Identifying factors affecting the competence of heads of units and centers of Islamic Azad University in accordance with the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution (case study of Islamic Azad University units in the northwest
Subject Areas : Human resources management)Seyed samad Emadi vahdi 1 , mohammadreza mardani 2 , Nader Bohlouli 3 , Mojtaba Ramazani 4
1 - Ph.D.Candidate, of Public Administration Department, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, ،Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iranic Azad University, Marand, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
Keywords: Managerial competences, Statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution, Islamic Azad University of the Northwest of the country,
Abstract :
The present research was conducted with the aim of identifying the effective factors of the competencies of heads of units and centers of Islamic Azad University based on the second step statement of the Islamic Revolution, a case study of Islamic Azad University units in the northwest branches. During the years 2021–2022, among the heads and vice-chairs of the Islamic Azad University units in the northwest, we conducted the present study in two qualitative and quantitative stages. In the first stage, a qualitative study was conducted to examine and complete the components using the Delphi technique. Then, a cross-sectional study with a descriptive approach tested the identified factors in the larger community, determining the impact of each factor. In the qualitative part, a semi-structured interview was used to identify factors, and in the quantitative part, a researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect the data. Simultaneously with data collection, a qualitative content analysis was performed by identifying semantic units (codes) and classifying them into categories. Then, one-sample t-test and Friedman's rank test were used to analyze the data. The research findings indicate that 14 factors influence the competencies of units and centers heads at Islamic Azad University, aligning with the second step of the Islamic Revolution. Among these 14 factors, the appointment of appropriate managers at Islamic Azad University holds the most significant influence. The scientific and professional development of managers, the revolutionary and Islamic competencies of managers, the components of jihadi management, and the cognitive competence of managers are the five most significant factors, respectively.
Key Words: managerial competencies, statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution, Islamic Azad University , northwest branches
Identifying and employing competent managers is one of the most important challenges and concerns of organizations, especially scientific and academic centers. Competence is a set of abilities, skills and capabilities that enable a person to act creatively in different situations. Competent managers play a key role in directing and controlling the affairs of the organization by making the right decisions, providing creative solutions and responding to their duties. The use of competent managers is a factor in the sustainability and progress of organizations.
Within the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the selection of competent managers, especially in academic centers, is of double importance because these managers can become the basis for providing better services to students and improving the level of public welfare. The declaration of the second step of the Islamic revolution is a comprehensive and forward-looking document that has outlined the path of the rulers of the society. In this statement, the use of talented and efficient human resources with a revolutionary and jihadist spirit is emphasized. In order to fulfill the goals of this statement, the indicators and components related to each of the competencies required by managers at universities should be identified. Hence, developing a competency model for the selection of managers of Islamic Azad University is an important step towards realizing this.
It seems that identifying and employing competent managers at universities, through the system of meritocracy in the selection of managers based on the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution, plays a key role in promoting the efficiency, effectiveness and progress of these institutions. This will lay the foundation for the education of revolutionary generations committed to the Islamic system, as well as providing better services to the people.
2- Literature review
The research results of Hoffmann (1999), Job and Robosham (1997), Levenson (2005), Palan (2005), Rabin, Mastura, CT Mariam and Zaini (2007) show that the required competencies, appropriate to various departments, positions and organizations are different, as a result, a number of organizations have defined their scope of competence differently (Rita & Gracie, 2020). It is argued that the higher the qualifications of university presidents are, the better the quality of the education system is. Therefore, university managers, as the main decision-making elements, should have the necessary competences and qualifications for this important task (Elami Jahan &Taqavi, 2019).
Achieving the goals of the mission statement and the policies mentioned in the "mission statement, policies and directions" requires a strong, purposeful and effective management group and dynamic, caring and conscientious faculty members. This is not possible without capable and competent people. People who are selected by the competent authorities, taking into account concrete and pre-determined criteria and who are worthy to hold organizational and scientific positions. To achieve this important goal, the first step is to identify the criteria and indicators of the competence for the selection of managers and university faculty members (Mosizadeh & Kaviani, 2018). In the process of selecting the meritorious, the rule of law should take the place of nepotism and the selection of leaders of organizations should be based on the principles governing meritocratic organizations (Mousavi, 2019).
3- Methodology
This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the factors affecting the competences of heads of departments and centers of Islamic Azad University according to the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution in two qualitative and quantitative stages. In the qualitative phase, using semi-structured interviews with heads and deputy heads of the units, factors affecting competencies were identified. In the quantitative stage, using Delphi technique and questionnaire, these factors were prioritized and confirmed.
In the qualitative phase, 16 heads and deputy heads of the units were interviewed. Through qualitative content analysis of the interviews, 92 primary codes and 22 categories were extracted. These categories were classified into six main categories including "individual competencies", "management competencies", "organizational competencies", "ethical competencies", "revolutionary competencies" and "competencies related to the statement of the second step of the Islamic revolution".
In the quantitative stage, a questionnaire with 22 questions was used to collect the data from 270 heads and deputy heads of the units. The findings of this stage showed that the six categories of competences identified in the qualitative stage are also of great importance from the heads and deputy heads’s points of view. Also, there is a significant relationship between individual, managerial, organizational, moral, revolutionary competencies and those related to the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution with the general competence of the heads and deputies of the units.
This research showed that the competencies of the presidents and vice presidents of the Islamic Azad University units and centers correspond to the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution in six main categories including "individual competencies", "management competencies", "organizational competencies", "ethical competencies", "revolutionary competencies" " and "qualifications related to the statement of the second step of the Islamic revolution" and can be accordingly classified. These findings can be used to formulate the competency model for the selection of presidents and vice presidents of units and centers of Islamic Azad University and to improve the level of their competencies.
4- Result
This research examines the factors affecting the competencies of heads of departments and centers of Islamic Azad University according to the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution. The key findings show that 14 categories and 159 open codes were identified for these factors. These classes include the following: religious and belief competencies, revolutionary and Islamic competencies, individual and professional responsibility competencies, personality traits, justice-oriented spirit, justice competencies, cultural competencies, perceptive competencies, foresight competencies, scientific competencies and professional development, jihadi management components, mandatory qualifications, and the appointment of qualified managers.
Additionally, using the one-sample t-test, the effect of each of these factors on the competencies was investigated. The results showed that all these factors have an impact on the competencies with a 95% confidence level. Friedman's test was also performed to rank these factors. The top five factors are, respectively, the appointment of qualified managers, scientific competencies and professional development, revolutionary and Islamic competencies, jihadi management components, and cognitive competencies.
5- Discussion
The findings of this research are consistent with previous research. Choosing the right managers as the most important factor affecting the competencies. Other effective factors include scientific and professional, revolutionary and Islamic competencies, as well as jihadist and perceptive management. The findings of this research can be used to improve the quality of management and leadership and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of universities and other organizations and institutions. Also, these findings provide the basis for strengthening the competency-based human resource management approach.
This research was conducted at Islamic Azad University and the findings may not be generalizable to other universities. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect the data, however, some influencing factors may have been overlooked.
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