Is there any relation between time management skills with working life quality
mahboube soleimanpouromran
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational sciences, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran
Abstract :
ISSN: 2645-5498, SSYJ
مربوط به دفتر مجله) )2020, 11 (), 9-24
Is there any relation between time management skills with working life quality?
نام نویسنده اول :فونت Time new romans 101
نام نویسنده دوم :فونت Time new romans 10 *2
Received 10 March 2020, Accepted 21 June 2020 (مربوط به دفتر مجله)
Aim: The aim of this study is to answer this question that “if there is any relation between time management skills with working life quality? Methods: This study is practical and is correlation type of descriptive method. Statistical society was all personnel of “ North Khorasan Regional water Authority “, that are 127 person. It has been used of census method for sampling. Data collection tools include two standard questionnaires of Karamizadeh,s time – management skills(1998) and Walton,s working – life quality (2007). Questionnaires validity was obtained from Cronbach,s alpha coefficient for both questionnaires 0.95 and 0.98 respectively and questionnaires validity has been approved by researchers and pundits. It also has been used of SPSS 21 software for data analyzing and study information. To analyzing data it has been used inferential and descriptive statistics of Pearson Test (frequently distribution, percent and average), regression and variance analysis. Correlation Results: results between time – management skills and high – quality components (goal – sitting, activities and aims prioritization, operational planning, delegating, relationship – management and meetings management ) of working - life .Authority personnel’s was gained 0.264 , 0.174 , 0.213 , 0.341 , 0.203 and 0.548 respectively that is indicative of relation between these two variables. Conclusion: As a result there is a positive and meaningful relation between time management skills and quality work life
Key words: Time – management, Time – management skills, Organization personnel, Working – life quality.
1. Introduction
Human sources are considered as most important capital of an organization and have different needs that if meet, they will employ their talent and skill to the organization (Blanchard & Gottery, 2006).Success in every organization depends on allocation and appropriate use of tools, equipment’s, money, raw materials and human source in its programs; that cause to employees improvement of working – life quality that include some factors of job security, continuous learning opportunities, job diversity, job fit and social conditions favorable (Abbasi, 2011). Time – management contains goal setting, goal prioritization and resources usage for access to short and long – term goals (Esfahani, 2011), and a set of skills that help in effective use of time (Mensini, 2011). Failure in time management skills cause to stresses and physical and mental inability and through it will harm irreparable damages to organization and personnel (Hassanzadeh, 2009). Personnel that have dominate on time – management, their achievements are more than work that others done (Rass, 2010), and many life and workplace problems of them will be decreased (Mackenzy, 1997). In recent years quality work life programs have a basic role in increasing labor productivity and as a result organizations’ effectiveness and is from organization’s priority. This properties are: focus on the work team, problem-solving sessions by work teams(that subjects may be quality, problems, job security and efficiency), independence in business planning, skill training courses (Mazanj & Watch, 2012). So attention to time – management skills and its educating to personnel has impressive benefits for individual and organization. Lack of these skills carries high-level pressure, weak operation, sensing purposeless and being nervous to managers, and finally it would avoid in achieving organizational goals. Getting to the quality work life improvement into the organization depends to time- management. In fact time-management in organization helps that everybody in its place, perform its duties (Mensini, 2011).Using opportunities on-time, rapid response to environmental events, and also speed up delivery of services and products and considered as a part of organizational work quality. It has been done many studies in this issue such as: Nazary & Soleimanpouromran (2013) in a study of surveying the relation between quality work life and nurses performance of Bojnourd governmental hospitals, showed that there is a meaningful direct relation between quality work life and its components with personnel operation.
Iranzade and Tahuny (2013) in an investigation of “ studying relation between quality work life dimensions with personnel efficiency “ resulted that there is a meaningful relation between various dimensions of quality work life and personnel efficiency.
Tavakoli and associates (2013) in an investigation of “studying the relation between quality work life components in Walton view and job satisfaction of personnel of Khorasan Razavi Gas company “ showed that between each of components of quality work life in Walton view including enough and fair payment to personnel, safe and healthy work environment, providing growth chances and continuous security, rule of law, social dependency, general space of work life, social integrity and developing staff human capabilities with job satisfaction, there is a positive and meaningful relation.
Rasti and associates (2013) in an investigation of “ studying the relation between quality work life with mental health of Bushehr prison personnel “ showed that there is a meaningful relation between quality work life with mental health of Bushehr prison personnel.
Damla (2014) in a research of “ Determining importance of time-management skills and college students attitude “ concluded that there is a meaningful relationship between time-management skills and students attitude.
Jonse & Hood (2010) in an investigation of “time management on communications and operation improvement” concluded that effective time-management could lead to organizational and individual operation improvement. Individual interactions and communications and physical and face to face relation of associates in organization, has also more impression on operation improvement than email contact.
Sun & Young (2009), Grissom(2015) and Smorphy(2012) by similar investigation found the same results.
Achieving personal goals in life, achieving goals at a set time, productive and satisfactory work instead of working tirelessly and useless, getting to improve the quality of working life in an organization and ... depends on the skill of time management. The issue of time management is inevitable for all people, because each person wants or wants to schedule some sort of time to use. Because the main component of any organization is its organization, in the current society, efficient management of time is not just a useful thing for the individual, but it has become an essential and inevitable thing in organizations so according to these, the investigation plans to study whether there is any relation between time management and personnel quality work life?
It seeks to study following goals:
*Identify the relation between goal-setting skills with quality work life of organization personnel.
* Identify the relation between goals prioritization with quality work life of organization personnel.
* Identify the relation between operational programming skills with quality work life of organization personnel.
* Identify the relation between devolution skills with quality work life of organization personnel.
* Identify the relation between communication management with quality work life of organization personnel.
* Identify the relation between meeting management with quality work life of organization personnel.
2.Review of Literature
3. Methodology
This study is of descriptive survey class correlation type. Statistical society contains all personnel of “North Khorasan Regional water authority” of 127 person 127 person which was used by the census method because of community constraints. In the survey to collect data, it has been used of library and field methods. Data collection tools, include two standard questionnaires of time management skills of Karamizadeh(1998) and quality work life of Walton(2007). The Walton questionnaire was used by Karami Zade (1998) and its Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.98. The Karamzadeh questionnaire has not been used before. Questionnaires validity being obtained from Cronbach alpha coefficient for both questionnaires 0.95 and 0.98 respectively, and questionnaires reliability have been approved by researchers and pundits. Karamizadeh questionnaires of time management (1998) contains 40 items that consider in measuring time management skills components(goal-setting, activities and goal prioritization, operational programming, devolution, communication management, meeting management) and Richard Walton,s questionnaires(2007) including 15 components that considers to personnel quality life measurement. These two questionnaires already have been used of by several researchers and their reliability and validity has been approved. To analyze data it has been used of inferential and discretional statists(frequency distribution, percent and average) by version 16 SPSS software package. To determine variables normality it has been used of Kolmogorov-Asmerinov test, for inferential study tests used of parametric tests, for study surveys main and sub assumptions it has been used of Pearson correlation coefficient and to study the relation of each time management components to organizational communications, has used of line regression test. Also, the average equality of time management and quality of work life variables were accepted at 0.05. To analyze the survey information and data, it has been used of 21 SPSS software.
4. Findings
First assumption: There is a relation between time management and quality work life of “North Khorasan Regional water Authority” staff.
Table 1 – Pearson correlation relation between time management and quality work life
Quality work life |
Time management |
Quality work life Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 1
127 | 0.179 0.444
127 |
Time management Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 0.179
0.444 127 | 1
127 |
With regard to p-value that is 0.444 and also its value is lower than 0.05, so Zero assumption is ignored. It can be seen that correlation coefficient between time management and quality work life of personnel is 0.179 that indicates a direct and meaningful positive relation, that is increase in time management variable causes to increase in quality work life variable and differences of both variables are in one direction. Determination coefficient also between two variables is 0.17 that is 17% of personnel quality work life in this organization is predictable and explainable by time management. So by this the first assumption being approved.
Second assumption: There is a relation between goal setting skills and quality work life of North Khorasan Regional water organization staff.
Table 2 : Pearson correlation, the relation between goal setting skills and quality work life
Quality work life |
Goal-setting skills |
Quality work life Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 1
127 | 0.264 0.003
127 |
Goal-setting skills Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 0.264
0.003 127 | 1
127 |
With regard to p-value that has been obtained zero, and also its value that is less than 0.05, so zero assumption being ignored. It can be seen that correlation coefficient between goal setting skills and quality work life of personnel obtained 0.264 that is indicative of a direct and meaningful positive relation, that is increase in goal setting skills variables causes to increase in quality work life variables and both variable difference are in on direction. That is 26% quality work life in this organization is predictable by goal setting skills.
Third assumption: There is a relation between goals prioritization skills and quality work life of North Khorasan Regional water organization staff.
Table 3: Pearson correlation, the relation between goals prioritization and quality work life
Qualitywork life |
Goal-prioritization skills |
Quality work life Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 1
127 | 0.174 0.030
127 |
Goal- prioritization skills Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 0.174
0.050 127 | 1
127 |
With regard to p-value that has obtained nearly 0, and also it is less than 0.05, so the zero assumption is ignored. It can be seen that correlation coefficient between goals prioritization skills of staff is obtained 0.174 that is indicative of direct and meaningful positive relation that is increase in goal prioritization skills variable, causes to increase in quality work life variable and both variables differences are in one direction. So 17% of quality work life of personnel in this organization is predictable by goals prioritization skills.
Fourth assumption: There is a relation between operational programming skills and quality work life of North Khorasan Regional water organization staff.
Table 4: Pearson correlation, the relation between operational programming and quality work life
Quality work life |
Operational-programming |
Quality work life Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 1
127 | 0.213 0.016
127 |
Operational-programming Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 0.213
0.016 127 | 1
127 |
With respect to p-value that has obtained nearly 0 and its value is less than 0.05, so zero assumption is ignored. It can be seen that correlation coefficient between operational 0.213 that indicates there is a direct and meaningful positive relation, that is by increasing operational programming skills variable, increase the quality work life variable, and both variables differences are in one direction. That is 21% of quality work life off staff in the organization is predictable by operational programming skills.
Fifth assumption: There is a relation between devolution skills and quality work life of North Khorasan Regional water staff.
Table 5: Pearson correlation, the relation between devolution skills and quality work life
Quality work life |
Devolution skills |
Quality work life Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 1
127 | 0.341 0.00
127 |
Devolution skills Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 0.341
0.00 127 | 1
1 127 |
With respect to p-value that has been obtained nearly 0.029 and also its value is 0.00. So zero assumption is ignored. It can be seen that correlation coefficient between devolution skills and quality work life of staff is 0.341 that is indicative of a direct and meaningful positive relation and with increase in devolution skills variable, quality work life also increase and differences of both variables are in one direction. Means 34% of quality work life of personnel in the organization is predictable by devolution skills. So by this, the firs hypothesis would be approved.
Sixth hypothesis: There is a relation between communication management and quality work life of personnel of North Khorasan Regional water.
Table 6: Pearson correlation, the relation between communication management skills and quality work life
| Quality work life | communication management skills |
Quality work life Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 1
127 | 0.203 0.022
127 |
communication management skills Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 0.203
0.022 127 | 1
1 127 |
With respect to p-value that is nearly 0.022 and that its value is less than 0.05, so zero hypothesis is ignored. It can be seen that correlation coefficient between communication management skills and work life quality has obtained of 0.203 that indicates there is a direct and meaningful positive relation. Therefore increase in communication management skills variable, causes to increase in quality work life and their differences are in one direction. Means that 20% of quality work life of staff in the organization is predictable by communication management skills.
Seventh hypothesis: There is a relation between meetings management skills and quality work life of staff of North Khorasan Regional water.
Table 7: Pearson correlation, the relation between meeting management skills and quality work life
Quality work life | meeting management skills |
Quality work life Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 1
127 | 0.548 0.00
127 |
meeting management skills Pearson correlation coefficient p-value(the least meaningfulness) sample number | 0.548
0.00 127 | 1
1 127 |
According to p-value that is equal 0.00, zero hypothesis being ignored. It can be seen that correlation coefficient between meetings management skills and quality work life of the staff has obtained 0.548 that is indicative of a direct and meaningful positive relation. Means that increase in meetings management skills variable causes to increase in quality work life and these two variables differences are in one direction. That is 54% quality work life of the personnel in the organization is predictable by meetings management skills. So by this the firs hypothesis being approved.
5. Conclusion
Result of statistical findings showed that Pearson correlation coefficient between time management skills and quality work life is 0.179 and probability of its significance is 0.000 that is less than 0.05. So zero hypothesis is ignored and first hypothesis is approved. As a result there is a positive and meaningful relation between time management skills and quality work life of personnel of North Khorasan Regional water. Determination coefficient between two variables is also 0.17. That is 17% of quality work life of personnel in the organization is predictable by time management at work. So the more time management skills will improve the quality of work life. In this regard Iranzade & Tahuni (2013), studied the “relation between quality work life dimensions with personnel efficiency” and study findings showed that there is a meaningful relation between different dimensions of quality work life and personnel efficiency. Jonse and Hood (2010) also concluded in a study of “time management in communications and operation improvement” that effective time management could results to organizational and individual operation improvement. Physical and face to face and individual interactions and communications of associates into the organization, although it may be last more time than Email communication and technology(communication by E-mail), but it has more impact on operation than Email communication. The results of these investigations has consistency with the results of present investigation. According to the first subordinate hypothesis that in it had been investigated the relation between setting a goal and quality work life, result of statistical findings showed that Pearson correlation coefficient between goal setting with quality work life is 0.264 and its probability value of meaningful level is 0.000 that is less than 0.05. So zero hypothesis is ignored and firs hypothesis is approved. Therefore there is a positive and meaningful relation between goal setting and quality work life of North Khorasan Regional water staff. Means that 26% quality work life in the organization is predictable by goal setting skills, and more goal setting skills will cause to better quality work life. In this regard Grissom (2015) in an investigation of “effective time management and principals” considered to study the quality of principals time management and their operation improvement and he concluded that principals with time management skills would allocate more time in classrooms and students education and they will be more successful in decreasing job stress and operation improvement. Results are consistent with obtained data. With regard to the second hypothesis that in it had been studied the relation between goal prioritization and activities with quality work life of the personnel of North Khorasan Regional water organization, the results of statistical findings showed that Pearson correlation coefficient between goal prioritization and quality work life is 0.174 and its probability value of its meaningful level is 0.000 that is less than 0.05. So zero hypothesis is ignored and first hypothesis is approved. So there is a positive and meaningful relation between goal prioritization and quality work life of North Khorasan Regional water organization personnel. Means that 17% quality work life of personnel in the organization is predictable by goal prioritization skills, and more goal prioritization skill causes to better quality work life. In this regard Damla (2014) in a study of “determine the importance of time management skills and collage students attitude” concluded that there is a meaningful relation between time management skills and collage students attitude. Findings are consistent with the present study. According to the third hypothesis that studied the relation between operational programming and quality work life of personnel of North Khorasan Regional water, results showed that Pearson correlation coefficient between operational programming with quality work life is 0.213 and probability amount of meaningfulness level is 0.000 that is less than 0.05. So zero hypothesis is ignored and first hypothesis is approved. That is 21% quality work life of the staff in the organization is predictable by operational programming skills. Therefore there is a meaningful and positive relation between operational programming with quality work life of staff and more operational programming skills will cause to better quality work life. Smorphy (2012) also concluded in a study of “benefits of time management skills” that, time management is a skill that everyone should have it, and time management is not effective only for quality work life but also for personal life and the results of having these skills cause to better individual operation in the organization as well as improvement in organization efficiency. This study results are consistent with the present study. With respect to the fourth hypothesis that examined the relation between devolution with quality work life of the personnel of North Khorasan Regional water, statistical findings showed that Pearson correlation coefficient between devolution skills with quality work life is 0.341 and probability amount of its meaningfulness is 0.000 that is less than 0.05. So the zero hypothesis is ignored and first hypothesis is approved. Means 34% quality work life of personnel in the organization is predictable by devolution skills. So there is a meaningful and positive relation between devolution and quality work life of North Khorasan Regional water organization personnel, and more devolution skill cause to better quality work life. In this regard Sun and Young (2009) in an investigation of “effective time management learning and students pressure source” considered to study time management learning with students pressure source and finally they concluded that the strongest pressure experienced by students, is pressure of collage entering exams. So in this time range it should be educated effective time management strategies to the students, since they experience less pressure as a result of entering collage exams. The results have consistency with the present study results. According to the fifth sub-hypothesis that examined the relation between communications management and quality work life of the personnel of North Khorasan Regional water, the result of statistical findings showed that Pearson correlation coefficient between communications management with quality work life is 0.203 and probability amount of its meaningfulness is 0.000 that is less than 0.05.So the zero hypothesis is ignored and first hypothesis is approved. That is 20% quality work life of the personnel in the organization is predictable by communications management skills. As a result a meaningful relation there is between communications management with quality work life of the personnel of North Khorasan Regional water and the more communications management skills the better quality work life will be. Rasti and associates (2013), in an investigation of “study the relation between quality work life and mental health of Bushehr prison personnel. The results are consistent with the present study results. With respect to the sixth hypothesis that studied the relation between meetings management skills with quality work life of North Khorasan Regional water organization staff, statistical findings showed that Pearson correlation coefficient between meetings management and quality work life is 0.548 and probability amount of its meaningfulness is 0.000 that is less than 0.05. Therefor zero hypothesis is ignored and first hypothesis is approved. That is 54% quality work life of personnel in the organization is predictable by meetings management skills. Therefor there is a meaningful relation between meetings management and quality work life of North Khorasan Regional water organization, and the more meetings management skill the better quality work life will be. Tavakoli and associates (2013) in a study of “examining the relation between quality work life components in Walton view and job satisfaction of the personnel of Gas organizations “concluded that there is a positive and meaningful relation between each quality work life components in Walton view include enough and fair payment to personnel, health and security, providing growth chance and continuous security, rule of law, social dependency, general space of work life, social integrity and developing staff human capabilities with job satisfaction. The study results are consistent with the present study result.
In general, the result showed that time management skills and its every six components (goal setting, activities and goal prioritization, programming, devolution, communications management and meetings management) are effective on personnel’s quality work life and there is a positive and meaningful relation between them and quality work life. That is the more these skills, the more quality work life improvement will be. Analyze results of any sub-hypothesis, showed that hypothesis variables are meaningful. Results obtained by the way that there is a meaningful and positive relation between quality work life of the personnel and time management skills in Regional water organization. Determination coefficient between two variables is also 0.17 that is 17% quality work life of the personnel in the organization is predictable by time management.
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[1] 1*. مرتبه علمی استاد, دپارتمان مربوطه، نام واحد دانشگاهی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، شهر، کشور، ایمیل
2مرتبه علمی استاد, دپارتمان مربوطه، نام واحد دانشگاهی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، شهر، کشور،ایمیل،
[2] (Corresponding Author)
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