The Effect of Corporate Governance on Corporate Performance in Moral Hazard Circumstances
Subject Areas : Corporate sustainabilitySadaf Nakhjavani 1 , Bita Delnavaz 2
1 - MSc. student of Accounting, Ilkhchi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilkhchi, Iran.
2 - Lecturer of accounting department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Corporate Governance, moral hazard, company performance,
Abstract :
Following the separation of the management of companies from their ownership and the creation of representation issues, as well as the increase of information asymmetry between managers and owners, the issue of the quality of internal controls and the corporate governance system has become very important and can act as a tool to protect the interests of interest groups. and enable the correct use of management resources for optimal investment with the aim of maximizing the wealth of the owners and providing efficiency. This research aims to study an aspect of the economic consequences of the position of corporate governance in Iran, and examines the impact of corporate governance on the performance of the company in the conditions of moral hazard in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. In this regard, 110 companies were selected for the period of 2016-2021. The purpose of applied research and its methodology is post-event type. The combined data approach has been used to test the research hypotheses. Eviews statistical software was used to test research hypotheses. The results showed that corporate governance mechanisms improve the company's performance. Also, when moral risks are high, the existence of corporate governance mechanisms improves performance.