The effect of Benzyladenin on reducing lipid peroxidation and carotenoids in Lilium oriental. cv belladonna
Subject Areas : GeneticReyhane Arefnia 1 , Abdolah Hatamzadeh 2 , mahmood ghasemnezhad 3
1 - Department of Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan, Iran
2 - Department of Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan, Iran
3 - Department of Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan, Iran
Keywords: Lipid peroxidation, Carotenoid, Benzyladenin, Flower senescence, Leaf senescence,
Abstract :
In order to evaluate the effect of pre-harvest spray with Benzyladenin (BA) on improving flower quality and delaying flower and leaf senescence in Lilium oriental, a study was carried out as a spilt plot factorial experiment where 5 levels of Benzyladenin (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 ppm) with three replications and two stages of spraying (budding start and before dyeing buds). Assaying the traits were done in seventh and twelfth two-days after harvest. The flowers were sprayed at two stages, budding and before flowering in the bud stage. Distilled water was used as control. Characteristics such as flower shelf life and lipid peroxidation in petals and leaves on seventh and twelfth days after harvest and carotenoids contents of petals on seventh and twelfth days after harvest were measured. Results showed that spraying with 100 ppm BA at the beginning of flower pigmentation was more effective in delaying senescence in flowers and leaves as compared to the control. Lipid peroxidation in leaves and flowers treated with 100 ppm BA application was significantly lower than the control. In contrast, carotenoid content of flowers sprayed with 100 ppm BA was higher and the lowest values were found in the control. In total, it was found that BA maintains stability by improving the quality and prolonging the flowers’ survival.
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Arora A.V. P., Singh, S. S., Sindhu, D.N. and Voleti, S.R. (2007). Oxidative stress mechanisms during flower senescence
Plant Stress Global Science Books, Japan, 228 p.
Armigite, A.M. and Laushman, J.M. (2003). Specialty cut flowers (The production of annual, perennials, bulbs, and woody plants for fresh and dried cut flower). Second Edition. PP, 578-590.
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Dhindsa, R.S., Plumb-Dhindsa, P. and Thorpe, T.A. (1981). Leaf senescence: correlated with increased levels of membrane senescence permeability and lipid peroxidation, and decreased levels of superoxide dismutase and catalase. Journal of Experimental Botany. 32: 93-101.
Emongor, V. and Tshwenyane, S.O. (2004). Effect of accel on the postharvest vase life of Easter lily. Agricultural
Science. 3: 170- 174
Ezhilmathi, K., Singh, P.V. and Arora, A. (2008). Effect of 5- sulfosalicylic acid on antioxidant activity in relation to vase life of Gladiolus cut flowers. Plant Growth Regulation. 55: 65-71.
Fisher, P.R. and Lieth, J.H. (2000). Variability in flower development of Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum): model and decision support system. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 26: 53-64.
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Hossian, Z., Mandal, A.K., Datta, S.K. and Biswas, A.M. (2006). Decline in ascorbate peroxidase activity a prerequisite factor for tepal senescence in gladiolus. Journal of Plant Physiology. 163: 186-194.
Huang, F.Y., Philosoph-Hadas, S., Meir, S., Callaham D.A, Sabato R., Zelcer, A . and Hepler, P.K. (1997). Increases in cytosolic Ca2+ In parsley mesophyll cells correlate with leaf senescence. Plant Physiology. 115: 51–60.
Jing, H.C., Schippers, J.H., Hille, J. and Dijkwel, P.P. (2005). Ethylene-induced leaf senescence depends on age-related changes and OLD genes in Arabidopsis. Journal of Applied Science. 56:2915–23.
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Ranwala, A.P., Miller, W.B., Kirk, T.I. and Hammer, P.A. (2000). Ancymidol drenches, reversed greenhouse temperatures, postgreenhouse cold storage, and hormone sprays affect postharvest leaf chlorosis in Easter lily. Scientia Horticulturae. 125: 248–253.
Ranwala, A.P. and Miller, W.B. (2002). Effect of gibberllin treatments on flower and leaf quality of cut hybrid lilies. Acta Horticulturae. 570: 205- 210.
Sajid, G.M., Kaukab, M., and Ahmad, Z. (2009). Foliar application of plant growth regulators (PGRS) and nutrients for improvement of lily flowers. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 41(1): 233-237.
Schauenstein, E., Esterbauer, H. and Zoller, H. (1997). Aldehydes in biological system: Their natural occurrence and biological activities. Pion Press., London. U. K.
Singh, A. and Jitendra, K. (2008). Effects of plant growth regulators and sucrose on post harvest physiology membrane stability and vase life of cut spikes of gladiolus. Plant Growth Regulation. 55: 221-229.
Shoor, M., Kalighi, A., Omidbeygi, R., Naderi, R., (2006). The Effect of Gibberellic Acid and 6-Benzyl Adenine on the Quantitative Traits of Marian Flower (Polianthes tuberosea L.). Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 12 (4): 38-44.
Takei, K., Sakakibara, H., Taniguchi, M., and Sugiyama, T. (2001). Nitrogen dependent accumulation of cytokinins in root and the translocation to leaf implication of cytokinin species that induces gene expression of maize response regulator. Plant Cell Physiol. 42:85–93.
Thomas, J.C., Perron, M., La Rosa, P.C. and A.C. Smigocki.( 2005). Cytokinin and the regulation of a tobacco metallothionein like gene during copper stress. Physiol Plant. 123:262–271.
Thompson, J.E., Legge, R.E. and Barber, R.F. (1987). Role of free radicals in senescence and wounding. New Phytol. 105: 313–344.
Wingler, A., Von Schaewen, A., Leegood, R.C. and Lea Quick, P.J. (1998). Regulation of leaf senescence by cytokinin, sugars, and light. Plant Physiol. 116:329–335.
_||_Abd El- Aziz, N.G. (2007). Stimulatory effect of NPK fertilizer and benzyladenin on growth and chemical constituents of Codiaem variegatum L. plant. American- Eurasian. J. Agriculture. and Environmental Science. 2(6): 711-719
Arora A.V. P., Singh, S. S., Sindhu, D.N. and Voleti, S.R. (2007). Oxidative stress mechanisms during flower senescence
Plant Stress Global Science Books, Japan, 228 p.
Armigite, A.M. and Laushman, J.M. (2003). Specialty cut flowers (The production of annual, perennials, bulbs, and woody plants for fresh and dried cut flower). Second Edition. PP, 578-590.
Bartoli, C. G., Simontacchi, M., Guiamet, J., Montaldi, E. and Puntarulo S. (1995). Antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation during aging of Chrysanthemum morifolium RAM petals. Plant Science. 104: 161-168.
Chirkova, T., Novitskaya, V. and Blokhina, O.B. (1998). Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system under anaerobic in plant differing in plants differing in their tolerance to oxygen deficiency. Russion journal of plant physiology. 45: 55- 62.
Dertinger, U., Schaz, U. and Schulze, E.D. (2003). Age-dependence of the antioxidative system in tobacco with enhanced glutathione reductase activity or senescence induced production of cytokinins. Physiol Plant 119: 19–29.
Dhindsa, R.S., Plumb-Dhindsa, P. and Thorpe, T.A. (1981). Leaf senescence: correlated with increased levels of membrane senescence permeability and lipid peroxidation, and decreased levels of superoxide dismutase and catalase. Journal of Experimental Botany. 32: 93-101.
Emongor, V. and Tshwenyane, S.O. (2004). Effect of accel on the postharvest vase life of Easter lily. Agricultural
Science. 3: 170- 174
Ezhilmathi, K., Singh, P.V. and Arora, A. (2008). Effect of 5- sulfosalicylic acid on antioxidant activity in relation to vase life of Gladiolus cut flowers. Plant Growth Regulation. 55: 65-71.
Fisher, P.R. and Lieth, J.H. (2000). Variability in flower development of Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum): model and decision support system. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 26: 53-64.
Guo. W., Zheng, L., Zheng, Z. and Zheng, W. (2003). Phytohormones regulate senescence of cut Charysanthemum. Acta Hort. 624: 349- 355.
Han, S.S. (2000). Growth regulators reduce leaf yellowing in Easter Lily caused by close spacing and root rot. HortScience. 35: 543- 787.
Heath, L.R. and Packer, L. (1968). Photoperoxidation in isolated chloroplasts. I. Kinetics and stoichimotery of fatty acid peroxidation. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophsics. 125: 189-198.
Hossian, Z., Mandal, A.K., Datta, S.K. and Biswas, A.M. (2006). Decline in ascorbate peroxidase activity a prerequisite factor for tepal senescence in gladiolus. Journal of Plant Physiology. 163: 186-194.
Huang, F.Y., Philosoph-Hadas, S., Meir, S., Callaham D.A, Sabato R., Zelcer, A . and Hepler, P.K. (1997). Increases in cytosolic Ca2+ In parsley mesophyll cells correlate with leaf senescence. Plant Physiology. 115: 51–60.
Jing, H.C., Schippers, J.H., Hille, J. and Dijkwel, P.P. (2005). Ethylene-induced leaf senescence depends on age-related changes and OLD genes in Arabidopsis. Journal of Applied Science. 56:2915–23.
Kalighi, A. (1998). Floriculture (ornamental plant breeding). RozBehan Publishing, pp.180-200.
Liu, X. H. and Huang, B.R. ( 2002). Cytokinin effects on creeping bentgrass response to heat stress leaf senescence and antioxidant metabolism. Crop Science. 42: 466–472.
Mittler, R. (2002). Oxidative stress, antioxidants and stress tolerance. Trends in Plant Science. 7: 405- 410.
Ranwala, A.P., Miller, W.B., Kirk, T.I. and Hammer, P.A. (2000). Ancymidol drenches, reversed greenhouse temperatures, postgreenhouse cold storage, and hormone sprays affect postharvest leaf chlorosis in Easter lily. Scientia Horticulturae. 125: 248–253.
Ranwala, A.P. and Miller, W.B. (2002). Effect of gibberllin treatments on flower and leaf quality of cut hybrid lilies. Acta Horticulturae. 570: 205- 210.
Sajid, G.M., Kaukab, M., and Ahmad, Z. (2009). Foliar application of plant growth regulators (PGRS) and nutrients for improvement of lily flowers. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 41(1): 233-237.
Schauenstein, E., Esterbauer, H. and Zoller, H. (1997). Aldehydes in biological system: Their natural occurrence and biological activities. Pion Press., London. U. K.
Singh, A. and Jitendra, K. (2008). Effects of plant growth regulators and sucrose on post harvest physiology membrane stability and vase life of cut spikes of gladiolus. Plant Growth Regulation. 55: 221-229.
Shoor, M., Kalighi, A., Omidbeygi, R., Naderi, R., (2006). The Effect of Gibberellic Acid and 6-Benzyl Adenine on the Quantitative Traits of Marian Flower (Polianthes tuberosea L.). Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 12 (4): 38-44.
Takei, K., Sakakibara, H., Taniguchi, M., and Sugiyama, T. (2001). Nitrogen dependent accumulation of cytokinins in root and the translocation to leaf implication of cytokinin species that induces gene expression of maize response regulator. Plant Cell Physiol. 42:85–93.
Thomas, J.C., Perron, M., La Rosa, P.C. and A.C. Smigocki.( 2005). Cytokinin and the regulation of a tobacco metallothionein like gene during copper stress. Physiol Plant. 123:262–271.
Thompson, J.E., Legge, R.E. and Barber, R.F. (1987). Role of free radicals in senescence and wounding. New Phytol. 105: 313–344.
Wingler, A., Von Schaewen, A., Leegood, R.C. and Lea Quick, P.J. (1998). Regulation of leaf senescence by cytokinin, sugars, and light. Plant Physiol. 116:329–335.