Evaluation of the effect of adding different levels of n-3 fatty acids to the Bioxcell® extender on freezing ability of goat semen
Subject Areas : Veterinary Clinical Pathologyمهدی Ansari 1 , آرمین Towhidi 2 , محمد Moradi Shahrbabak 3
1 - Faculty of Agricultural Science and Engineering, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
2 - Faculty of Agricultural Science and Engineering, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
3 - Faculty of Agricultural Science and Engineering, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: Semen, n-3 fatty acid, Freezing ability, Bioxcell®,
Abstract :
The objective of this study was to investigate adding different levels of a n-3 fatty acid source to the Bioxcell® extender on freezing ability of goat semen. Six mature Mahabadi bucks were selected and semen was collected using an artificial vagina. Semen samples were pooled together and divided into four equal groups, after evaluating for qualitative characteristics. Treatment groups were supplemented by 0, 0.1, 1 and10 ng/ml levels of n-3 fatty acid, respectively. The rates of motility, progressive motility, viability and sperm abnormality were evaluated and recovery rate was calculated. Data were analyzed using proc GLM of SAS. Percentage of motility and recovery rate were significantly higher in 10 ng/ml group than the other groups. Percentage of progressive motility was significantly higher in 10 and 0.1ng/ml than the other groups. Percentage of viability was significantly lower in 1ng/ml group than the other groups. Percentage of abnormality was not significant between the levels of n-3 fatty acid. The results indicated that adding of 10 ng/ml n-3 fatty acids to extender could improve freezing ability of goat semen.
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