The Validity and Effect of the Dominance of Persuasion of the Judge's Conscience on the Purpose of the Trial
Subject Areas : Private law
Rahman Valizadeh
Sayyad mohammad sadegh Mosavi
asghar arabiyan
1 - , PhD Candidate, Department of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - teacher
3 - , Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: persuation of the judge's conscience, determination of the truth, hostility resolution, administration of justice, Islamic litigation,
Abstract :
In advanced and Islamic societies, with the evolution and advancement of legal and judicial systems, the courts are seeking the fundamental goal of justice which is the determination of truth and the administration of justice in the field of rules of litigation. For this purpose, the type of selecting and the choice of judicial system to achieve this goal is of crucial importance. Therefore, the traditional view in the Islamic jurisdiction which mostly defines Judement as resolution of hostility must be altered to ensure judge’s confidence and conscientious trust regarding judicial principles of the litigation. By expanding the powers of the judge and the scope of the substantiatoin value of the claim, the method of finding evidence, and the sovereignty of persuasion of the judge's conscience, the judge must take steps to determine the truth and administer justice. In the study, conducted by analytical and descriptive method, we concluded that the purpose of litigation in the legal systems of the world as well as the Islamic one, especially in criminal matters related to the lives and bodies of individuals, is to determine the truth and ultimately administer justice. This goal can be achieved with the credibility and dominance of a system established to convince the judge's conscience.
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