Comparison of serum beta-carotene and vitamin A levels in sheep of Khalkhal region in open and closed breeding system
Subject Areas : Veterinary Clinical Pathologyesmaiil Amani Firoozabad 1 , Ali Hassanpour 2 , amir ganj khanloo 3 , Abdollah Dolatabadi 4
1 - D.V.M. Graduate, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
3 - Resident of Large Animal Internal Medicine, Department of Clinical Pathology and Large Animal Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
4 - D.V.M. Graduate, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: Sheep, Vitamin A, Beta-carotene, Open and Closed breeding system,
Abstract :
Retinol or vitamin A is an essential fat-soluble vitamin. Because of the particular role of vitamin A in different tissues and organs, various clinical signs are seen during its deficiency. In addition, in cases of marginal deficiency without clinical signs performance defects, such as infertility are seen. This study was conducted to determine the serumic amounts of beta-carotene and vitamin A of sheep in Khalkhal city. During the summer of 2018; 200 blood samples (100 males and 100 females) were collected from jugular veins of sheep. Spectrophotometry was used for determination of vitamin A and β-carotene levels. The mean±SEM concentration of β-carotene and vitamin A of serum in the open breeding system were 19/5±9/3 (µg/dl) and 57/6±13/1 (µg/dl) respectively, and also in the closed breeding system these values were 19/2±9/6 (µg/dl) and 26/9±7/9 (µg/dl) respectively. The difference between vitamin A in the two groups was significant (p < /em>=0.000), but beta-carotene was not. There was no significant difference in levels of vitamin A and beta-carotene of serum in the four age groups and between the two sexes. In conclusion, the role of age, sex and nutrition in the serumic amounts of these compounds is significantly varied and laboratory results should be interpreted more cautiously.
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- Remillard, R.L. (1990). Oral vitamin A supplementation to debilitated cattle during sahelian dry season. Preventative Veterinary Medicine, pp: 173-183.
- Smith, B.P. (2009). Vitamin A deficiency. In: Large Animal Internal Medicine. Smith, B.P. editor. 4th ed., Missouri: Mosby Company, pp: 1028-1030.
- Suzuki, J.I. and Katoh, N. (1990) A simple and cheap methods for measuring serum vitamin A in cattle using spectrophotometer. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science, 52(6): 1281-1283.
- Afshari, G., Hassanpoor, A., Haghpanah, H. and Amoughli tabrizi, B. (2008). Seasonal variation vitamin A and beta-carotene Levels in Ghezel Sheep. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Animal Science, 32(2): 127-129.
- Baraka, T.A. (2012). Clinical evaluation of vitamin A, β-carotene, vitamin E and cortisol levels in health and selected disease in camel. Journal of American Science, 8(1): 106-111.
- Barbados, L. (1992). Distribution of vitamin A content in the hepatic lobes in horse, cattle, swine, dogs and chicken. Veterinary Bulletin, 62(2): 645.
- Betford, P.G.C. (2004). Ocular disease. In: Bovine Medicine. Andrews, A.H. editor. 2nd ed., London: Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp: 917-926.
- Blakley, B.R. and Bell, R.J. (1994). The vitamin A and vitamin E status of horses raised in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 35(5): 297-300.
- Evans, A.G. (2009). Alternation in skin. In: Large Animal Internal Medicine. Smith, B.P. editor. 4th ed., Missouri: Mosby Company, pp: 178.
- Fraser, C.M. (1991). The Merck Veterinary Manual. 7th ed., USA: New Jersey, Merck, pp: 1199.
- Frye, S. (1991). Vitamin A deficiency in cattle. Veterinary Clinics of North American: Food Animal Practice, 7(1): 217-275.
- George, L.W. (2009). Disease production cortical Signs. In: Large Animal Internal Medicine. Smith, B.P. editor. 4th ed., Missouri: Mosby Company, pp: 975.
- Ghadrdan, A.R, Jalali, M. and Mostashar, N.B. (2013a). Beta-carotene content in blood serum and the liver of slaughter buffaloes in Ahvaz. Proceeding of the 2nd International Congress of Large Animal Practitioner, pp: 135.
- Ghadrdan, A.R., Sazmand, A., Karimian, A. and Hekmatimogadam, S.H. (2013b). Normal values and seasonal differences in the serum concentration of vitamin A and beta-carotene in the Iranian camel. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 7(2): 91-94.
- Ghadrdan, A.R., Mehri, M., Bokaie, S. and Basiri, N. (2006). Study to changes of vitamin A and beta-carotene levels of serum in breeds of Holstein calves. Veterinary Journal of Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, 1(2): 15-20. [In Persian]
- Ghadrdan, A.R., Khaje, G. and Mokhtari, P. (2013c). Seasonal changes Vitamin A and beta-carotene levels of serum in Khozestan of Arab horses. Journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 7(2): 1874-1880. [In Persian]
- Ghadrdan, A.R., Bazargani, T., Bokaie, S. and Poorkabire, M.A. (2003). Seasonal changes of vitamin A and beta-carotene levels of serum and liver in Holstein cows. ACTA Veterinaria Scandinavica, Supplemenyum, 98: 255.
- Ghadrdan, A.R. (2011). Vitamin A content in blood plasma and the liver of slaughter buffaloes in the Ahvaz. Proceeding of the 1st International Congress of Large Animal Practitioner, pp: 105.
- Handan, M., Yeter, D. and Nihat, M. (2007). Vitamin status in yearling rams with growth failure. Turkish Journal Veterinary Animal Science, 31(6): 407-409.
- Hedayat, N., Ghadrdan, A.R., Shahriari, A. and Zarei, M. (2016). Determination of beta-carotene and vitamin A contents of serum and liver of sheep slaughtered in Ahvaz abattoir during different seasons of the year. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 10(39): 213-224. [In Persian]
- Herdt, T.H. and Stowe, H.D. (1991). Fat-soluble vitamin nutrition of dairy cattle. Veterinary Clinics of North American: Food Animal Practice, 7(2): 391-415.
- Mashayekhi, M., Khayat Nouri, M.H., Ebadi, A.R. and Panahi F. (2010). Comparison of the serumic levels of vitamin A, vitamin C and zinc between apparently healthy and those affected by febrile pneumonia in Ghezel sheep. Journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 4 (3): 883-890. [In Persian]
- Radostits, O.M., Gay, C., Constable, P.D. and Hinchcliff, K.W. (2007). Veterinary Medicine. 10th ed., W.B. Saunders, London, pp: 1771-1777.
- Rahman, A. (2005). Residual effect of heavy metals due to used drinking water polluted with sewage on health serum antioxidant vitamins in sheep and goat in assiut governorate. Assiut University Bulletin Environmental Research, 8(1): 41-50.
- Remillard, R.L. (1990). Oral vitamin A supplementation to debilitated cattle during sahelian dry season. Preventative Veterinary Medicine, pp: 173-183.
- Smith, B.P. (2009). Vitamin A deficiency. In: Large Animal Internal Medicine. Smith, B.P. editor. 4th ed., Missouri: Mosby Company, pp: 1028-1030.
- Suzuki, J.I. and Katoh, N. (1990) A simple and cheap methods for measuring serum vitamin A in cattle using spectrophotometer. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science, 52(6): 1281-1283.