Analyzing the environmental impact of Ardabil municipality's performance in the sustainable development of historical contexts in order to preserve natural ecosystems
Subject Areas : resistant development
Behnam Joudi
Marzieh Mogholi
Ahmadali Khorrambakht
1 - PhD student of geography and urban planning, Islamic Azad University of Larestan, Fars, Iran
2 - faculty member Department of Geography, Larestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Larestan, Iran
3 - faculty member of the Department of Geography, Islamic Azad University of Larestan, Fars, Iran
Keywords: Ardabil City, Sustainable Development, Historical context, municipality performance, Environmental citizenship behavior,
Abstract :
The urban historical fabric is part of the history and memory of a city. With the development of cities and the increase of biological-environmental problems in all areas of cities, historical textures and natural ecosystems have faced special environmental problems due to the weakness in providing urban services. Based on this, the behavior of environmental citizenship as a concept affecting the reduction of environmental problems in historical urban areas has been noticed by planners. The aim of the current research is the effect of the municipality's performance in the sustainable development of historical contexts on environmental citizenship behavior with an emphasis on trust and place-attachment and preservation of the natural ecosystems of Ardabil. The present study is practical in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method, and questionnaires of municipal performance and environmental citizenship behavior were used to collect information. The statistical population of this research is all the residents of the historical context of Ardabil city, and the required sample size was 383 residents using Cochran's formula and selected by available sampling method. Also, the validity and reliability of the data analysis was done with the method of structural equation modeling in LISREL software. According to the positive coefficients obtained from this model, the T value for research relationships based on the data of this model, which were more than 1.96, have a positive and significant effect on environmental citizenship behaviors.