Analyzing the relationship between Participation and good urban governance in marginalized neighborhoods (Case study: Tarzilo neighborhood-Urmia city)
Subject Areas :
Mirnajaf Mousavi
Nima Bayramzadeh
Sajjad Omidvarfar
Ahmad Hasanpour Ghotoulu
1 - Professor of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
2 - Research Assistant of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
3 - Ph.D. Student in Territorial Spatial Arrangement, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
4 - MSc Student in Spatial Planning, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
Keywords: Good governance, Urmia, Participation, Marginalized Neighborhoods,
Abstract :
The main goal of this research is to evaluate the relationship between participation and good urban governance in the marginalized neighborhood of Tarzilo. the method of the current research is descriptive-analytical. data collection has been done in both library and field ways. the statistical population of this research is the residents of the Tarzilo and the sample size was obtained through the Cochran formula and was 374, which were randomly distributed. the analysis of the collected data has been carried out quantitatively and through OPA and DEMATEL methods, one sample t-test, and Linear Regression. the validity of the questionnaires has been confirmed by 16 experts. Cronbach's alpha method has been used to check the reliability for 25 questionnaires, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient has been obtained as 0.723, which indicates the reliability of the questionnaires. the results of this research indicate that according to the results of the DEMATEL in marginalized neighborhoods, the participation criterion with a value of (D) 4.090 is the most effective, the transparency criterion with a value of (R) 3.514 is the most Influence, and the participation criterion with a value of (D+R) 7.009 is the most related to other components. according to the results of the OPA, the participation criterion with a weight of 0.259 among other criteria, has been ranked first, which indicates the high importance of this criterion in promoting good urban governance in marginalized neighborhoods. according to the one sample t-test, good urban governance in the Tarzilo is lower than average.