Analysis of Contrary Approaches and Problems about the Theory of "Jurisprudence of the System"
Subject Areas : Islamic lowMajid Nourzad Kohsareh 1 , Hamid Masjedsaraei 2
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor in Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Keywords: Governmental Jurisprudence, Shahid Sadr, Jurisprudence of system, Social jurisprudence, Secular jurisprudence, Rival approach,
Abstract :
Firstly, the theory of "jurisprudence of social systems" was crystallized by Shahid Sadr in the book Iqtisaduna (Our Economics) and has been reported as a new approach in jurisprudence, in which the Islamic mujtahid, different from the micro and individual view, to jurisprudence and the category of ijtihad, with a systematic and comprehensive view seeks to analyze jurisprudential issues. He or she seeks to infer the "social systems" from religious sources. Therefore, as individual jurisprudence is responsible for expressing individual rules and duties and is responsible to religionize the actions and conduct of individuals in the jurisprudence of the system, while relying on the Rationalists' decision and the mantaghat-al-faragh. As one of the main elements of this approach, the jurisprudence of the system is responsible for infering the rules of governmental and social structures and relations in order to administer the religious and divine management of society. Therefore, the jurisprudence of the system is an approach that creates the government, society and sovereignty, and in the field of jurisprudence and ijtihad, it competes with its rivals."Secular jurisprudence" and "social jurisprudence" are considered as the two main approaches in front of the "jurisprudence of the system" approach. This article, by emphasizing the re-reading of these views and proposing the problems and disadvantages of the approach of the jurisprudence of the system in order to violate them, insists on the conclusion that all the opposite approaches are rejected and do not have the power to resist in front of the claimant approach.
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