013. Effects of irrigation on grain yield and essential oil of fennel. The 1st Regional Congress on Medical Plants of North of Iran. Goegan, 8th May 2013. (In Persian).
Madani, H., B. Sani, and H. Golipour. 2018. Yield comparison of sesame cultivars and their physiological growth indices under chemical and biological potassium fertilizer applications. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 11(44): 837-856. (In Persian).
Mir, B., S. Ravan, and M.R. Asgharipour. 2011. Effects of plant density and sowing date on yield and yieldcomponents Hibiscus sabdariffa in Zabol region. Advances in Environmental Biology. 5(6): 1156-1161.
Nazeri, P., A.H. Shirani Rad, S.A. Valad Abadi, M. Mirakhori, and E. Hadidi Masoule. 2019. The effect of planting date and late season drought stress on eco-physiological characteristics of the new varieties of canola (Brassica napus). Journal of Agroecology. 11(1): 261-276. (In Persian).
Nazeri, P., A.H. Shirani Rad, S.A. ValadAbadi, M. Mirakhori, and E. Hadidi Masoule. 2018. Effect of sowing dates and late season water deficit stress on quantitative and qualitative traits of canola cultivars. Outlook on Agriculture. 47(4): 291-297.
Parsa Motlagh, B., P. Rezvani Moghadam, R. Ghorbani, and Z. Azami Sardooei. 2019. Yield and water use efficiency assessment of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) as affected by nutritional different resources and regimes of irrigation water. Environmental Stresses in Crop Sciences. 12(4): 1225-1236. (In Persian).
Rezvani Moghaddam, P. 2008. New and forgotten crops. 446 p in: Koocheki, A.R., and M. Khajeh Hosseini eds. Modern Agronomy. Publication by University Jahad of Mashhad.
Salih, R.F. 2019. Effect of sowing dates and varieties of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) on growth and yield parameters. Agricultural and Environmental Researches. 31 (3): 64-70.
Seghatoleslami, M.J., S.G. Mosavi, and T. Barzegaran. 2013. Effect of irrigation levels and planting date on yield and water use efficiency of Hibiscus sabdariffa Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 29 (1): 144-156. (In Persian).
Sharma, A., R. Deepa, S. Sankar, M. Pryor, B. Stewart, E. Johnson, and A. Anandhi. 2021. Use of growing degree indicator for developing adaptive responses: A case study of cotton in Florida. Ecological Indicators. 124: 107383. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107383
SiroosMehr, A., J. Arbabi, and M.R. Asghari Poor. 2011. The effect of drought stress and organic fertilizer levels on yield and some of morphological traits basil (Ocimumbasilicum) National Conference of Natural Products and Medicinal Plants, October 3. (In Persian).
Steve, P., E. Charles, and A. Michael. 2004. Cotton growth, lint yield, and fiber quality as affected by row spacing and cultivar. The Journal of Cotton Science. 8: 1-12.
Tabatabai, S.M.R., H. Madani, H. Heidari Sharifabad, G. Noormohammadi, and F. Darvish. 2021. Effect of planting date and nutritional treatments on yield and yield components of maize (Zea mays). Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 14(56): 519-534. (In Persian).
Taghvaei, M., A. Nasrolahizadehi, and A. Mastinu. 2022. Effect of light, temperature, salinity, and halopriming on seed germination and seedling growth of hibiscus sabdariffa under salinity stress. Agronomy. 12: 2491.
Zeinali, H., M. Bagheri Kholanjani, M.R. Golparvar, M. Jafarpour, and A.H. Shirani Rad. 2008. Effect of different planting time and nitrogen fertilizer rates on flower yield and its components in German chamomile (Matrica riarecutita). Iranian Journal of Crop Science. 10(3): 220-230. (In Persian).
_||_Ahmad, A.S., M.K., Abdelrahman, and E.H. Abuelgasim. 2009. Some genotypic phenotypic of Roselle (Hibiscus Subdariffa Subdarriffa) and their practical Implications. Journal of Science and Technology. 10(2): 69-79.
2018. FAO (Food and Agriculture of United Nation). World food situation, Available at: http://www.fao.org/worldfoodsituation/csdb/en/
Babatunde, F.E., and A.L.E. Mofoke. 2006. Performance of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) as influenced by irrigation schedules. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 4: 363-367.
Behzadi, M., M.A. Vakili Shahrbabak, and M. Koduri. 2014. Study of the most appropriate sowing date of Roselle (Hibiscussabdariffa) as medicinal plant in urban green space in Kerman city. The 1st National Conference on Stable Agriculture and Natural Resources, 30thJan. Iran. (In Persian).
Bhandari, B., J. Shrestha, and M.P. Tripathi. 2018. Productivity of maize (Zea mays) as affected by varieties and sowing dates. International Journal of Applied Biology. 2(2): 13-19.
EL-Boraie, F.O.M., A.M. Gaber, and G. Abdel-Rahman. 2009. Optimizing irrigation schedule to maximize water use efficiency of Hibiscus sabdariffa under Shalation condition. World Journal of Agriculture Science. 4: 505-514.
Emongor, V.E., J.A. Chweya, and R.M. Munavu. 2006. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on the essential oilyield and quality of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flowers. Crop Sciences. 12(1): 12-19.
EyniNargeseh, H., M. Aghaalikhani, A.H. Shirani Rad, A. Mokhtasi-Bidgoli, and S.A.M. Modares-Sanavy. 2019. Response of new genotypes of rapeseed (Brassica napus) to late season withholding irrigation under semi-arid climate. Journal of Plant Productions. 41(4): 55-68.
Faramarzi, A., S. Seyedin, N. Mohbali Poor, and Sh. Shahrokhi. 2012. Study of sowing date on yield and components of cotton varieties (Gossypium hirsutum) yield of in Miandeh region. Journal of Research in Agronomy Science. 16(4): 27-38. (In Persian).
Farjam, S., A. Siosemardeh, H. Kazemi-Arbat, M. Yarnia, and A. Rokhzadi. 2017. Effects of ascorbic and salicylic acid foliar application on physiological traits of two chickpea cultivars (Cicer arietinum) under drought stress conditions. Iranian Journal of Pulses Research. 9(1): 99-117. (In Persian).
Gendy, A.S.H., H.A.H. Said-Al Ahl, and A. Abeer Mahmoud. 2012. Growth, productivity, and chemical constituents of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) plants as influenced by cattle manure and biofertilizers treatments. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 6(5): 1-12.
Howard, A., and G.L.C. Howard. 2011. Studies in Indian fibre plants. No. 2. on some new varieties of Hibiscus cannabinus and Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Genetics and Molecular Biology. 4: 9-36.
Kahil, A.A., F.A.S. Hassan, and E.F. Ali. 2017. Influence of bio-fertilizers on growth, yield, and anthocyanin content of Hibiscus sabdariffa plant under Taif region conditions. Annual Research and Review in Biology. 17(1): 1-15.
Keshavarz, D. 2011. The effect of different water quantities on yield, water use efficiency and cotton yield function in Mazandaran province, Iranian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Production Science. 21(1): 103-111. (In Persian).
Keshavarz, H., S.A.M. Modares-Sanavy, and M. Mahdipour-Afra. 2018. Organic and chemical fertilizer affected yield and essential oil of two mint species. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 21(6): 1674-1681.
Keyvan Rad, S., H. Madani, H. Heidari Sharifabadi, M. Mahmoudi, and G. Nourmohamadi. 2021. Evaluation of yield and yield components of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) in different treatments of irrigation distance and sowing date. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 15(59): 377-392. (In Persian).
Khatib, F., B. Torabi, and A, Rahimi. 2015. Assessing the effect of planting date on safflower cultivars growth and seed yield in Rafsanjan condition. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 13(2):316-317 (In Persian).
Khodabin, G., Z. Tahmasebi-Sarvestani, A.H. Shirani Rad, S.A.M. Modarres-Sanavy, and E. Bakhshandeh. 2020. The Effect of withholding irrigation and foliar application of Zn and Mn on yield and eco-physiological characteristics of rapeseed (Brassica napus). Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 18(1): 85-100.
Koocheki, A.R., J. Shabahang, S. Khorramdel, F. Najafi, and S. Bakhshaei. 2013. Effects of irrigation on grain yield and essential oil of fennel. The 1st Regional Congress on Medical Plants of North of Iran. Goegan, 8th May 2013. (In Persian).
Madani, H., B. Sani, and H. Golipour. 2018. Yield comparison of sesame cultivars and their physiological growth indices under chemical and biological potassium fertilizer applications. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 11(44): 837-856. (In Persian).
Mir, B., S. Ravan, and M.R. Asgharipour. 2011. Effects of plant density and sowing date on yield and yieldcomponents Hibiscus sabdariffa in Zabol region. Advances in Environmental Biology. 5(6): 1156-1161.
Nazeri, P., A.H. Shirani Rad, S.A. Valad Abadi, M. Mirakhori, and E. Hadidi Masoule. 2019. The effect of planting date and late season drought stress on eco-physiological characteristics of the new varieties of canola (Brassica napus). Journal of Agroecology. 11(1): 261-276. (In Persian).
Nazeri, P., A.H. Shirani Rad, S.A. ValadAbadi, M. Mirakhori, and E. Hadidi Masoule. 2018. Effect of sowing dates and late season water deficit stress on quantitative and qualitative traits of canola cultivars. Outlook on Agriculture. 47(4): 291-297.
Parsa Motlagh, B., P. Rezvani Moghadam, R. Ghorbani, and Z. Azami Sardooei. 2019. Yield and water use efficiency assessment of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) as affected by nutritional different resources and regimes of irrigation water. Environmental Stresses in Crop Sciences. 12(4): 1225-1236. (In Persian).
Rezvani Moghaddam, P. 2008. New and forgotten crops. 446 p in: Koocheki, A.R., and M. Khajeh Hosseini eds. Modern Agronomy. Publication by University Jahad of Mashhad.
Salih, R.F. 2019. Effect of sowing dates and varieties of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) on growth and yield parameters. Agricultural and Environmental Researches. 31 (3): 64-70.
Seghatoleslami, M.J., S.G. Mosavi, and T. Barzegaran. 2013. Effect of irrigation levels and planting date on yield and water use efficiency of Hibiscus sabdariffa Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 29 (1): 144-156. (In Persian).
Sharma, A., R. Deepa, S. Sankar, M. Pryor, B. Stewart, E. Johnson, and A. Anandhi. 2021. Use of growing degree indicator for developing adaptive responses: A case study of cotton in Florida. Ecological Indicators. 124: 107383. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107383
SiroosMehr, A., J. Arbabi, and M.R. Asghari Poor. 2011. The effect of drought stress and organic fertilizer levels on yield and some of morphological traits basil (Ocimumbasilicum) National Conference of Natural Products and Medicinal Plants, October 3. (In Persian).
Steve, P., E. Charles, and A. Michael. 2004. Cotton growth, lint yield, and fiber quality as affected by row spacing and cultivar. The Journal of Cotton Science. 8: 1-12.
Tabatabai, S.M.R., H. Madani, H. Heidari Sharifabad, G. Noormohammadi, and F. Darvish. 2021. Effect of planting date and nutritional treatments on yield and yield components of maize (Zea mays). Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 14(56): 519-534. (In Persian).
Taghvaei, M., A. Nasrolahizadehi, and A. Mastinu. 2022. Effect of light, temperature, salinity, and halopriming on seed germination and seedling growth of hibiscus sabdariffa under salinity stress. Agronomy. 12: 2491.
Zeinali, H., M. Bagheri Kholanjani, M.R. Golparvar, M. Jafarpour, and A.H. Shirani Rad. 2008. Effect of different planting time and nitrogen fertilizer rates on flower yield and its components in German chamomile (Matrica riarecutita). Iranian Journal of Crop Science. 10(3): 220-230. (In Persian).