Key Factors Affecting Steel Industry Supply Chain Productivity
Key Factors Affecting Steel Industry Supply Chain Productivity
Subject Areas : Industrial Management
Reza Besharatizadeh 1 , Reza Radfar 2 , Abbas Toloie Eshlaghy 3 , Mohammad reza Motadel 4
1 - Ph.D. candidate Department of in Industrial Management, Emirates Branch, Islamic Azad University, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
2 - Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - .Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Supply Chain, Productivity, supply chain management, steel industry, SCOR model,
Abstract :
Efficient supply chain as well as the proper management of its components play an important role in supply chain productivity. The steel industry is one of the mother industries and needs to further enhance its chain productivity. The purpose of the present study is to identify key factors affecting the productivity of national steel supply chain. In order to identify the factors affecting steel supply chain productivity, the SCOR model has been used and its indices have been validated by CVR and CVI forms as well as by steel industry experts, based on which the designed questionnaire was distributed among the managers and experts of the steel industry and the data were collected. Finally, the data analysis was performed using confirmatory factor analysis with structural equations and PLS software. The factors affecting supply chain productivity were confirmed by 30 indices and 6 factors.The results revealed that all 6 factors influence steel supply chain efficiency, however, among these factors, the enabler’s factor
Efficient supply chain as well as the proper management of its components play an important role in supply chain productivity. The steel industry is one of the mother industries and needs to further enhance its chain productivity. The purpose of the present study is to identify key factors affecting the productivity of national steel supply chain. In order to identify the factors affecting steel supply chain productivity, the SCOR model has been used and its indices have been validated by CVR and CVI forms as well as by steel industry experts, based on which the designed questionnaire was distributed among the managers and experts of the steel industry and the data were collected. Finally, the data analysis was performed using confirmatory factor analysis with structural equations and PLS software. The factors affecting supply chain productivity were confirmed by 30 indices and 6 factors.The results revealed that all 6 factors influence steel supply chain efficiency, however, among these factors, the enabler’s factor
Key Words: supply chain, supply chain management, productivity, steel industry, SCOR model
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Van, N., Vikas, K., Archana, K., Arturo, G., Supalak, A., (2016). The role of supply chain integration in achieving competitive advantage: A study of UK automobile manufacturers. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM), Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1-8.
Azar, A; GholamReza, R; Ghanavati, M.(2012) “Route structural modeling in management: application of Smart PLS Software”, Tehran:Negah Danesh Publication, 1-280.[In Persian].
Cagliano, R., Worley, C. G., & Caniato, F. F. (2016). The Challenge of Sustainable Innovation in Agri-Food Supply Chains. In Organizing Supply Chain Processes for Sustainable Innovation in the Agri-Food Industry (pp. 1-30).Emerald Group Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/S2045-060520160000005009
Espadinha-Cruz, P., Grilo, A., Puga-Leal, R., & Cruz-Machado, V. (2011). A model for evaluating Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green practices interoperability in supply chains. Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2011(pp.1209-1213), Singapore. doi:10.1109/IEEM. 2011.6118107.
Fornell, C. &Larcker, D.(1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Modeling with Unobserved ariables and Measurement Error, Journal of Marking Research, 18(1):39-50. doi:10.2307/3151312
Gefen, D. & Straub, D.W.(2005). A Practical Guide to Factorial Validity Using PLS-Graph: Tutorial and Annotated Example. Communications of AIS, 16 (1): 91-109. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.01605
Güner, H. M., Çemberci, M., & Civelek, M. E. (2018). The Effect of Supply Chain Agility on Firm Performance, 4(2), 25-34.
Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., Anderson, R.E. & Tatham, R.(2006). Multivariate Analysis (6th ed.), New Jersey: Pearson Education In, 1-761.
Hair, J.F., Ringle, C.M. & Sarstedt, M.(2011). PLS-SEM: indeed a silver bullet, Journal of Marketing heory and Practice, 19 (2): 139-151. doi:10.2753/MTP1069-6679190202
Henseler, J., & Fassott, G.(2011). Testing moderating effects in PLS path models: An illustration of available procedures. In Handbook of partial least squares. Pp. 713-735, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-32827-8_31
Handfield, R., Nichols, E. L. (1999) “Introduction to Supply Chain Management”. New Jersey, N. J.: Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
Khamseh, A; Ghodarzi, M; Asghari, M.(2019), “Identification of key success factors of R&D collaborations with an approach to future in MAPNA Group Supply Chain Management, journal of future studies management, 30(3), 81-92.[In Persian].
Lii, P., Kau, F. (2016). Innovation-oriented supply chain integration for combined competitiveness and firm performance. Intern. Journal of Production Economics, 174, 142-155. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.01.018
Kumar, V., Chibuzo, E., Reyes, J., Kumari, A., Lona, L., Torres, G., (2017). The Impact of Supply Chain Integration on Performance: Evidence from the UK Food Sector. Procedia Manufacturing 11 (2017)814–82. doi:10. 1016/j.promfg.2017.07.183
Rimienė, Kristina. 2011. “Supply Chain Agility Concept Evolution(1990- 2010)”, Journal of Economics and Management, 892-899.
Sabegh, M. H. Z., Caliskan, A., Ozturkoglu, Y., & Cetiner, B. (2019). Testing the Effects of Agile and Flexible Supply Chain on the Firm Performance Through SEM. In System Performance and Management Analytics (pp. 35-46). Springer, Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-7323-6_3
SCC(2004), Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model:, Overview Version 7.0.
Sarkis,J.,Zhu,Q.and Laai,KH.(2011) An organizational theoretic review of green supply chain management literature, International journal of Production Economics,Vol.130,No.1,pp.1-15.doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2010.11. 010
Srvulaki, E., & Davis, M. (2010). "Aligning product with supply chain processes and strategy". The international journal of logistic management, 21, 127- 151. doi:10.1108/09574091011042214
Tarofder, A. K., Haque, A., Hashim, N., Azam, S. M., & Sherief, S. R. (2019). Impact of Ecological Factors on Nationwide Supply Chain Performance. Ekoloji Dergisi, 28(107):695-704.
Van, N., Vikas, K., Archana, K., Arturo, G., Supalak, A., (2016). The role of supply chain integration in achieving competitive advantage: A study of UK automobile manufacturers. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM), Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1-8.