Analysis of Palm's Place in Lyrical Poetry and Folk Culture of Jahrom
Subject Areas : Persian Language & Literature
1 - گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی دانشگاه جهرم، جهرم، ایران
Keywords: palm, Jahrom, lyrical poetry, Oral poem, Folk poem,
Abstract :
Lyrical poetry literally means singing, hymn and melody, and the term refers to a poem that expresses the personal feelings and emotions of the poet. In this definition, the poet's birth and environment and his feelings towards it and its manifestations are also included. Jahrom has been called the "palm forest" in the past that it has been a sign of the mass of palm trees in the city. Palm also plays an important role in people's traditions, customs, beliefs and folk beliefs and it has made this tree and its related matters widely present in the oral and folk lyrical literature of Jahrom and there are also metonymy, proverbs till poems, folk songs and folk and rhythmic short story about this tree in Jahrom. In this way, palms and dates are important manifestations of Jahrom folk lyrical poetry and its analysis helps to know the mental and psychological backgrounds of the people of this city. The most important contexts of the presence of this tree in the local and lyrical literature of Jahrom are in the nostalgic contexts and the expression of separation and sorrow and the situation of the lover and the beloved. This article with field and library reviews with descriptive and analytical study of the plase and importance of this tree in the oral lyrical literature of the people of Jahrom and has provided various examples of it.
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