Investigating the Role of Creative Tourism in the Recreation and Development of Tourism in the Historic Neighborhoods of Isfahan City (Case Example: Dardasht-Sarcheshmeh, Toghchi-Shahan, Kongs, Karladan-Kliche Neighborhoods)
Subject Areas :
Mustafa Hosseini
Mohsen Moradian Harandi
1 - MSc, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Applied Science University of Culture and Arts, Malek Shahr,Iran.
Keywords: recreation, tourism development, Isfahan, creative tourism, Historical context,
Abstract :
Paying attention to urban regeneration regarding the old neighborhoods of Isfahan city can bring environmental responsibility and increase the level of identity and belonging among citizens, which in this regard, creative tourism can facilitate its achievement.As the aim of this research, this study seeks to investigate the role of creative tourism in the regeneration and development of tourism in the historical context of Isfahan city. The current research is based on library studies and field investigations in terms of developmental-applicative goal and in terms of descriptive-analytical methodology. To achieve the objectives of the research, indicators in two parts: 1- creative tourism indicators including 5 categories (social capital, quality of life, tourism talent, physical infrastructure and tourism experience) and 2- regeneration indicators in 4 categories (social, economic, cultural and physical) were extracted. In the following, to present the creative tourism development model and its effect on the development process of the city of Isfahan, using the questionnaire tool and with a sample size of 383 people, and using spss software, the work process continued. Creative was analyzed in Geoda software. In the process of urban network analysis, tools (Network Analyst Tools) have been used in the ArcGIS software environment to produce maps. The results showed that the status of 5 indicators of creative tourism at the level of the historic sites of Isfahan city is good, and only in the physical infrastructure sector, there is a lack of feeling, but the situation of the regeneration indicators of the historical sites of Isfahan city is completely inappropriate. Comparing the average state of tourism development Among the different urban localities, the creative also shows that the highest is related to Dardasht and Togchi localities with averages of 16.41 and 15.90, respectively, and the lowest is related to Kangaz and Kardalan localities, respectively, with averages of It was 12/18 and 13/84.Soil erosion is a global problem that threatens water and soil resources and land use change is one of the important factors in soil erosion intensification. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of land use change on soil erosion in Razeychay watershed of Meshginshahr located in Ardabil province. First, Landsat images of the study area in May 1999, and 2019 and were obtained from USGS website. In the image processing stage, atmospheric and radiometric corrections have been conducted, and then the land use maps of the study area has been prepared for study years using support vector machine (SVM) as a supervised classification method. Then, the RUSLE model was used to estimate the amount of erosion in the two time span. SPSS, Excel, Arc GIS 5.4, Archydro and ENVI 5.3 software were used to spatial analysis and data processing.
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