Sociological analysis of the role of social movements in the formation of environmental policies
Saeed Ebrahimi Onbirbiglo
Ph.D. student of International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch, Tabriz, Iran
Mohammad Yousefi Joybari
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch, Tabriz, Iran. Corresponding author:
Seyyed Jamaluddin Dehghani Firouzabadi
Professor of the Department of International Relations, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran-Iran
Keywords: environment, social movements, environmental movements,
Abstract :
One of the most important dimensions of quality of life is safety and environmental health. Today, the issue of the environment has gained an important place in the public sphere and discourse or public opinion, and environmental movements have become one of the most important and strongest social movements and have had an impact on the decision-making process. These movements have been able to have decisive effects on other actors and on decisions, despite being very limited in terms of material power sources. The main goal of these movements is to develop environmental discourses and link environmental issues to societies that have achieved significant success in this way. In general, the theoretical debate about social movements has been significantly highlighted since the 1960s. The growth of the theoretical debate about how to understand and recognize social movements was a reaction to the growth and expansion of these movements within developed societies. The role of social movements in influencing environmental policies is significant and these movements have many abilities in this field. The attention of most governments, organizations, researchers and scientists has been drawn to the role of these movements, and this means the influence of social movements on environmental policies.
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2-Alizadeh, Massoud, Zaranshan, Shahram, Dolatabadi, Zohra (2017) Participation of non-governmental organizations in the creation and implementation of environmental rights of the European Union, Public Law Research Quarterly, 20th year, number 60, autumn
3-Askar Jalalian, Zarei, Mustafa, Afrogh, Abdul Mohammad (2017) Challenges of international criminal law in combating environmental crimes, International Police Studies Quarterly, Year 7, Number 33, Spring.
4-Barnes, S. H., & Kaase, M. (1979). Political action: Mass participation in five Western democracies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
5-Barry, John (1999) Environment and Social Theory. London and New York: Routledge. Cambridge University Press
6-Brilliants, A. B. & Fernandez, M. T. (2011). “Good Governance, Social Quality and Active Citizenship in Philippine”. International Journal of Social Quality, 1 (2).
7-Clarke, John N. and Edwards, Geoffrey R. (2004) “Introduction.” In Global Governance in the Twenty-First Century, Edited by John N. Clarke and Geoffrey R. Edwards, pp. 1-20. Houndmills and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Global Governance. London and New York: Routledge
11-Dell, K. (2002). “Participatory Environmentalism, The Forth Wave?”, Presented in Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August, 27 September
12-Esty, Daniel and Mendelsohn, Robert (1998) "Moving From National to International Environmental Policy". Policy Sciences 31: 225-235.
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14-Hoffmann, Matthew J. (2005) "What's Global About Global Governance? A Constructivist Account". In Contending Perspective on Global Governance Coherence, Contestation and World Order, Edited by Alicc Ba and Mathew J. Hoffmann, pp. 110-128. London and New York: Routledge.
15-Holdo, M. (2019). “Sincerity as Strategy: Green Movements and the Problem of Reconciling of Deliberative and Instrumental Action”, Environmental Politics, 28 (4).
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17-Khagram, Sanjeev, Riker, James V. and Sikkink, Kathryn (2002) "From Santiago to Transnational Social Movements/ Networks/ And Norms, Edited by Sanjeev Khagram,
18-Keshavarzii, Saeed, Khaje Nouri, Bijan, Ghaffarinasab, Esfandiar (2016) Evaluation of the effect of different media on the level of participation in environmental movements: the case of Iran's nature scavengers’ movement, Quarterly Journal of Public Policy-Strategic Studies, Vol. 7, No. 25, Winter.
19-Maiba, Hermann (2005) "Grassroots Transnational Social Movement Activist: The Case of People's Global Action". Social Focus 41-63.
20-Moshirzadeh, Homeira, Hashemi, Seyedeh Fatemeh (2012) The role of transnational movements in the global management of environmental affairs, Policy Quarterly, Journal of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Volume 43, Number 1, Spring.
21-Mosleh, Pegah (1400) Environmental issue: a priority in the construction of political theorizing, political and international approaches, period 13, number 1, autumn.
22-O' Neill, Kate (2009) The Environment and International Relations. Cambridge:
23-Roberts, Julian (2007) Marine Environment Protection and Biodiversity
24-Sardarnia, Khalil Elah (1400) Environmental movements in current political economies with a focus on the silent revolution theory, International Political Economy Studies, 4th period, 1st issue. Seattle: Transnational Advocacy Groups". In Restructuring World Politics
25-Simbor, Reza, Rafiei, Mohammad (2017) The Nature of Environmental Movements in the European Union, International Relations Research, 8th Volume, 4th Issue, Winter.
26-Smith, Jackie (2002) "Bridging Global Divides? Strategies Framing and Solidarity in Transnational Social Movement Organization". International Sociology 17 (4): 505-528.
27-Smith, Jackie and Fenter, Tina (2007) "Structural Approaches in the Sociology of social Movements". In Handbook of Social Movements Across Disciplines, Edited by Conny Roggeband and Bert Klandermans, pp. 13-57. New York: Springer.
28-Snow, D. E., & Oliver, P. E. (1995). Social movements and collective behavior: Social psychological dimensions and considerations. In K. S.
29-Ziniel. C. & Bradley, T. (2018). “Greening SMEs and the New Wave of the Environmental Social Movement”, International Journal of Social Quality, 8 (2).
30-Zurn, Michael (2004) Global Governance and Legitimacy Problems. Government and Opposition 39 (2): 260-87.
Research Paper
- Andrews, K. & Caren, N. (2010). “Making the News, Movements, Organizations, Media Attention and the Public Agenda”. American Sociological Review, 75(6)
2-Alizadeh, Massoud, Zaranshan, Shahram, Dolatabadi, Zohra (2017) Participation of non-governmental organizations in the creation and implementation of environmental rights of the European Union, Public Law Research Quarterly, 20th year, number 60, autumn
3-Askar Jalalian, Zarei, Mustafa, Afrogh, Abdul Mohammad (2017) Challenges of international criminal law in combating environmental crimes, International Police Studies Quarterly, Year 7, Number 33, Spring.
4-Barnes, S. H., & Kaase, M. (1979). Political action: Mass participation in five Western democracies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
5-Barry, John (1999) Environment and Social Theory. London and New York: Routledge. Cambridge University Press
6-Brilliants, A. B. & Fernandez, M. T. (2011). “Good Governance, Social Quality and Active Citizenship in Philippine”. International Journal of Social Quality, 1 (2).
7-Clarke, John N. and Edwards, Geoffrey R. (2004) “Introduction.” In Global Governance in the Twenty-First Century, Edited by John N. Clarke and Geoffrey R. Edwards, pp. 1-20. Houndmills and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
8-Coffin, Barbara (2002) Rethinking International Organization Deregulation and Conservation. New York: Springer.
9-Dalton, R. J. (2005). “The Greening of the Global Cross-National Levels of Environmental Group Membership”, Environmental Politics, 14 (4).
10-Dalton, R. J. (2015). “Waxing or Waning? The Changing Patterns of Environmental Activism”, Environmental Politics, 24 (4).
Global Governance. London and New York: Routledge
11-Dell, K. (2002). “Participatory Environmentalism, The Forth Wave?”, Presented in Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August, 27 September
12-Esty, Daniel and Mendelsohn, Robert (1998) "Moving From National to International Environmental Policy". Policy Sciences 31: 225-235.
13-Gvosdev, Nikolas K. (2005) "Communitarian Realism". American Behavioral Scientist 48 (12): 1591-1606.
14-Hoffmann, Matthew J. (2005) "What's Global About Global Governance? A Constructivist Account". In Contending Perspective on Global Governance Coherence, Contestation and World Order, Edited by Alicc Ba and Mathew J. Hoffmann, pp. 110-128. London and New York: Routledge.
15-Holdo, M. (2019). “Sincerity as Strategy: Green Movements and the Problem of Reconciling of Deliberative and Instrumental Action”, Environmental Politics, 28 (4).
16-Jessop, B. (2010). “Redesigning the State, Reorienting State Power and Rethinking the State”, in in K.T. leicht&J.C.Jenkins (eds), Hand Book of politics Politics and State and Society in Global Perspective, New York, springer publications.
17-Khagram, Sanjeev, Riker, James V. and Sikkink, Kathryn (2002) "From Santiago to Transnational Social Movements/ Networks/ And Norms, Edited by Sanjeev Khagram,
18-Keshavarzii, Saeed, Khaje Nouri, Bijan, Ghaffarinasab, Esfandiar (2016) Evaluation of the effect of different media on the level of participation in environmental movements: the case of Iran's nature scavengers’ movement, Quarterly Journal of Public Policy-Strategic Studies, Vol. 7, No. 25, Winter.
19-Maiba, Hermann (2005) "Grassroots Transnational Social Movement Activist: The Case of People's Global Action". Social Focus 41-63.
20-Moshirzadeh, Homeira, Hashemi, Seyedeh Fatemeh (2012) The role of transnational movements in the global management of environmental affairs, Policy Quarterly, Journal of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Volume 43, Number 1, Spring.
21-Mosleh, Pegah (1400) Environmental issue: a priority in the construction of political theorizing, political and international approaches, period 13, number 1, autumn.
22-O' Neill, Kate (2009) The Environment and International Relations. Cambridge:
23-Roberts, Julian (2007) Marine Environment Protection and Biodiversity
24-Sardarnia, Khalil Elah (1400) Environmental movements in current political economies with a focus on the silent revolution theory, International Political Economy Studies, 4th period, 1st issue. Seattle: Transnational Advocacy Groups". In Restructuring World Politics
25-Simbor, Reza, Rafiei, Mohammad (2017) The Nature of Environmental Movements in the European Union, International Relations Research, 8th Volume, 4th Issue, Winter.
26-Smith, Jackie (2002) "Bridging Global Divides? Strategies Framing and Solidarity in Transnational Social Movement Organization". International Sociology 17 (4): 505-528.
27-Smith, Jackie and Fenter, Tina (2007) "Structural Approaches in the Sociology of social Movements". In Handbook of Social Movements Across Disciplines, Edited by Conny Roggeband and Bert Klandermans, pp. 13-57. New York: Springer.
28-Snow, D. E., & Oliver, P. E. (1995). Social movements and collective behavior: Social psychological dimensions and considerations. In K. S.
29-Ziniel. C. & Bradley, T. (2018). “Greening SMEs and the New Wave of the Environmental Social Movement”, International Journal of Social Quality, 8 (2).
30-Zurn, Michael (2004) Global Governance and Legitimacy Problems. Government and Opposition 39 (2): 260-87.
Research Paper