Evaluation of the Performance of Tabriz Islamic City Council (case study of Tabriz Munıcıpalıty’s constructional projects)
Subject Areas : Business Management
Yaguoob Alavi Matın
Alireza Dadjouyan
Farhad Nejhad Irani
1 - Faculty Member (Instructor), Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Master of Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
Keywords: Performance Appraisal, Performance Management, The Islamic City Councils,
Abstract :
Accordıng to Act 7 of the constitution, the Islamic cıty councils must continuously supervise the performance of munıcipalitıes such as their programs and projects; therefore this dissertation tries to evaluate the constructional projects of TabrizMunicipality divided into three categories: roads, buildings and civil facilities. The evalution involves three dimensions: supervision before implementation, supervision during implementation and supervision after implementation. The survey population is the eight areas of the Municipality. The sample number is 31, the measurment instrument is a questionnaire, and the research is a correlational one. After analysing the data, the scale of the council supervision is shown and some suggestions are given to elevate the supervision state.
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_||_Abbas Zadeh, H. (2003). Evaluation of the Performance of Islamic Council of Tabriz City. Tehran: Tehran University, (In Persian).
Ashayeri Kolani, I. (2002). Evaluation of the Management Performance of Islamic Councils in the Shabestar District of East Azarbaijan. Tabriz: Islamic Azad University, (In Persian).
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Bhimani,A. and Bromwich,M.(1989), Advanced manufacturing technology and strategic perspectives in management accounting European Accounting News January,21-31.
Blaine,M.(1993), Profitability and competitiveness:lessons from Japanese and American firms in the 1980s.California Management Review Fall,48-74.
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Coats,J.B,Davis,E.W.,Emmanuel,C.R.,Longden,S.G.and Stacey, R.J.(1992),Multinational companies' performance measurement systems: international perspectives.Management Accounting Research 3,133-150.
Epstein,M.and Manzoni,J-F.(1998),Implementing corporate strategy:from tableaux de bord to balanced scorecard Europen Management Journal 16,190-203
Ibn Rassoul, A. (2005). Development of a Balanced Scorecard, Testing and Implementation in the Management System. Fourth International Management Conference, (In Persian).
Johansson,c.Nilsson,G.,Nilsson,J.and Samuelson, L.A.(1997), Ekonomistyrning I svenska b ors-bolag:En la gesrapportom.
Johnson,H.T.and Kaplan,R.S.(1987), Relevance Lost:the Rise and Fall of Management accounting Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
Jonsson,S. and Gronlund,A.(1988) Life with a sub – contractor: new technology and Management accounting. Accounting Organizations and Society13,512-532.
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Kaplan,R.S. and Norton,D.P.(1992), The balanced scorecard measures that drive performance Harvard Business Review 69,71-79
Mehrzad, J. (2003). Evaluation of Tabriz Comprehensive Plan for Goals and Strategies. Master Thesis, Najaf Abad: Islamic Azad University, (In Persian).
Mirsepasi, N. (2002). Strategic Management of Human Resources and Labor Relations. Tehran: Mir Publishing, (In Persian).
Mokhtari, Gh. (2005). The Role of Councils in the Management and Planning of Interdigital Cities in Iran. Rasht: Islamic Azad University, (In Persian).
Tezuka,H.(1997), Success as the source of failure?competition and cooperation in the Japanese economy. Sloan Management Review winter ,83-93.
Wheelwright,S.C.(1981), Japan–where operations really are strategic Harvard Business Review59,67-74.
Hiromoto,T.(1988), Another hidden edge:Japanese management accounting Harvard Business Review64,22-26
Yoshikawa,T.,Mitchell,F. and Moyes,J.(1994), A Review of Japanese Management accounting Literature and Bibliography.