Spatial analysis and the level of classified city of Golestan Based on Employment indicators
Subject Areas :
Hossein Nazmfar
Fatemeh Mohammadi
Ebrahim Zahedi
Ali Eshghi
1 - Assistant Professor of Urban Planning, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili , Ardabil, Iran
2 - M.S in Urban Planning, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran
3 - M.S, Eghlim, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Ph.D Candidate of Geography and Urban Planning, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran
Keywords: Golestan, TOPSIS, Cluster analysis, spatial distribution, employment indicators,
Abstract :
Employment and unemployment are the most important issues to create a prosperous society should be considered, because the most important condition for the growth and development of any society is creating jobs. Therefore, the development, reduce unemployment and create sustainable employment as one of the major topics considered. This study is descriptiveanalytic, in order to determine Spatial analysis have been done the status of Golestan province in terms of employment indicators. Cluster analyzes is used link to display their distribution medium and GIS software. The results show that the gap between the provinces of Golestan and much inequality there is a flammable indicatorsAnd this gap and inequality of the center to the periphery more. So that the city of Gorgan and 491/0 and 241/0 points with Rummy city most developedand the most deprived the city of the province have been identified. The results of cluster analysis also shows that the average link a total of about 8/42 of the city in a relatively high level the level is quite high 28/14 percent, 21.4 percent and 21.4 percent in the deal are located in deprived. City and province the level of classified TOPSIS model suggests that Counties Gorgan, Bandar Gaz very high level, Azadshahr, the port received in the Turkmen and Kordkoy, Aq Qala, stigma, Ali Abad, Gonbad Kavos, Minoodasht and Mravhtph The relatively high level and Gomishan, Rami Vgalyksh are in the most deprived area. Finally, proposals presented to address existing inequalities in of employment in line with social justice.
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