The Philosophy of the Exercise of Restrictive Punishments under the Criteria of Discretionary Punishment
Subject Areas : Private lawMohammad Hadi Sadeghi 1 , Javad Riahi 2
1 - Teacher
2 - Teacher
Keywords: Proportion of act and reaction, Criminal's character, Victim's interests, Restrictive punishment,
Abstract :
According to the sources of Islamic jurisprudence, expediency of judge in the selection of discretionary punishment means that the judge should choose the best reaction by considering the criteria related to three elements of crime, victim and criminal. Therefore, the examination of these elements demonstrates the reactions that may be chosen. The present study, using a descriptive–analytical method, has examined criteria related to those elements and has found out that the consideration of the criteria and norms of discretionary punishment, sometimes, necessitate the exercise of the restrictive punishment as the most advisable and the most effective reaction. Therefore, judges should determine restrictive punishment in appropriate cases and legislator and judicial directors should guide and conduct judges to exercise the restrictive punishments in those situations.
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