The Effect of Winter Cover Crops on Plant Density, Biomass of Weeds and Potato Yield (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop Ecophysiology
Majid Rostami Yangjeh
Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim
Fatemeh Ahmadnia
Leyli Nabati Souha
1 - M.Sc. Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
3 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
4 - M.Sc. Student, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
Keywords: Yield, biomass, Rye, Residues, Weeds control,
Abstract :
To investigate the effect of winter cover crops on plant density, biomass of weeds and potato yield an experiment based on complete randomized block design with three replications was performed at Yingjeh Mullah Mohammad Reza village in Namin, Ardabil, Iran, in 2018. Treatments were rye (Secale cereal L.), hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth), chickling vetch (Lathyrus sativa L.) and Hungarian vetch (Vicia panonica L.). The results showed that the highest dry biomass was obtained from rye treatment (696 g.m-2), the lowest plant densities from its first and second sampling (9.3 and 23.6 plants per square meter, respectively. The lowest fresh and dry weed biomass from first sampling (175.8 and 52.2 g.m-2, respectively) were due to rye treatment. In addition, the lowest fresh and dry biomass of all weeds in the second sample indicated (377 and 134 g.m-2, respectively) were related to rye treatment. Also, the results indicated that the highest and lowest biomasses of weeds in both samples were related to the treatment of hairy vetch and chickling pea. The yield of potato tuber was not affected by the cover crops residues, and the effect of the cover crops did not different potato tuber yield significantly. The results show that rye has a significant effect on reducing the density, fresh and dry biomass of weeds in two sampling stages, but reduction in biomass of weeds does not necessarily indicate a positive effect of cover crops in the short term on improving crop yields.
· Ahmadnia, F., A. Ebadi, M. Hashemi, and A. Ghavidel. 2020. Investigating the short time effect of cover crops on biophysical properties of soil. Journal of Water and Soil Conservation. 26(6): 277-290. (In Persian).
· Akhavan, S., S.F. Moosavi, P. Mostafazadeh, and A. Gadami. 2007. Study of drip and furrow irrigation with regard to yield and WUE in potato cultivation. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 11(41): 15-26. (In Persian).
· Alebrahim, M., M. Rashed-Mohassel, S. Wilcokson, M. Baghestani, and R. Ghorbani. 2013. Evaluating of Some Preemergence Herbicides for Lambsquarter and Redroot Pigweed Control in Potato Fields. Journal of Plant Protection. 25(4): 358-367. (In Persian).
· Anonymus. 2018. WSSA. Composite list of weeds, Weed Science Society of America. Available at: weed/composite-listofweeds/. Accessed 06 March 2018.
· Asadi, Gh.A., and S. Khorramdel. 2014. Ratio effects of barley intercropped with hairy vetch on plant nitrogen content, population and diversity of weeds and yield. Journal of Crop Production. 7(1): 131-156. (In Persian).
· Azadbakht, A., Alebrahim, M.T., and Ghavidel, A. 2017. The effect of chemical and non-chemical control methods on weeds in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivation in Ardabil province, Iran. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. 15(4): 1359-1372.
· Dhima, K.V., I.B. Vasilakoglou, I.G. Eleftherohorinos, and A.S. Lithourgidis. 2006. Allelopathic potential of winter cereals and their cover crop mulch effect on grass weed suppression and corn development. Crop Science. 46: 345-352.
· Essah, S.Y.G., J.A. Delgado, M. Dillon, and R. Sparks. 2012. Cover crops can improve potato tuber yield and quality. Hort Technology. 22(2): 185-190.
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· Jahanzad, E., A.V. Barker, M. Hashemi, A. Sadeghpour, and T. Eaton. 2017. Forage radish and winter pea cover crops outperformed rye in a potato cropping system. Soil Fertility and Crop Nutrition. 109(2): 1–8.
· Karbalaei Khiavi, H., R. Fakhari, M.T. Alebrahim, and P. Sharifi Ziveh. 2016. The effect of winter rye (Secale cereale L.) as a cover crop on weed biomass, density and yield of forage maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Agroecology. 7(1): 140-154. (In Persian).
· Kobayashi, H., S. Miura, and A. Oyanagi. 2004. Effect of winter barley as a cover crop on the weed vegetation in a no-till soybean. Weed Biology and Management. 4: 195-205.
· Kruidhof, H., M.L. Bastiaans, and M.J. Kropff. 2008. Ecological weed management by cover cropping: effects on weed growth in autumn and weed establishment in spring. Weed Research. 48(6): 492–502.
· Lamei, J., and K.H. Alizadeh. 2012. Vicia panonica: A suitable cover crop for winter fallow in cold regions of Iran. Plant Stress. 6(1): 73-76.
· Majd, R., M.T. Alebrahim, H.R. Mohammaddust Chamanabad, M. Baghestani, and G. Nateghi. 2014. Integrated management of potato weeds using various agricultural and chemical methods. Journal of Plant Protection. 28(1): 44-54.
· Majidi, M., B. Mirshekari, B. Samedani, H. Hajinajari, and F. Frahvash. 2018. Effect of four cover crop species on weed control and population changes in Karaj region. Iranian Journal of Weed Science. 14(1): 11-22. (In Persian).
· Mousavi, M. 2011. Weed management, Principles and Methods. Marz-e- danesh Press.
· Ozpinar, H., S. Dag, and E. Yigit. 2017. Alleophatic effects of benzoic acid, salicylic acid and leaf extract of Persica vulgaris Mill. (Rosaceae). South African Journal of Botany. 108: 102-109.
· Sturm, D.J., G. Peteinatos, and R. Gerhards. 2018. Contribution of allopathic effects to the overall weed suppression by different cover crops. Weed Research. 58(5): 331-337.
· Turun, N., D. Işık, Z. Demir, and K. Jabran. 2018. Use of living, mowed, and soil-incorporated cover crops for weed control in apricot orchards. Agronomy. 8: 150-160.
· Uchino, H., K. Iwama, Y. Jitsuyama, K. Ichiyama, E. Sugiura, T. Yudate, S. Nakamura, and J. Gopal. 2012. Effect of inter seeding cover crops and fertilization on weed suppression under an organic and rotational cropping system. Field Crops Research. 127: 9-16.
Webster, T.M., B.T. Scully, T.L. Grey, and A.S. Culpepper. 2013. Winter cover crops influence Amaranthus palmeri establishment. Crop Protection. 52: 130-135.
· Ahmadnia, F., A. Ebadi, M. Hashemi, and A. Ghavidel. 2020. Investigating the short time effect of cover crops on biophysical properties of soil. Journal of Water and Soil Conservation. 26(6): 277-290. (In Persian).
· Akhavan, S., S.F. Moosavi, P. Mostafazadeh, and A. Gadami. 2007. Study of drip and furrow irrigation with regard to yield and WUE in potato cultivation. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 11(41): 15-26. (In Persian).
· Alebrahim, M., M. Rashed-Mohassel, S. Wilcokson, M. Baghestani, and R. Ghorbani. 2013. Evaluating of Some Preemergence Herbicides for Lambsquarter and Redroot Pigweed Control in Potato Fields. Journal of Plant Protection. 25(4): 358-367. (In Persian).
· Anonymus. 2018. WSSA. Composite list of weeds, Weed Science Society of America. Available at: weed/composite-listofweeds/. Accessed 06 March 2018.
· Asadi, Gh.A., and S. Khorramdel. 2014. Ratio effects of barley intercropped with hairy vetch on plant nitrogen content, population and diversity of weeds and yield. Journal of Crop Production. 7(1): 131-156. (In Persian).
· Azadbakht, A., Alebrahim, M.T., and Ghavidel, A. 2017. The effect of chemical and non-chemical control methods on weeds in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivation in Ardabil province, Iran. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. 15(4): 1359-1372.
· Dhima, K.V., I.B. Vasilakoglou, I.G. Eleftherohorinos, and A.S. Lithourgidis. 2006. Allelopathic potential of winter cereals and their cover crop mulch effect on grass weed suppression and corn development. Crop Science. 46: 345-352.
· Essah, S.Y.G., J.A. Delgado, M. Dillon, and R. Sparks. 2012. Cover crops can improve potato tuber yield and quality. Hort Technology. 22(2): 185-190.
· Gabriel, J.L., P. Almendros, C. Hontoria, and M. Quemada. 2012. The role of cover crops in irrigated systems: Soil salinity and salt leaching. Agricultural Ecology and Environment. 158: 200–207.
· Ghafari, M., G. Ahmadvand, M. Ardakani, I. Nadali, and F. Elahipanah. 2011. Effect of cover crops of rye, barley and rapeseed in two planting density on biomass, density and biodiversity of winter weeds. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 3(1):1-8. (In Persian).
· Jabran, K., G. Mahajan, V. Sardana, and B.S. Chauhan. 2015. Allelopathy for weed control in agricultural systems. Journal of Crop Production. 72: 57-65.
· Jahanzad, E., A.V. Barker, M. Hashemi, A. Sadeghpour, and T. Eaton. 2017. Forage radish and winter pea cover crops outperformed rye in a potato cropping system. Soil Fertility and Crop Nutrition. 109(2): 1–8.
· Karbalaei Khiavi, H., R. Fakhari, M.T. Alebrahim, and P. Sharifi Ziveh. 2016. The effect of winter rye (Secale cereale L.) as a cover crop on weed biomass, density and yield of forage maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Agroecology. 7(1): 140-154. (In Persian).
· Kobayashi, H., S. Miura, and A. Oyanagi. 2004. Effect of winter barley as a cover crop on the weed vegetation in a no-till soybean. Weed Biology and Management. 4: 195-205.
· Kruidhof, H., M.L. Bastiaans, and M.J. Kropff. 2008. Ecological weed management by cover cropping: effects on weed growth in autumn and weed establishment in spring. Weed Research. 48(6): 492–502.
· Lamei, J., and K.H. Alizadeh. 2012. Vicia panonica: A suitable cover crop for winter fallow in cold regions of Iran. Plant Stress. 6(1): 73-76.
· Majd, R., M.T. Alebrahim, H.R. Mohammaddust Chamanabad, M. Baghestani, and G. Nateghi. 2014. Integrated management of potato weeds using various agricultural and chemical methods. Journal of Plant Protection. 28(1): 44-54.
· Majidi, M., B. Mirshekari, B. Samedani, H. Hajinajari, and F. Frahvash. 2018. Effect of four cover crop species on weed control and population changes in Karaj region. Iranian Journal of Weed Science. 14(1): 11-22. (In Persian).
· Mousavi, M. 2011. Weed management, Principles and Methods. Marz-e- danesh Press.
· Ozpinar, H., S. Dag, and E. Yigit. 2017. Alleophatic effects of benzoic acid, salicylic acid and leaf extract of Persica vulgaris Mill. (Rosaceae). South African Journal of Botany. 108: 102-109.
· Sturm, D.J., G. Peteinatos, and R. Gerhards. 2018. Contribution of allopathic effects to the overall weed suppression by different cover crops. Weed Research. 58(5): 331-337.
· Turun, N., D. Işık, Z. Demir, and K. Jabran. 2018. Use of living, mowed, and soil-incorporated cover crops for weed control in apricot orchards. Agronomy. 8: 150-160.
· Uchino, H., K. Iwama, Y. Jitsuyama, K. Ichiyama, E. Sugiura, T. Yudate, S. Nakamura, and J. Gopal. 2012. Effect of inter seeding cover crops and fertilization on weed suppression under an organic and rotational cropping system. Field Crops Research. 127: 9-16.
Webster, T.M., B.T. Scully, T.L. Grey, and A.S. Culpepper. 2013. Winter cover crops influence Amaranthus palmeri establishment. Crop Protection. 52: 130-135.