Pinpointing The Miscellaneous Causes and Reasons of Failure in Intercultural Communications from Iranian Teachers' Viewpoints
Subject Areas : آموزش زبان انگلیسی
وحید قربانی
حمیدرضا دولت آبادی
1 - دانشگاه اراک
2 - دانشگاه اراک
Keywords: Failure, Intercultural Communication, Linguistic Need, Cultural Need, Emotional Need,
Abstract :
This study sought to probe and explain the causes and sources of failure or lack of success in intercultural communication. Thus, the researchers selected one hundred (100) participants to take part in this study. 20 participants out of 100 took part in the interview session willingly. The participants were all English language teachers from Golestan province, Iran. The researchers used the ICC questionnaire and structured interview to collect the required data. To analyze the data, the researchers used the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and inductive content analysis. The results revealed that miscellaneous factors could cause failure among which linguistic, cultural, and emotional factors are the most important agents in failing intercultural communications. In fact, linguistic, emotional, and cultural factors are the three macro-sources that cause failure in intercultural communications. Each of these macro-sources has its sub-sets and micro-sources such as language proficiency, sociocultural knowledge, motivation, etc. In the meantime, context and the interlocutor are other factors that affect these three macro-sources and they should be taken into account. This study is of high importance for intercultural experts, psychologists, and international students to be able to find the roots of intercultural hurdles easily and eradicate them.
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