Sociological explanation of the role of social media on the degree of ethnic convergence
Subject Areas : sociologyHesam SHirazeh mohabat 1 , Mohammad Abbaszadeh 2 , Mehran Samadi 3 , Samad Abedini 4
1 - PhD student of communication, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch.
2 - Professor in sociology department, university of Tabriz. E- mail:
3 - Assisstant professor and head of department of communication, Isamic Azad university, Tabriz Branch.
4 - Assisstant professor of sociology, Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal Branch.
Keywords: Urmia, social media, Convergence of ethnicities, Kurdish ethnic group, Turkish ethnic group,
Abstract :
Ethnic identity and its intensification and prominence is one of the important social issues of multiethnic countries. This is especially important in underdeveloped countries. The integration of ethnic groups, considering its profound impact on the realization of national and social security and confronting any destructive social effects, is necessary and essential in order to be able to cooperate with each other while establishing unity in order to preserve collective interests. This, along with the existence of political and social will, requires the creation of a culture and unity of procedure in this direction. The main role in this field is played by social media so that they can use their unparalleled power in this direction. This can only be achieved through the optimal use of social media. Accordingly, this study aims to determine the relationship between the use of social media and the degree of ethnic convergence in Urmia, which is a survey using the research method and the statistical population includes all citizens over 20 years of age in Urmia, which according to the latest census is equal to 512166 people, 970 of whom have been selected for the study by simple random sampling according to Cochran's formula. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS and Lisrel software, which showed the hypothesis of a significant relationship between ethnic convergence and the role of social media..
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