Teleology and Feasibility of Social Development in Iran
Subject Areas : sociologyZohre Shahbazi 1 , mehdi mobaraki 2 , Najme Mostafavi 3
1 - (Corresponding author) Instructor of social development department, (ACECR), Markazi Province Unit,
2 - research Instructor, social development research department, ACECR, Markazi Province, Iran
3 - Researcher of social development department, (ACECR), Markazi Province Unit
Keywords: Social Development, feasibility, Teleology, Development Plans, international agents of development,
Abstract :
This paper argues that in Iran social development is put on a par with associated concepts like social policy, human development and fighting poverty and discrimination; and still residual approach is exercised to explore it. It seems that this fallibility is rooted in distorted perceptions of ontology, teleology and feasibility applied in social development and lack of unanimity on how to deal with them. This study tries to scrutinize true potentials of social development in large-scale plans and laws practiced in Iran to facilitate the feasibility of social development and delineate ontology and teleology of this concept. Doing so, congruencies with international approaches are clarified. Returning a unanimous verdict among scholars and policy-makers, guidelines to terminate social and structural regression are discussed.
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