Designing an Employer Brand Model in Small and Medium Industries Using Meta-Synthesis Method: Human Resource Productivity in Focus
Subject Areas : Business Management
Amir Laleh
Hosein Gharabiglo
Mojtaba Ramazani
Soleyman Iranzadeh
1 - Ph.D. Candidate of Department Business Management, Ajab Shir Branch, Islamic Azad University, AjabShir, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Ajab Shir Branch, Islamic Azad University, AjabShir, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
4 - Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: small and medium industries, Meta-synthesis, Employer Brand,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to design an employer brand model in small and medium industries in Iran. To this end, using Sandlowski and Barroso’s (2007) seven-step method of combining, related categories (dimensions), concepts (components) and codes (indicators) were extracted. The statistical population included a collection of the related articles and studies in the field of employer branding and related concepts. The researchers considered various parameters such as title, abstract, content, and quality of research methodology and based on screening, review and selection from among 218 articles, 60 valid articles were obtained. In order to determine the validity of the meta-synthesis method, Glynn vital evaluation tool was used and to determine its reliability, the inter-rater reliability coefficient was used, which was found to be 0.83. The results revealed that three dimensions including (1) individual development values, (2) organizational values, and (3) social-economic values, play a significant role on the employer brand in small and medium industries of Iran. The results suggest that the proposed model is considered as the most suitable employer brand model in small and medium industries of Iran from cultural, organizational and structural perspectives.
Armstrong M (2006). Strategic Human Resource Management, 3rd edition, ed. Kogan Page London, 23(5), 142-172.
Backhaus, K. Tikoo, S., (2004). ” Conceptualizing and Researching Employer Branding”, Career Development International, Vol. 9, No. 5, p. 501-517
Brandt. E. & Kull. P. (2007) Talent Management: How firms is Sweden find and nurture value adding human resources, Internationally Handelshogskolan, Available at:
Brett Minchin ton and Kaye Thorne (2007)"Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Employer Brand ", Human Resource Managazin12: 14-16.
Buck, H. & Dworschak, B. (eds.) 2003.” Ageing and work in Europe. Strategies at company level and public policies in selected European countries”. Demography and Employment. Öffentlichkeits- und Marketingstrategie demographischer Wandel.
Cachelin, J. L. Bodderas, M. Maas, P. (2009): HoheErwartungen. Die Befragung von Mitarbeitern eines Schweizer Unternehmens hilft die Struktur des Employer Brandings aufzuschliisseln,in:Personal, H.5,S.22-24.
Castro, & Armario and Ruiz, (2004). "The Influence of Employee Organizational Citizenship Behavior Customer Loyalty", International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15)1(, 27-53.
Catalano, A. (2013). Patterns of graduate students ‘information seeking behavior: a meta-synthesis of the literature. Journal of Documentation, 69(2): 243-274.
Chernatony, Leslie (2006). From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation, M.A. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1-320.
Chi-Min, Wua and Tso-Jen, Chen, (2015), Psychological contract fulfillment in the hotel workplace: Empowering leadership, knowledge exchange, and service performance, International Journal of Hospitality Management, NO. 48, PP. 27-38.
D’Annunzio-Green, N. (2008). Managing the Talent Management Pipeline. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 807-819.
Dagmar, Babčanová & Miroslav, Babčan & Eva, Odlerová, (2010), Employer Branding – Source of Competitiveness of the Industrial Plants, the Journal of Slovak University of Technology, No 18 (29), PP. 55-61.
Danaeifard, H and Latifi, M and Naghipourfar, V and Meshbaki, a, (2010), reflecting the Concept of Employee Discipline: A Quranic Approach, Quarterly Journal of Teacher of Humanities - Management Research in Iran, fall, 14(3). 91-119.
De Chernatony L.; (2001), From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation; Butterworth & Heinemann: Oxford, 1-392.
Denison, D.; Cho, H.J. and Young, J. (2000). Diagnosing Organizational Culture: a model and method, working paper, International for management development, 23(1), 145-161.
D’Annunzio-Green, N. (2008). Managing the Talent Management Pipeline. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 807-819.
Esgandari, G. H., Esgandari, K., Beikzad, J., & Kordbacheh, S.H.(2012),The Effect of Manager’s Moral Intelligence on Their Communication Skills in the Social Welfare Organization, Quarterly Journal of Productivity Management, 6(2), 105-128, (In Persian).
Esgandari k, Jazani N, Memarzadeh Tehran Gh , Mousakhani M & Mohtashami A.(2018),
Designing an Optimal Model for Human Resource Brand in Iranian’ Estate Organizations (in Line with Human Resource Productivity), Quarterly Journal of Productivity Management, 47(12), 109-148, (In Persian).
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Backhaus, K. Tikoo, S., (2004). ” Conceptualizing and Researching Employer Branding”, Career Development International, Vol. 9, No. 5, p. 501-517
Brandt. E. & Kull. P. (2007) Talent Management: How firms is Sweden find and nurture value adding human resources, Internationally Handelshogskolan, Available at:
Brett Minchin ton and Kaye Thorne (2007)"Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Employer Brand ", Human Resource Managazin12: 14-16.
Buck, H. & Dworschak, B. (eds.) 2003.” Ageing and work in Europe. Strategies at company level and public policies in selected European countries”. Demography and Employment. Öffentlichkeits- und Marketingstrategie demographischer Wandel.
Cachelin, J. L. Bodderas, M. Maas, P. (2009): HoheErwartungen. Die Befragung von Mitarbeitern eines Schweizer Unternehmens hilft die Struktur des Employer Brandings aufzuschliisseln,in:Personal, H.5,S.22-24.
Castro, & Armario and Ruiz, (2004). "The Influence of Employee Organizational Citizenship Behavior Customer Loyalty", International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15)1(, 27-53.
Catalano, A. (2013). Patterns of graduate students ‘information seeking behavior: a meta-synthesis of the literature. Journal of Documentation, 69(2): 243-274.
Chernatony, Leslie (2006). From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation, M.A. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1-320.
Chi-Min, Wua and Tso-Jen, Chen, (2015), Psychological contract fulfillment in the hotel workplace: Empowering leadership, knowledge exchange, and service performance, International Journal of Hospitality Management, NO. 48, PP. 27-38.
D’Annunzio-Green, N. (2008). Managing the Talent Management Pipeline. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 807-819.
Dagmar, Babčanová & Miroslav, Babčan & Eva, Odlerová, (2010), Employer Branding – Source of Competitiveness of the Industrial Plants, the Journal of Slovak University of Technology, No 18 (29), PP. 55-61.
Danaeifard, H and Latifi, M and Naghipourfar, V and Meshbaki, a, (2010), reflecting the Concept of Employee Discipline: A Quranic Approach, Quarterly Journal of Teacher of Humanities - Management Research in Iran, fall, 14(3). 91-119.
De Chernatony L.; (2001), From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation; Butterworth & Heinemann: Oxford, 1-392.
Denison, D.; Cho, H.J. and Young, J. (2000). Diagnosing Organizational Culture: a model and method, working paper, International for management development, 23(1), 145-161.
D’Annunzio-Green, N. (2008). Managing the Talent Management Pipeline. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 807-819.
Esgandari, G. H., Esgandari, K., Beikzad, J., & Kordbacheh, S.H.(2012),The Effect of Manager’s Moral Intelligence on Their Communication Skills in the Social Welfare Organization, Quarterly Journal of Productivity Management, 6(2), 105-128, (In Persian).
Esgandari k, Jazani N, Memarzadeh Tehran Gh , Mousakhani M & Mohtashami A.(2018),
Designing an Optimal Model for Human Resource Brand in Iranian’ Estate Organizations (in Line with Human Resource Productivity), Quarterly Journal of Productivity Management, 47(12), 109-148, (In Persian).
Fombrun, C. J., & Van Riel, C. B. M. (2003), Fame & fortune: How successful companies build winning reputations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1-273.
Foster, C., Punjaisri, K., Cheng, R. 2010,"Exploring the relationship between corporate, internal and employer branding", Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 19, No. 6 p.401– 409.
Freer, T. (2012). Social media gaming – a recipe for employer brand success. Strategic HR Review, 11(1), 13-17.
Hafez Nia, M. Reza, (2016), Introduction to Research Methodology in Humanities, Samat Publications, 21st Edition, 1-418. [In Pershian]
Hamidianpour, F and Ziaeebeideh, A and Ardakani, M. S, (2013), Presenting a Model for Investigating the Implications of Employer Brand Equity Using Structural Equation Modeling Approach, Two Quarterly Journal of Business Management Research, 5(9). 1-20. [In Pershian]
Hamidizadeh, A and Babashahi, J and Mohammadnejadfadredi, M, (2016), Identifying, validating and ranking the attractiveness dimensions of the employer brand (Case study: Job seekers in Qom), Quarterly Journal of Organizational Culture Management, 14(1). 301-321. [In Pershian]
Haidari, E, (2012), A Study of Factors Affecting Employee Brand Performance with Internal Branding Approach (Case Study of Keshavarzi Bank of Iran), M.Sc. Thesis, Payame Noor University of Tehran, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Management Business. [In Pershian]
Hosseini, Y and Mousavi, A and Ziaei Bideh, A, (2013), Presenting a Model to Explain Brand Equivalence Based on Employees in Commercial Insurance of Yazd Province, Quarterly Journal of Modern Marketing Research, Year 3, 1(8). 1-16. [In Pershian]
Iranzadeh, S and Zanjani, S (2012), The Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Participatory Management of Female Teachers (Case Study), woman & study of family, 4(14), 65-83. [In Pershian]
Jason Aver book (2005)," Connecting CLOs with the Recruiting Process", Chief Learning Officer, 4, 24-27.
Jiang, T &,. Iles, P. (2011). Employer-brand equity, organizational attractiveness and talent management in the Zhejiang private sector, China. Journal of Technology Management in China, 6(1), 97-110.
Johns, P., Van Doreen, D.C. (2010). Competitive intelligence in service marketing a new approach with practical application, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol.28, No.5, PP.551-570.
Jones, G.R. and J.M. George, 2003. Contemporary management. New York: McGraw Hill.
Jonze, Johanna & Oster, Hedwig, (2013), Employer Branding in Human Resources Management, Foretagsekonomiska institutional, Kandidatuppsats HT 2012, Inlamningsdatum: 17 January 2013, UPPSALA University.
Khalil Shourini, S, (2012), Mixed Research Methods (with Emphasis on Localization), Tehran, Yadavare Ketab Publications, First Edition, 1-272. [In Pershian]
Khan Alizadeh, R and Kordanaij, A and Fani, A and Meshbaki, A, (2010), the Relationship between Empowerment and Organizational Learning (Case Study: Tarbiat Modares University), Transformation Management Research Journal, 2(3). 20-45. [In Pershian]
Khodami, S and Osanloo, B, (2015), Designing an Employer Attraction Model Based on Building a Distinguished Employer Brand, Quarterly Journal of Organizational Resource Management Research, 5(1).pp. 1-23.
Khoshnood, E, (2011), the effect of the main dimensions of the job on the level of organizational commitment of the employees of the Social Security Organization of Sanandaj. [In Pershian]
Knowles Jonathen (2006)."In search of a reliable measure of brand equity",
Königová, Martina & Urbancová, Hana, (2013), Evaluation of Factors influencing Human Resource Branding in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, nternational Journal of Marketing and Human Resource Management (IJMHRM), International Journal Of Marketing And Human Volume 4, Issue 1, January - April (2013), PP.59-67.
Kornberger, M. (2010), Brand Society: How Brands Transform Management and Lifestyle, Cambridge University Press, 1-330.
Kotler, P. (2003). Marketing Management, 11th ed., Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Krishnan, B., &Hartline, M. D. (2001). Brand equity: Is it more important in services? Journal of Services Marketing, 15(5), 328-342.
Kucherov, D., & Zavyalova, E. (2012). HRD practices and talent management in the companies with the employer brand. European Journal of Training and Development, 36(1), 86-104
Kudret, S. (2014). Branding the Employment Experience. The ESCP Europe 9th International Marketing Trends Conference, January 24-25, Venice, Italy.
Kunerth, B. & Mosley, R. 2011,"Applying employer brand management to employee engagement", Strategic HR Review, Vol. 10 No. 3 p. 19 – 26
Lai, C. S., Chiu, C. J., Yang, C. F. & Pai, D. C. (2010). The effects of corporate social responsibility on brand performance: The mediating effect of industrial brand equity and corporate reputation, Journal of Business Ethics, 95(3): 457–469.
Lair, D., Sullivan, K., & Cheney, G. (2005). Marketization and the Recasting of the Professional Self". Management Communication Quarter, 18(3), 307-343.
Lance A. Berger, Dorothy R. Berger, (2004), The Talent Management Handbook (McGraw-Hill books), 1-704.
Lari Semnani, Behrouz, and Sanavi Fard, Rasoul, (2014), Employee Branding Model Based On Individual And Organizational Values In The Iranian Banking Industry, Asian Economic and Financial Review, Vol. 4(12): PP.1726-1740.
Lennick، D., & Kiel, F., (2005), Moral intelligence: The key to enhancing business performance and leadership success, Wharton School Publishing, An imprint of Pearson Education, 1-286.
Lievens, F. (2007). Employer branding in the Belgian Army: The importance of instrumental and symbolic beliefs for potential applicants, actual applicants, and military employees. Human Resource Management (special issue: Human Resource Management and Leadership Lessons from the Military), 46(1), 51-69.
Melissa John and Phil Roberts (2006)" Rules of Atraction", Marketing Health Service, 26:38-40.
Memon, A.M. And A.N. Kolachi, 2012. Towards employee branding: A nexus of HR & marketing. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 4(2): 51-52.
Miles, S.J. And G. Mangold, 2004. A conceptualization of the employee branding process. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 3(2/3): 65–87.
Miles, S.J. And W.G. Mangold, 2005. Positioning Southwest airlines through employee branding. Journal of Business Horizons, 48(6): 535-545.
Rahimian, A, (2013), Employer Brand; New Strategy for Human Capital Management, Bi-Quarterly Journal of Human Resource Management Research, Imam Hossein University, 5(2). 127-150. [In Pershian]
Rahimonia, Fariborz and Alizadeh, Massoud, (2009), A Study of Organizational Culture Dimensions Based on Denison Model from the Perspective of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Faculty Members, Quarterly Journal of Educational Studies and Psychology, Ferdowsi University, 10(1): 147 -170. [In Pershian]
Rahman Sarsht, Hossein and Rafiei, Mahmoud and Koosha, Morteza, (2009), Social Responsibility; Extra-organizational ethics, Tadbir Monthly, 19(204). 22-26. [In Pershian]
Rajaei, Hamzeh and Rezvani, Mahmoud Reza and Heidari Sourshajani, Sajjad and Moradi Pardjani, Hojjatollah, (2015), The strategic importance of the employer brand in attracting and retaining human resources, The Second International Conference on Futurology, Management and Economic Development, Mashhad. [In Pershian]
Rezadoost, and Irani, H and Hamidizadeh, A, (2016), the effect of employer brand on employee retention by considering the mediating variables of involvement and organizational citizenship behavior, Brand Management Quarterly, 3 (48). 65-94. [In Pershian]
Rezaei, A and Khalilzadeh, A, (2009), the relationship between social intelligence of principals and job satisfaction of school teachers, 2(7). 121-145. [In Pershian]
Rezaei-Jandani, M and Hoveida, R and Samavatian, H, (2015), Predicting the Dimensions of Psychological Empowerment Using the Components of Psychological Capital in Primary School Teachers in Isfahan, Quarterly Journal of Psychological Knowledge and Research Applied Science, 16(1). 78-87. [In Pershian]
Schermerhorn, John R. Jr., Hunt, Osborn R., N. (2005). Organizational Behavior, Wiley, Management, eighth edition, 1-696.
Roberts, P. W. & Dowling, G. R. (2002). Corporate reputation and sustained superior financial performance, Strategic Management Journal, 23(12): 1077- 1093.
Rousseau, D., 1995, Psychological contracts in organization; Understanding written and unwritten agreements. Thousand Oaks, CA7 Sage Publications, 1-264.
Saeedi Moghaddam, F, (1995), A Study of the Relationship between Educational and Religious Construction of the Family and Moral Values (Love, Chastity, Responsibility) of Tehran Adolescents, M.Sc. Thesis, Tehran Teacher Training University. [In Pershian]
Saks, A., S. Taggar and R. Haccoun. 2002, “Is Training Related to Firm Performance?” Human Resources Management Research Quarterly, International Alliance for Human Resources Research, Vol. 6, No. 3, 5 p.
Salimokhanian, S, (2012), A Study and Determination of Brand-Based Human Resource Management on Brand Psychological Ownership and Brand Citizenship Behavior, M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Faculty of Management. [In Pershian]
Sanchez, J. & Sotorrio, L. (2007). The creation of value through corporate reputation, Journal of Business Ethics, 76(3): 335- 346.
Sanchez, J., C. (2010). University training for entrepreneurial competencies its impact on intention of creation. Springer Science+Business Media, 7(2), 239-254.
Sandelowski, M. and Barros, J. (2007). Handbook for Synthesizing Qualitative Research. Springer publishing company Inc, 1-311.
Sarmad, Z, Bazargan, A and Hejazi, E. (2010). Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences, Tehran: Ad Publishing. [In Pershian]
Sepahvand, S, (2013), How to influence the brand-based human resource management on customer satisfaction with the company's brand with a focus on black box processes, M.Sc. Thesis, Lorestan University, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics. [In Pershian]
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