Spatial analysis and modeling the relationship between atmospheric action centers with widespread anomalies precipitation of Iran
Subject Areas :Hosain Mohammadi 1 , Faramarz Khoshaghlagh 2 , ghasem azizi 3 , Mohammad Amin Heidari 4
1 - Tehran Un.
2 - tehran.un.
3 - un. tehran
4 - Tehran Un.
Keywords: Iran, Multivariate regression, Atmospheric Action centers, Teleconnection, rainfall anomalies,
Abstract :
Variability is one of inherent properties of the climate system. In addition to the dynamic nature, the climate system is extremely intertwined nature also, so that its components interact with each other and eventually they change each other.. In general, the climate of a region or geographic location is controlled by various factors, including Atmospheric Action Centers (AAC's). AAC's behaviors have an effective role in short and long term changes in weather and climate conditions and also their components. AAC's can change the climate system. A climatic index is defined here as a critical value that can be used to describe the states and the changes in the climate system. Changes on climate are much slower than on the weather, that can change strongly day by day. Each climatic index is based on certain parameters and describes only certain aspects of the climate, so there are a variety of climate indices that have been defined and examined in numerous publications. For each climate index there is a defining equation that uses the so-called climate elements. These are measurable parameters that influence the properties of the climate system, primarily, for example, atmospheric parameters such as air pressure, air temperature, precipitation and solar radiation, but also non-atmospheric parameters such as sea surface temperature or ice cover.
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