Apology variations among Persian EFL learners in Iran, Iranian-Americans and American English speakers
Subject Areas : آموزش زبان انگلیسی
Golshan Isvandi
Hossein Shokouhi
1 - Shahid Chamran university
2 - School of Languages and Linguistics & Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
Keywords: speech act, apology, transcultural studies,
Abstract :
This study aimed to compare the use of the apology speech act and other semantic formulas among Iranian EFL learners, American native speakers of English, and Iranians living in America for four years. We conducted a transcultural investigation on the use of apology strategies in the two cultures, and then assessed the effects of living in the target language context. The data were collected using a Discourse Completion Test (DCT), and then coded based on the Cohen and Olshtain’s (1981), and Istifçi (2009) classification of apology speech act. The results showed significant differences between the use of apology strategies by Iranian EFL learners and American speakers in apology verbs. Also, we found that the Iranians who had lived in America were successful in reaching the target language’s cultural norms. This improvement was mainly because of living in the target language context and learning through interaction. We also found that the act of flattery among Persian users which is a subcategory of a cultural habit called ta’arof is a strategy to amend their mistakes. The results of this study might be useful for sociolinguists, transcultural researchers, and foreign language teachers.
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