Jurisprudential and legal explanation of request and acceptance in government tenders and auctions
Subject Areas : Jurisprudence and private law
Samira Sadat Dolatabadi
Mohsen Valayati
Alireza Pour Ismaili
1 - PhD student in private law, Neyshabur Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabor, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Sabzevar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor of Private Law, Hakim Sabzevari University. Sabzevar, Iran.
Keywords: Acceptance, Government Contracts, Auction, Request, ceremonial contract, tender,
Abstract :
In terms of volume and high value, government contracts are of interest to business activists and private sector businessmen. Government contracts, like other contracts, must have the basic conditions of correctness of transactions. In addition, Article 79 of the Public Accounts Law stipulates another condition for the conclusion of government transactions, according to which the conduct of government transactions must be through tenders and auctions, and the terms of auctions and tenders are also in the Public Accounts Law and other regulations for government agencies. It has been specially established. Despite this, the legislator is silent about the role of certain conditions in the formation and conclusion of government contracts. This has caused the nature of government contracts to be ambiguous; Among other things, considering the general rules of contracts and the special rules contained in the special regulations of government transactions, when will the request be issued in government contracts and as a result, what will be the time of concluding the contract? It will be very important to accurately determine the time of issuing the request and the time of concluding the contract, considering the large volume of government transactions and maintaining the rights of the parties to the contract. The results of this research show that there are three stages from the beginning of the tender and auction procedures to the signing of the contract. Publication of tenders and auctions, price proposals from bidders and auctioneers, and finally signing the contract. It seems that the call for tenders is neither a requirement nor a contract, but rather an invitation to make a transaction, and as a result, the price offer of the bidders against the call for tenders is a requirement. Therefore, by determining the winner and concluding the contract, government contracts are concluded.
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