Designing a Welfare Model for the Employees of Real Estate Registry Offices in order to Improve Efficiency and Success: East Azarbaijan Province in Focus
Subject Areas : Human resources management)
Arezo Mehdipour
Sadegh Maleki Avarsin
Jahangir Yari Haj Atalo
Zarin Daneshwar
1 - .Ph.D.Candidate of Educational Management Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor,Department of Educational Sciences,Tabriz Branch,Islamic Azad University,Tabriz,Iran
3 - Assistant Professor,Department of Educational Sciences,Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tabriz,Iran
4 - Assistant Professor,Department of Educational Sciences,Tabriz Branch,Islamic Azad University,Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: social welfare, Mental Welfare, welfare model, Objective welfare, document registration staff,
Abstract :
Human resource productivity is one of the main concerns of managers of organizations, and they always try to identify factors affecting productivity, one of which is employee welfare. The purpose of the present research is to identify the components of the welfare affairs of the property and document registration staff in East Azerbaijan Province in order to provide a suitable model. In this qualitative research, metacombination strategy and content analysis are employed. The studied population included 110 articles, dissertations and Persian and English books written from 2015 to 2022, among which 56 items that were more relevant to the purpose of the present research were purposefully selected as the sample of the study, coded and classified. Then, the main themes were extracted, consolidated, rethought and rearranged. The findings show that the well-being model can be classified into three dimensions: mental, objective and social: the main themes of mental well-being include twelve categories, the objective well-being includes eight categories, and the social well-being includes twelve categories. Therefore, it seems crucial to pay attention to various dimensions of the welfare of the registry office employees. The present model, designed for the welfare of the employees, makes it possible to provide suitable grounds for their health and job satisfaction, and in this way, increase their productivity.
Amirkhani, T., & Burhani, T. (2015). Motivation of public sector employees: study of the effect of job characteristics and employees' welfare. Iranian Management Sciences Quarterly, Bahar, year11, number41, pp.73-98, (In Persian).
Amirkhani, T., & Sephovand, R., & Arifnejad, M. (2016). Human resource management tasks and organizational performance: by examining the role of social and psychological capital. Iranian Management Sciences Quarterly, (34), 105-124,( In Persian ). ISSN: 2588-4573.
Vesali, S., & Omidi, R. (2013). The relationship between ethics, economy and social welfare. welfare planning and social development quarterly, volume 4, number 12, 79-104.( In Persian ).
Azizi, N., &Jaafari, P., &Gholami, K., & Isisabad, S. (2016). How Kurdistan teachers perceive their well-being and the factors affecting it based on the foundation's data approach. Journal of Educational Sciences of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, year 24, number 2, pp.109-128,(In Persian).
Bakhshi, R.M., &Falaki, M., & Beyranvand, K. (2021). A Analysis of Subjective-Well being among the Villagers of Kuhdasht County, Journal of rural research, vol12, Num3, 482-501., (In Persian). doi:10.22059/jrur.2021.317430.1606
Bari, N. (2014). social welfare, translated by Akbar Mirhosni and Morteza Nourbakhsh, Tehran, Samat, 1-196. ( In Persian ).
Bargahi, H. (2017). Mental well-being and factors affecting it among young people living in Tehran, Tehran, master's thesis of Allameh Tabatabai University 1-196.( In Persian ).
Bradaran, M., & Hosseinpour, N. (2014). The relationship between the social capital and the mental performance of employees of the Ministry of Welfare and Social Security, Social Welfare Research Quarterly, 13(49), 41-66.( In Persian ).
Barghi, p. (2021). The effect of employee well-being and job stress on employee commitment in the municipalities of Gilan province, Journal of New Research Approaches in Management and Accounting, 5(19), pp. 954-962,( In Persian ). ISSN: 2588-4573
Barnett-Page, E and Thomas, J. (2009), Methods for the synthesis of qualitative research:A critical review. UK:ESRC National Centre for Research Methods, 1-26.
Blanchflower, D.(2007). Is unemployment costlier than inlation? NBER. working paper, 1-42.
Burhani, T., & Hadizadeh, A.(2015). A study of the influencing factors on employees' mental well-being, Public Administration Perspectives Quarterly, Fall, No. 27,( In Persian ).
Camfield, Laura; Guillen-royo, Monica; Velazco, Jackeline. (2010). Does needs satisfaction matter for psychological and subjective well-being in developing countries, A Mixed-Methods Illustration from Bangladesh and Thailand, Journal of Happiness studies, Vol.11 , Issue4 .
Chaharduli, S., & Motamedzadeh, M., & Hamidi, Y., & Golmohammadi, R., & Soltanian, A. (2014). investigating the relationship between job design, performance and job satisfaction among the employees of Bank Mellat, Tehran, occupational health and safety quarterly, 4th year, 3rd term, 75-84. (In Persian).
Chandra, S.P., &Madhu K., & Raghunath, K. (2016). A Take on Employee Welfare Facilities and Employees’ Efficiency, International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management Volume 7. Issue 3, July-September, Page No.54-70. doi:10.4018/IJABIM.2016070104.
Choudhary ,S. (2017). Employee welfare: A scheme of wise investment, International Journal of Advanced Education and Research, Volume 2, Issue 1, 1-6. ISSN: 2455-5746.
Cotton, p., &Hart, p.(2015). Occupational well-Being and performance, A Review of organizational Health Research, Insight SRC pty Ltd and the university of Melboure, Australia, 38(2), 118-127.
Darvishi, B., & Omidi, M., &Esmat, F.(2016). Multidimensional approach to mental well-being case study: Ilam University employees, Economic Modeling Quarterly, Winter,Year 10, Number 4, Pages 75-100,(In Persian).
Easterlin, R. (2001). In come and happiness: Towards a unified theory, Economic Journal, N.111, 473, 465-484.
Ebrahimi, M. (2017). A look at social welfare researches in Iran, Tehran, Social Security Quarterly, 13(46), 1-32. ( In Persian ).
Elmi, G., & Hamidieh, B. (2010). The consequences of welfare culture for religiosity, Tehran, Islamic Philosophy and Kalam Quarterly, year 43, number 2, 83-101.( In Persian ).
Esco, A., &Pir Alalai, N., &Yazdan Panah, A.A. (2016). The effect of leadership style on employees' well-being (Case study: employees of the General Department of Education, Tehran), Allameh Tabatabai University Leadership and Educational Management Research Quarterly. Summer, second year, number 8, pp. 71-95,( In Persian ).
Farin, H., &Peyman, Z., &Seyyedi, A. (2018). Effects of biophilic design patterns on the health and well-being of employees: a systematic review, ergonomics research paper, Zamestan, year 7, number 4, 1-11.,(In Persian).
Qarakhani, M. (2014). Welfare policies of faculty members in Iran, Tehran, Social Sciences Quarterly, No. 21(66), 126-168. ( In Persian).
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Firouzabadi, A., & Hosseini, R. (2014). The relationship between trust, awareness and social network with social welfare in Tehran, Tehran, Social Welfare Quarterly, 13th year, number 49, 7-39.( In Persian).
Firouzabadi, A. (2010). Parallelism and inconsistency in Iran's welfare system, Tehran, Social Science Monthly Book, 14th year, number 34,( In Persian).
Fouladiyan, M., & Fatemi, Z., & Ghafarizadeh, M. (2008). Theoretical foundations of the welfare state from Popper's point of view, Mashhad, Journal of Social Sciences of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 2(5), 141-160. (In Persian).
Frey, B., & Stutzer, A. (2000) Happiness, Economy and Institutions, Economic Journal, 110(466), 918-938.
Furuto, S. (2013). social welfare in East Asia and pacific, New York, Columbia university press., 23(3), 342-343.
Hanifar, H., &Emami, M., &Pourabrahim, S.(2010). Surveying and measuring the job suitability of employees and providing solutions to improve it, Tehran, Management and Human Resources Quarterly in the Oil Industry, No. 4(11), 41-58. (In Persian).
Hechter, M. (2015). Karl-dieter, social norms, russell sage foundation.
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Issa Khani, A., & Barazandeh, L. (2015). The effect of social support on employees' well-being through the mediation of work addiction and work attachment, Imam Hossein University Human Resources Management Research Quarterly, Fall, Year 7, Number 3. pp. 108-83,( In Persian ).
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Kesebir, p., & Diener, E. (2018). Inpursuit of Happiness: Empirical Answers to philosophical Questions. perspectives on psychological science, Volume 3(2), 59-74. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6916.2008.00069. x.
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Amirkhani, T., & Sephovand, R., & Arifnejad, M. (2016). Human resource management tasks and organizational performance: by examining the role of social and psychological capital. Iranian Management Sciences Quarterly, (34), 105-124,( In Persian ). ISSN: 2588-4573.
Vesali, S., & Omidi, R. (2013). The relationship between ethics, economy and social welfare. welfare planning and social development quarterly, volume 4, number 12, 79-104.( In Persian ).
Azizi, N., &Jaafari, P., &Gholami, K., & Isisabad, S. (2016). How Kurdistan teachers perceive their well-being and the factors affecting it based on the foundation's data approach. Journal of Educational Sciences of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, year 24, number 2, pp.109-128,(In Persian).
Bakhshi, R.M., &Falaki, M., & Beyranvand, K. (2021). A Analysis of Subjective-Well being among the Villagers of Kuhdasht County, Journal of rural research, vol12, Num3, 482-501., (In Persian). doi:10.22059/jrur.2021.317430.1606
Bari, N. (2014). social welfare, translated by Akbar Mirhosni and Morteza Nourbakhsh, Tehran, Samat, 1-196. ( In Persian ).
Bargahi, H. (2017). Mental well-being and factors affecting it among young people living in Tehran, Tehran, master's thesis of Allameh Tabatabai University 1-196.( In Persian ).
Bradaran, M., & Hosseinpour, N. (2014). The relationship between the social capital and the mental performance of employees of the Ministry of Welfare and Social Security, Social Welfare Research Quarterly, 13(49), 41-66.( In Persian ).
Barghi, p. (2021). The effect of employee well-being and job stress on employee commitment in the municipalities of Gilan province, Journal of New Research Approaches in Management and Accounting, 5(19), pp. 954-962,( In Persian ). ISSN: 2588-4573
Barnett-Page, E and Thomas, J. (2009), Methods for the synthesis of qualitative research:A critical review. UK:ESRC National Centre for Research Methods, 1-26.
Blanchflower, D.(2007). Is unemployment costlier than inlation? NBER. working paper, 1-42.
Burhani, T., & Hadizadeh, A.(2015). A study of the influencing factors on employees' mental well-being, Public Administration Perspectives Quarterly, Fall, No. 27,( In Persian ).
Camfield, Laura; Guillen-royo, Monica; Velazco, Jackeline. (2010). Does needs satisfaction matter for psychological and subjective well-being in developing countries, A Mixed-Methods Illustration from Bangladesh and Thailand, Journal of Happiness studies, Vol.11 , Issue4 .
Chaharduli, S., & Motamedzadeh, M., & Hamidi, Y., & Golmohammadi, R., & Soltanian, A. (2014). investigating the relationship between job design, performance and job satisfaction among the employees of Bank Mellat, Tehran, occupational health and safety quarterly, 4th year, 3rd term, 75-84. (In Persian).
Chandra, S.P., &Madhu K., & Raghunath, K. (2016). A Take on Employee Welfare Facilities and Employees’ Efficiency, International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management Volume 7. Issue 3, July-September, Page No.54-70. doi:10.4018/IJABIM.2016070104.
Choudhary ,S. (2017). Employee welfare: A scheme of wise investment, International Journal of Advanced Education and Research, Volume 2, Issue 1, 1-6. ISSN: 2455-5746.
Cotton, p., &Hart, p.(2015). Occupational well-Being and performance, A Review of organizational Health Research, Insight SRC pty Ltd and the university of Melboure, Australia, 38(2), 118-127.
Darvishi, B., & Omidi, M., &Esmat, F.(2016). Multidimensional approach to mental well-being case study: Ilam University employees, Economic Modeling Quarterly, Winter,Year 10, Number 4, Pages 75-100,(In Persian).
Easterlin, R. (2001). In come and happiness: Towards a unified theory, Economic Journal, N.111, 473, 465-484.
Ebrahimi, M. (2017). A look at social welfare researches in Iran, Tehran, Social Security Quarterly, 13(46), 1-32. ( In Persian ).
Elmi, G., & Hamidieh, B. (2010). The consequences of welfare culture for religiosity, Tehran, Islamic Philosophy and Kalam Quarterly, year 43, number 2, 83-101.( In Persian ).
Esco, A., &Pir Alalai, N., &Yazdan Panah, A.A. (2016). The effect of leadership style on employees' well-being (Case study: employees of the General Department of Education, Tehran), Allameh Tabatabai University Leadership and Educational Management Research Quarterly. Summer, second year, number 8, pp. 71-95,( In Persian ).
Farin, H., &Peyman, Z., &Seyyedi, A. (2018). Effects of biophilic design patterns on the health and well-being of employees: a systematic review, ergonomics research paper, Zamestan, year 7, number 4, 1-11.,(In Persian).
Qarakhani, M. (2014). Welfare policies of faculty members in Iran, Tehran, Social Sciences Quarterly, No. 21(66), 126-168. ( In Persian).
Fazli, N., &Gardoni, R. (2008). Welfare and Constructive Discourse, Tehran, Social Sciences Quarterly, No. 15(41), 125-161. ( In Persian).
Firouzabadi, A., & Hosseini, R. (2014). The relationship between trust, awareness and social network with social welfare in Tehran, Tehran, Social Welfare Quarterly, 13th year, number 49, 7-39.( In Persian).
Firouzabadi, A. (2010). Parallelism and inconsistency in Iran's welfare system, Tehran, Social Science Monthly Book, 14th year, number 34,( In Persian).
Fouladiyan, M., & Fatemi, Z., & Ghafarizadeh, M. (2008). Theoretical foundations of the welfare state from Popper's point of view, Mashhad, Journal of Social Sciences of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 2(5), 141-160. (In Persian).
Frey, B., & Stutzer, A. (2000) Happiness, Economy and Institutions, Economic Journal, 110(466), 918-938.
Furuto, S. (2013). social welfare in East Asia and pacific, New York, Columbia university press., 23(3), 342-343.
Hanifar, H., &Emami, M., &Pourabrahim, S.(2010). Surveying and measuring the job suitability of employees and providing solutions to improve it, Tehran, Management and Human Resources Quarterly in the Oil Industry, No. 4(11), 41-58. (In Persian).
Hechter, M. (2015). Karl-dieter, social norms, russell sage foundation.
Hezarjaribi, J., & safari Shali, R. (2011). Social welfare and factors affecting it, Tehran, Journal of Urban Research and Planning, second year, number 2(5), 1-22. (In Persian).
Holman, D. (2018) Employee wellbeing in call center, Journal of Human Resource Management ,12(4), 35-50.
Issa Khani, A., & Barazandeh, L. (2015). The effect of social support on employees' well-being through the mediation of work addiction and work attachment, Imam Hossein University Human Resources Management Research Quarterly, Fall, Year 7, Number 3. pp. 108-83,( In Persian ).
Boyas, J.F., &Wind, L.H., &Ruiz, E. (2015). Exploring patterns of employee psychosocial out comes among child welfare workers, journal Children and Youth Services ReviewElsevier, 52, 174-183.
Kahneman, D. (2016). Developments in the Measurment of subjective well- Being, Journal of Economic perspectives, No.20.
Kameli, A., &Yazdani, H., &Nickhah, R., &Hejbrafken, H. (2015). The effect of authentic leadership on employees' well-being and deviant behaviors through the mediation of psychological capital, Organizational Behavior Studies Quarterly, 5(2), 177-201,( In Persian).
Kesebir, p., & Diener, E. (2018). Inpursuit of Happiness: Empirical Answers to philosophical Questions. perspectives on psychological science, Volume 3(2), 59-74. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6916.2008.00069. x.
Khadevi, E., &Molki, H. (2013). New Look: Advanced Organizational Behavior Management, first edition, Sarafraz, Tehran. ( In Persian ).
Khailaie, R., &Amiri, M., &Bakhshizadeh, K. (2017), Identification and classification parameters affecting the quality of welfare services provided to employees based on Kano model, 3d international conferenceonmanagement, bussines and economic development, September, Esenyurt university/Turkey-Istanbul, 1-20. ,(In Persian).
Mahboubi, R. (2016). justification of social welfare demands based on the theory of rights, Tehran, Social Welfare Quarterly, 13th year, number 49, (In Persian).
Manasa, B, R., & Krishnanaik., M. (2015). Employee Welfare Measures- A Study on Cement Corporation of India Units, in Thandur and Adilabad, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Dec, Volume: 02 Issue: 09, 219-226.
Kumari, S., &Tatareddy, M. (2019). Impact of Employee Welfare Facilities on Job Satisfsction: A Study with Reference to Secunderabad Division of South Central railway. International Journal of Economic and Bussiness, Revew, 2(12), 189-197.
McGillivray, M. (2017). Human Well-being concept and measures, palgrovemaillan, 1-308.
Minkov, M.(2019). Predictors of differences in subjective Well- being across nations, Crass- Culthral Research, No.2.
Mirzapour, M. (2019). Application of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs among Organizational Employees, Bimonthly Scientific-Specialist Applied Studies in Management and Development Sciences, Bahman, Year 5, Number 8, 63-70. (In Persian).
Modiri, F., &Azad Eramaki, T. (2016). Investigation of gender differences in mental well-being of Iranians, Journal of Social Sciences (Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad), Year 10, Number 2: 225-242,( In Persian ).
Moeed, A.(2013). Effect of job design on employee satisfaction, European Journal of Business and Management,5(19), 1-7.
Mohammadi, S., &Azizi, N, Jafari, P., &Gholami, K. (2017). How teachers and school administrators of Kurdistan province perceive teachers' well-fare, two quarterly scientific research journals of school management, autumn &winter, 6th term, 2nd issue, 224-242. (In Persian ).
Mohammadzadeh, P., &Asgharpour, H., &Muniei, O. (2013). Investigating the impact of income on the happiness of the workforce in Iran, Tehran, Journal of Economic Research, No. 48(1), 139-158. (In Persian).
Moghaghi, H., &Rafiei, H., & Sajjadi, H. (2017). Estimation of composite index of social welfare for the conditions of Iran, Tehran, Social Welfare Quarterly, year 14, number 52, 7-32.( In Persian ).
Najarzadeh, R., &Soleimani, M. (2016). Social capital, income and individual well-being, Tehran, Economic Research Quarterly, Volume 47, (99) 179-195.( In Persian ).
Nili, F., &Babazadeh, B.(2012). Identifying factors affecting mental well-being in Iran, Tehran, Financial and Banking Research Quarterly, 6(14), 27-48. (In Persian ).
Reshnavazi, Y., &Dehnavi, M. (2008). The role of life insurance in increasing welfare and social justice, Tehran, New Insurance World Quarterly, numbers 121 and 122, ( In Persian ).
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