An analysis of the role of creative cultural tourists in attracting tourists(Case study; Isfahan)
Subject Areas :Seyed Ali Mossavi 1 , Hasan Beykmohamadi 2 , Hossein Sarami 3
1 - PhD student, Department of Geography, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planدing, University of Isfahan, Isfahan. Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Tourism, SWOT model, Isfahan, Creative cultural tourists,
Abstract :
The information and data required for the research were collected using documentary and field methods. The statistical population includes creative cultural tourists in Isfahan. Using the Cochran's sample estimation formula, the number and sample size of the study population was 385. In order to analyze the data, Excel, SPSS software and Chi-square or Chi-square, univariate, Spearman statistical tests and also to determine strategies and strategies for the development of creative cultural tourism, SWOT model has been used. Research findings indicate that the characteristics and richness of historical monuments; cultural; social; scientific; Handicrafts; Natural art and ... are among the tourist attractions of Isfahan so that creative cultural tourism has a great impact on attracting tourists to this famous city. However, repulsions and lack of facilities related to the creative cultural tourism industry of Isfahan also reduce and do not increase the number of tourists, which in general leads to the weakness of infrastructure facilities for the underdevelopment of cultural tourism. Using the SWOT model, the results showed that the city of Isfahan with a total of 20 strengths and opportunities with a weight score of 3.33 and 3.41, respectively, as advantages, many potentials for the development of creative cultural tourism. But at the same time, 18 weaknesses and threats facing this creative cultural tourism of Isfahan with weight scores of 3.86 and 3.21, respectively, as limitations show that it also faces challenges and problems.
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