The investigating types of cultural consumption in Shiraz based on the "Voraciousness" approach of Sullivan and Katz-Grove in 2020
Subject Areas : sociology
Rasool Yusefi
Majid Reza Moghanipour
Zarekhalili Fathollah
Fariba Garavi Manjili
1 - M.A student of art searching, Faculty Of Art And Architecture, Shiraz University
2 - * Assistant Professor of art, Faculty Of Art And Architecture, Shiraz University (corresponding author) (
3 - Assistant Professor of art, Faculty Of Art And Architecture, Shiraz University
4 - Assistant Professor of art, Faculty Of Art And Architecture, Shiraz University
Keywords: Cultural activities, Cultural consumption, Voraciousness, Cultural habits,
Abstract :
Although consumption is a matter for human societies, it is only in the last century that it has emerged on a large scale as one of the fundamental features of society. Many consider consumption as an ideological phenomenon that plays a fundamental role in maintaining social relations as well as maintaining relationships between people and their physical environment. Cultural consumption is also considered as one of the forms of consumption, prone to perform different social functions. In the present article, the effect of social and personal characteristics on the diversity and frequency of cultural consumption and habits has been investigated using the "Voraciousness" approach. In this research, which is a survey method and was conducted using a questionnaire in Shiraz, by using the available resources, the necessary criteria for compiling a questionnaire were extracted then divided among 376 people and the relationship among the economic, cultural, social capital and other variables such as age, gender, education, etc. with the diversity and frequency of cultural habits and uses were investigated. The main results mentioned are the effect of cultural and social capital on the diversity and abundance of cultural activities and habits, the effect of gender on the diversity of cultural habits, the effect of marital status on the frequency of cultural activities and other cases.
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