The Legal Principles of Reconsideration of Judge's Vote
Subject Areas : Private law
Jafar Jafarzadeh
Mohammad Jafari Harandi
Rahmat Farahzadi
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Law & Jurisprudence, Yadegar Imam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahr Rey, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Law & Jurisprudence, Yadegar Imam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahr Rey, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Law & Jurisprudence, Yadegar Imam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahr Rey, Iran
Keywords: Fair trial, jurisprudential, Reconsideration, principles,
Abstract :
Obviously, the truth is that the judge is not immune from error and mistake by virtue of being human. In each case, the probability of mistake and error cannot be ruled out, therefore, it is necessary to monitor the manner of judgment and the issuance of a verdict, and on the other hand, the acceleration of the investigation and the season of hostility require that the supervision of the proceedings to be over at one point. The precision in the proceedings and monitoring the manner of the courts procedure in the above instances involve great importance, but it should not be in such a way that to preclude the termination of claims, henceforth in most countries, after two degrees of litigation. It is assumed that the verdict is in accordance with the fact that it is strictly forbidden to appeal the case (the validity of the closed case). Today this rule is considered to be the most basic rules of procedure, which in the two-stage hearing, in the time of the protest to the verdict and the period for the review, the enforcement of the ruling of the first court, shall be suspended.
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