The Application of the Balanced Score Card Model (BSC)
Subject Areas :Arastoe yarhesar 1 , Ali majnoony 2 , Soghra Niroumand Shishavan4 3 , Zahra Mohammadi 4
1 - University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
2 - University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
3 - University of Bonab
4 - University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
Keywords: Rural tourism, Planning, Balanced Score Card Model (BSC), beneficiaries from tourism, Tutakhaneh,
Abstract :
Nowadays, one way to protect the villages from poverty, immigration and social and economic problems is to develop tourism in rural areas which have the capacity. Attainment of this goal requires designing, development of appropriate programs and models of the field. In this regard, BSC model was one of the models, that by its means, and with participation of all the factors affecting tourism, including local people, tourists and responsible organizations, it is possible to apply the best plan. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to introduce this model to the literature of tourism in Iran, while showing its applicable advantages in rural tourism planning. Required data for the application of this model was gathered through library resources, questionnaires, and face to face interviews. The population studied in this paper includes the residents of Tutakhaneh Village, tourists entered to this area and administrative officers of Bonab County, and the sample selected by Cochran's formula and using simple random sampling method, consists of 243 residents of the village, 300 tourists entered to the Village, and also 20 officials and experts. Bay using Cronbach's Alpha formula perennial questionnaire residents Tutakhanh (0/94), tourists entering the region (0/91) and officials (0/92) is calculated .The results of data analysis using BSC model in the context of rural tourism planning of Tutakhaneh Village showed that this model has the advantage of high capability to meet the needs of all beneficiaries from tourism, due to applying various tools, and considering the circumstances of the past and present, and designs, also presents step by step methods for implementation of the tourism development plans of Tutakhaneh village for officials and planners.
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