Jurisprudential and Legal Review of Bioterrorism
Subject Areas : Private law
Ahmad Moradkhani
Fatemeh Rahmani
1 - Department of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
2 - Department of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: Biological, Bioterrorism, Science and technology, Legitimate defense, Jurisprudential rules,
Abstract :
Based on the spread of the phenomena of terror and terrorism in today's world, its changing form is simultaneous with the progress of science and technology, the utilization of biological agents in humans, animals, plants, medicines, foodstuffs, etc. and ultimately the annihilation of human beings in order to dominate the resources of other nations. It is to an extent that biological agents are used as biological or bio-terroristic weapons to destroy and weaken others. Therefore, after defining the bioterrorism, its jurisprudential and legal review, correspondence of this type of terror with the jurisprudential components and reviewing the jurisprudential verdict of defense against this phenomenon are among the objectives of this article. Content reporting is investigated as library and field research. The permission or lack of permission of using bioterrorism weapons is also investigated.
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