The Analysis of Lyrical Imagery in Mushfeqi Bukharaei's poetry by Astrological Concepts
Subject Areas : Persian Language & Literature
Mehdi Nourian
Mehrdad Chatraei
Afsaneh Bahramian
1 - Professor, Persian Language & Literature, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Student of lyric literature. Department of Persian literature and language. faculty of human science. Islamic azad university of Najafabad. Najafabad. Iran.
3 - Student of lyric literature. Department of Persian literature and language. faculty of human science. Islamic azad university of Najafabad. Najafabad. Iran.
Keywords: 10th Century, Astrological Poetry, Interpretive Astrology, Astrolabe, Abd-ul-Rahman Mushfeqi Bukharaei,
Abstract :
Abdurrahman Mushfeqi Bukharaei is one of the poets of the tenth century AH who was familiar with composing sonnets and odes and was proficient in satire. Although in his time, unlike the fifth, sixth and seventh centuries, when the use of concepts of various sciences and knowledge in poetry was common, knowledge such as astrolabe and astrology was no longer considered and the poetry was close to the general language of the people, but Mushfeqi used astrological concepts in his poems. In his poetry, we not only come across common astrological concepts and words among most poets such as astrology and fortune-telling and the names of the septet planets, but also the topics and words that specialize in astrological knowledge such as south node, predestination, conjunction, honor, the concept of seeing lucky and unlucky hours we also see during his verses.
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