Effect of mycorrhizal fungi and foliar application of putrescine on some biochemical characteristics and biomass of basil (Ocimum ciliatum L.) in two different harvesting times
Subject Areas : Genetic
Sara Farsari
Mohammad Moghaddam
1 - Department of Horticulture Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University
of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Department of Horticulture Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University
of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: biomass, Photosynthetic pigments, Biofertilizer, antioxidant activity, Essential oil content,
Abstract :
In order to investigate the effect of mycorrhizal fungi and foliar application of putrescine on some biochemical characteristics, essential oil content, and biomass of basil (Ocimumciliatum L.), a split plot in time experiment with three replications was performed based on a completely randomized design. Treatments included three levels of mycorrhizal fungi (control, Glomusmossea, and Glomusintraradicese) and three levels of putrescine (0, 1, and 2 mM) as main factors and two harvesting times as sub-factor. Results indicated that application of mycorrhizal fungi and putrescine influenced the biochemical traits, fresh and dry biomass of aerial parts, and essential oil content of the plants. The highest amount of chlorophyll a and essential oil content were observed at G. mossea and 2 mM putrescine application in the first harvesting time. The highest amounts of chlorophyll b and carotenoid were obtained at G. intraradicese and 2 mM putrescine application in the first harvesting time. But with increasing the day time length and temperature, the amount of photosynthetic pigments in the second harvesting time decreased. The highest antioxidant activity and total phenolic content were observed in the treatment of G.intraradicese without putrescine spraying in the second harvesting time. The highest fresh and dry biomass of aerial parts were observed by applying G. mossea; but, no significant difference was observed between the two concentrations of putrescine and only a significant increase was recorded in comparison with no putrescine treatment. Generally, applying both types of mycorrhizal fungi as biofertilizers with foliar application of 2mM putrescine could significantly improve the traits in this study.
Abdel Aziz Nahed, G., Tahalobna, S. and Ibrahim Soad, M.M. )2009(. Some studies on the effect of putrescine, ascorbic acid and thiamine on growth, flowering and some chemical constituents of gladiolus plants at nubaria. Ozeam Journal of Applied Sciences. 2(2): 169-179.
Abd El-Rahman, G.F., Hoda, M.M. and Ensherah, A.H.A. (2012). Effect of GA3 and potassium nitrate in different dates on fruit set, yield and splitting of Washington navel. Nature Science. 10(1): 148.
Aghhavani Shajari, M., Rezvani Moghaddam, P., Ghorbani, R. and Nasiri Mahallati, M. (2015). Effects of single and combined application of organic, biological and chemical fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative yield of coriander (Coriandrum sativum). Journal of Horticultural Science. 29(4): 486-500.
Amin, A.A., Fatma Gharib, A.E., El-Awad, M., and El-Sherbeny, M.R. (2011). Physiological response of onion plants to foliar application of putrescine and glutamine. Scientia Horticulturae. 129(3): 353-360.
Ayad, H.S., Reda, F. and Abdalla. M.S.A. (2010). Effect of putrescine and zinc on vegetative growth, photosynthetic pigments lipid peroxidation and essential oil content of geranium (Pelargonium graveolens L.). World Journal Agriculture Science. 6(5): 601-608.
Azimi, R., Jang Ju, M. and Asghari, H.R. (2014). Effects of mycorrhiza symbiosis on initial establishment and morphological traits of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) under natural conditions. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 11(4): 666-676.
Barzegar, M., Afshari, H., Borhan, N., Laei, Gh. and Zadehbagheri, M. (2013). The Effect of planting date and symbiotic mycorrhiza fungi on physiological characteristics and active ingredients of three medicinal plants cultivars of fennel (Foenicumlum vulgare Mill.) endemic to Iran. Eco-phytochemical Journal of Medical Plants. 1(2): 64-75.
Beltrano, J. and Ronco, M.G. (2008). Improved tolerance of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) to drought stress and rewatering by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus claroideum: Effect on growth and cell membrane stability. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology. 20(1): 29-37.
Chaudhary, V., Kapoor, R. and Bhatnagar, A.K. (2007). Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza and phosphorus application on artemisinin concentration in Artemisia annua L. Mycorrhiza. 17: 581-587.
Clark, R.J. and Menary, R.C. (1984). The effect of two harvests per year on the yield and composition of Tasmanian peppermint oil (Mentha piperita L.). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 35: 1191-1195.
Copetta, A., Lingua, G. and Berta, G. (2006). Effects of three AM fungi on growth, distribution of glandular hairs, and essential oil production in Ocimum basilicum L. var. Genovese. Mycorrhiza. 16: 485–494.
Datta, M., Palit, R., Sengupta, C., Pandit, M.K. and Banerjee, S. )2011(. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria enhance growth and yield of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) under field conditions Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 5(5): 531-536.
Demir, S. 2004. Influence of Arbuscular mycorrhiza on some physiological growth parameters of pepper. Turkish Journal Biology. 28: 85-90.
Dodd, I.C. and Pérez-Alfocea, F. )2012(. Microbial amelioration of crop salinity stress. Journal of Experimental Botany. 63(9): 3415–3428.
El-Bassiouny, H.M.S., Mostafa, H. A., El-Khawas, S.A., Hassanein, R.A., Khalil, S.I. and Abd Elmonem, A.A. (2008). Physiological responses of wheat plant to foliar treatments with arginine or putrescine. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2(4): 1390-1403.
Faraji- mehmani, A., Esmaielpour, B., Sefikon, F. and Khorramdel, S. (2014). Effects of foliar spraying with salicylic acid and putrescine on growth characteristics and yield of summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.). Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 14(1): 73-85.
Gharib, A.A. and Hanafy Ahmed, A.H. (2006). Response of pea plants (Pisum sativum L.) to foliar application of Putrescine, glucose, foliar feed and silicon. The Journal of Agricultural Science, Mansoura University. 30 (12): 7563-7579.
Gupta, M.L., Prasad, A., Ram, M. and Kumar, S. (2002). Effect of the vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus fasciulatum on the essential oil yield related characters and nutrient acquisition in the crops of different cultivars of menthol mint (Mentha arvensis) under field conditions .Bioresource Technology. 81 : 77-9.
Gupta, P., Yadav, D.K., Siripurapu, K.B., Palit, G. and Maurya, R. (2007). Constituents of Ocimum sanctum with antistress activity. Journal of Natural Products. 70 (9): 1410-1416.
Groppa, M.D. and Benavides, M.P. (2008). Polyamines and abiotic stress: recent advances. Amino Acids. 34: 35-45.
Hashemzadeh, F., Mirshekari, B., Yarnia, M., Rahimzadeh Khoei, F., Tarinejhad A. and Farzanian, M. (2014). Effect of Bio and Chemical Fertilizers on Yield, Yield Components and Mycorrhizal Colonization Percent on Common Dill (Anethum graveolens L.). Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 8(3): 257-270.
Hazzoumi, Z., Moustakime, Y., Elharchli, E. and Amrani Joutei, Kh. (2015). Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and water stress on ultrastructural change of glandular hairs and essential oil compositions in Ocimum gratissimum. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture. 2:10.
Holm, Y. (1999). Bioactivity of basil. In: Holm,Y. & Hiltuen, R., (eds.). Basil: The genus Ocimum. Hawood Academic, Amsterdam. pp. 113-135.
Imre E., Somssich I.E. and Hahlbrok K. )1998(. Pathogen defense in plant-a paradigm of biological complexity. Trends in Plant Science. 3(3): 86–90.
Irankhah, S., Gangali, A., Lahooti, M. and Mashreghi, M. (2016). Investigating the effect of Pseudomonas putida and Glomus intraradices on some morphological and Biochemical characteristics of (Trigonella foenum-graecum L). Journal of Horticultural Science. 30(1): 112-121.
Kapoor, R., Giri, B. and Mukerji, K.G. (2002). Glomus macrocarpum: a potential bioinoculant to improve essential oil quality and concentration in Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) and Carum (Trachyspermum ammi Sprague). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 18(5): 459-463.
Kapoor, R., Sharma, D. and Bhatnagar, A.K. (2008). Arbuscular mycorrhizae in micro propagation systems and their potential applications. Scientia Horticulture. 116: 227-239.
Krishna, H., Singh, S.K., Sharma, R.R., Khawale, R.N., Grover, M. and Patel, V.B. (2005). Biochemical changes in micropropagated grape (Vitis vinifera L.) plantlets due to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculated during ex vitro acclimatization. Scientia Horticulture. 106:554-567.
Kusano, T., Berberich, T., Tateda, C. and Takahashi, Y. (2008). Polyamines: essential factors for growth and survival. Planta. 228: 367-381.
Mahgoub, M.H., Abd-El Aziz, N. G. and Mazhar, A.M.A. (2011). Response of Dahlia pinnata L. plant to foliar spray with putrescine and thimine on growth, flowering and photosynthetic. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. 10 (5): 769-775.
Mahmoudzadeh, M., Rasouli Sadaghiani, M.H., Asgari Lajayer, H. and Hasani. A. (2016). The effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation on nutrient uptake and some morphological factors in peppermint (Mentha piperita). Electronic Journal of Soil Management and Sustainable Production. 6(1): 161-176.
Makari, O. and Kintzios, S. (2008). Ocimum sp. (Basil): Botany, cultivation, pharmaceutical properties, and biotechnology. Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants. 13(3): 123-150.
Martin-Tanguy, J. (2001). Metabolism and function of polyamines in plants: recent development (new approaches). Plant Growth Regulation. 34: 135-148.
Moghaddam, M., Omidbeigi, R., Salimi, A. and Naghavi, M.R. (2012). An assessment of genetic diversity among Iranian populations of basil (Ocimum spp.) using morphological traits. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science. 44(3): 227-243.
Mozdastan, S., Ebrahimzadeh, M.A. and Khalili, M. )2015(. Comparing the impact of different extraction methods on antioxidant activities of myrtle (Myrtus communis L.). Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. 25: 10-24.
Moon, J.H. and Terao, J. (1998). Antioxidant activity of caffeic acid and dihydrocaffeic acid in lard and human low-density lipoprotein. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 46(12): 5062-5065.
Moraes, R.M., Andrade, Z.D., Bedir, E., Dayan, F.E., Lata, H., Khan, I. and Pereira, A.M.S. (2004). Arbuscular mycorrhiza improves acclimatization and increases lignin content of micropropagated mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum L.). Plant Science. 166: 23-29.
Ochoa-Velasco, C.E., Valadez-Blanco, R., SalasCoronado, R., Sustaita-Rivera, F., Hernández Carlos, B., García-Ortega, S. and Santos-Sánchez, N.F. (2016). Effect of nitrogen fertilization and Bacillus licheniformis biofertilizer addition on the antioxidants compounds and antioxidant activity of greenhouse cultivated tomato fruits (Solanum lycopersicum L. var. Sheva). Scientia Horticulturae. 201: 338-345.
Pritsa, T. S. and Demetios, G.V. (2005). Correlation of ovary and leaf spermidine and spermine content with the alternate bearing habit of olive. Journal of Plant Physiology.162: 1284-1291.
Rahimzadeh, S., Sohrabi, Y., Heidari, G. and Pirzad, A. (2008). Effect of biofertilizers application on some morphological characteristics and yield of dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica L.). Journal of Horticulture Science. 25 (3): 335-343.
Selvaraj, T. and Chellappan, P. (2006). Arbuscular mycorrhizae: a diverse personality. Journal of Central European Agriculture. 7(2): 349-358.
Shabahang, J., Khorramdel, S., Siahmargue, A., Gheshm, R. and Jafari, L. (2014). Evaluation of integrated management of organic manure application and mycorrhiza inoculation on growth criteria, qualitative and essential oil yield of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) under Mashhad climatic conditions. Journal of Agroecology. 6(2): 353-363.
Singliton, V.L. and Rossi, J.A. (1965). Colorimetry of total phenolics with phosphomolybdic phosphotungstic acid reagents. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 16(3): 144-158.
Talaat, I. M. (2005). Physiological effect of Salicylic acid and tryptophan on Pelargonium graveolens. Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences. 20: 751-760.
Talaat, I. M. and Laila, K. (2010). Physiological response of sweet basil plants (Ocimum basilicum L.) to putrescine and trans-cinnamic acid. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. 8(4): 438-445.
Wellburn, A.R. (1994). The spectral determination of chlorophylls and b as well as total carotenoids, using various solvents with spectrophotometers of different resolution. Journal of Plant Physiology. 144: 307-313.
Zhu, X., Song, F., Liu, S. and Liu, F. (2016). Arbuscular mycorrhiza improve growth, nitrogen uptake, and nitrogen use efficiency in wheat grown under elevated CO2. Mycorrhiza. 26(2): 133-140.
Zokaee Khosroshahi, M.R., Esna-Ashari, M. and Ershadi, A. (2007). Effect of exogenous putrescine on postharvest life of strawberry fruit. Scientia Horticulturae. 114: 27-32
Abdel Aziz Nahed, G., Tahalobna, S. and Ibrahim Soad, M.M. )2009(. Some studies on the effect of putrescine, ascorbic acid and thiamine on growth, flowering and some chemical constituents of gladiolus plants at nubaria. Ozeam Journal of Applied Sciences. 2(2): 169-179.
Abd El-Rahman, G.F., Hoda, M.M. and Ensherah, A.H.A. (2012). Effect of GA3 and potassium nitrate in different dates on fruit set, yield and splitting of Washington navel. Nature Science. 10(1): 148.
Aghhavani Shajari, M., Rezvani Moghaddam, P., Ghorbani, R. and Nasiri Mahallati, M. (2015). Effects of single and combined application of organic, biological and chemical fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative yield of coriander (Coriandrum sativum). Journal of Horticultural Science. 29(4): 486-500.
Amin, A.A., Fatma Gharib, A.E., El-Awad, M., and El-Sherbeny, M.R. (2011). Physiological response of onion plants to foliar application of putrescine and glutamine. Scientia Horticulturae. 129(3): 353-360.
Ayad, H.S., Reda, F. and Abdalla. M.S.A. (2010). Effect of putrescine and zinc on vegetative growth, photosynthetic pigments lipid peroxidation and essential oil content of geranium (Pelargonium graveolens L.). World Journal Agriculture Science. 6(5): 601-608.
Azimi, R., Jang Ju, M. and Asghari, H.R. (2014). Effects of mycorrhiza symbiosis on initial establishment and morphological traits of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) under natural conditions. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 11(4): 666-676.
Barzegar, M., Afshari, H., Borhan, N., Laei, Gh. and Zadehbagheri, M. (2013). The Effect of planting date and symbiotic mycorrhiza fungi on physiological characteristics and active ingredients of three medicinal plants cultivars of fennel (Foenicumlum vulgare Mill.) endemic to Iran. Eco-phytochemical Journal of Medical Plants. 1(2): 64-75.
Beltrano, J. and Ronco, M.G. (2008). Improved tolerance of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) to drought stress and rewatering by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus claroideum: Effect on growth and cell membrane stability. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology. 20(1): 29-37.
Chaudhary, V., Kapoor, R. and Bhatnagar, A.K. (2007). Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza and phosphorus application on artemisinin concentration in Artemisia annua L. Mycorrhiza. 17: 581-587.
Clark, R.J. and Menary, R.C. (1984). The effect of two harvests per year on the yield and composition of Tasmanian peppermint oil (Mentha piperita L.). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 35: 1191-1195.
Copetta, A., Lingua, G. and Berta, G. (2006). Effects of three AM fungi on growth, distribution of glandular hairs, and essential oil production in Ocimum basilicum L. var. Genovese. Mycorrhiza. 16: 485–494.
Datta, M., Palit, R., Sengupta, C., Pandit, M.K. and Banerjee, S. )2011(. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria enhance growth and yield of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) under field conditions Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 5(5): 531-536.
Demir, S. 2004. Influence of Arbuscular mycorrhiza on some physiological growth parameters of pepper. Turkish Journal Biology. 28: 85-90.
Dodd, I.C. and Pérez-Alfocea, F. )2012(. Microbial amelioration of crop salinity stress. Journal of Experimental Botany. 63(9): 3415–3428.
El-Bassiouny, H.M.S., Mostafa, H. A., El-Khawas, S.A., Hassanein, R.A., Khalil, S.I. and Abd Elmonem, A.A. (2008). Physiological responses of wheat plant to foliar treatments with arginine or putrescine. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2(4): 1390-1403.
Faraji- mehmani, A., Esmaielpour, B., Sefikon, F. and Khorramdel, S. (2014). Effects of foliar spraying with salicylic acid and putrescine on growth characteristics and yield of summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.). Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 14(1): 73-85.
Gharib, A.A. and Hanafy Ahmed, A.H. (2006). Response of pea plants (Pisum sativum L.) to foliar application of Putrescine, glucose, foliar feed and silicon. The Journal of Agricultural Science, Mansoura University. 30 (12): 7563-7579.
Gupta, M.L., Prasad, A., Ram, M. and Kumar, S. (2002). Effect of the vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus fasciulatum on the essential oil yield related characters and nutrient acquisition in the crops of different cultivars of menthol mint (Mentha arvensis) under field conditions .Bioresource Technology. 81 : 77-9.
Gupta, P., Yadav, D.K., Siripurapu, K.B., Palit, G. and Maurya, R. (2007). Constituents of Ocimum sanctum with antistress activity. Journal of Natural Products. 70 (9): 1410-1416.
Groppa, M.D. and Benavides, M.P. (2008). Polyamines and abiotic stress: recent advances. Amino Acids. 34: 35-45.
Hashemzadeh, F., Mirshekari, B., Yarnia, M., Rahimzadeh Khoei, F., Tarinejhad A. and Farzanian, M. (2014). Effect of Bio and Chemical Fertilizers on Yield, Yield Components and Mycorrhizal Colonization Percent on Common Dill (Anethum graveolens L.). Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 8(3): 257-270.
Hazzoumi, Z., Moustakime, Y., Elharchli, E. and Amrani Joutei, Kh. (2015). Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and water stress on ultrastructural change of glandular hairs and essential oil compositions in Ocimum gratissimum. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture. 2:10.
Holm, Y. (1999). Bioactivity of basil. In: Holm,Y. & Hiltuen, R., (eds.). Basil: The genus Ocimum. Hawood Academic, Amsterdam. pp. 113-135.
Imre E., Somssich I.E. and Hahlbrok K. )1998(. Pathogen defense in plant-a paradigm of biological complexity. Trends in Plant Science. 3(3): 86–90.
Irankhah, S., Gangali, A., Lahooti, M. and Mashreghi, M. (2016). Investigating the effect of Pseudomonas putida and Glomus intraradices on some morphological and Biochemical characteristics of (Trigonella foenum-graecum L). Journal of Horticultural Science. 30(1): 112-121.
Kapoor, R., Giri, B. and Mukerji, K.G. (2002). Glomus macrocarpum: a potential bioinoculant to improve essential oil quality and concentration in Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) and Carum (Trachyspermum ammi Sprague). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 18(5): 459-463.
Kapoor, R., Sharma, D. and Bhatnagar, A.K. (2008). Arbuscular mycorrhizae in micro propagation systems and their potential applications. Scientia Horticulture. 116: 227-239.
Krishna, H., Singh, S.K., Sharma, R.R., Khawale, R.N., Grover, M. and Patel, V.B. (2005). Biochemical changes in micropropagated grape (Vitis vinifera L.) plantlets due to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculated during ex vitro acclimatization. Scientia Horticulture. 106:554-567.
Kusano, T., Berberich, T., Tateda, C. and Takahashi, Y. (2008). Polyamines: essential factors for growth and survival. Planta. 228: 367-381.
Mahgoub, M.H., Abd-El Aziz, N. G. and Mazhar, A.M.A. (2011). Response of Dahlia pinnata L. plant to foliar spray with putrescine and thimine on growth, flowering and photosynthetic. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. 10 (5): 769-775.
Mahmoudzadeh, M., Rasouli Sadaghiani, M.H., Asgari Lajayer, H. and Hasani. A. (2016). The effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation on nutrient uptake and some morphological factors in peppermint (Mentha piperita). Electronic Journal of Soil Management and Sustainable Production. 6(1): 161-176.
Makari, O. and Kintzios, S. (2008). Ocimum sp. (Basil): Botany, cultivation, pharmaceutical properties, and biotechnology. Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants. 13(3): 123-150.
Martin-Tanguy, J. (2001). Metabolism and function of polyamines in plants: recent development (new approaches). Plant Growth Regulation. 34: 135-148.
Moghaddam, M., Omidbeigi, R., Salimi, A. and Naghavi, M.R. (2012). An assessment of genetic diversity among Iranian populations of basil (Ocimum spp.) using morphological traits. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science. 44(3): 227-243.
Mozdastan, S., Ebrahimzadeh, M.A. and Khalili, M. )2015(. Comparing the impact of different extraction methods on antioxidant activities of myrtle (Myrtus communis L.). Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. 25: 10-24.
Moon, J.H. and Terao, J. (1998). Antioxidant activity of caffeic acid and dihydrocaffeic acid in lard and human low-density lipoprotein. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 46(12): 5062-5065.
Moraes, R.M., Andrade, Z.D., Bedir, E., Dayan, F.E., Lata, H., Khan, I. and Pereira, A.M.S. (2004). Arbuscular mycorrhiza improves acclimatization and increases lignin content of micropropagated mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum L.). Plant Science. 166: 23-29.
Ochoa-Velasco, C.E., Valadez-Blanco, R., SalasCoronado, R., Sustaita-Rivera, F., Hernández Carlos, B., García-Ortega, S. and Santos-Sánchez, N.F. (2016). Effect of nitrogen fertilization and Bacillus licheniformis biofertilizer addition on the antioxidants compounds and antioxidant activity of greenhouse cultivated tomato fruits (Solanum lycopersicum L. var. Sheva). Scientia Horticulturae. 201: 338-345.
Pritsa, T. S. and Demetios, G.V. (2005). Correlation of ovary and leaf spermidine and spermine content with the alternate bearing habit of olive. Journal of Plant Physiology.162: 1284-1291.
Rahimzadeh, S., Sohrabi, Y., Heidari, G. and Pirzad, A. (2008). Effect of biofertilizers application on some morphological characteristics and yield of dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica L.). Journal of Horticulture Science. 25 (3): 335-343.
Selvaraj, T. and Chellappan, P. (2006). Arbuscular mycorrhizae: a diverse personality. Journal of Central European Agriculture. 7(2): 349-358.
Shabahang, J., Khorramdel, S., Siahmargue, A., Gheshm, R. and Jafari, L. (2014). Evaluation of integrated management of organic manure application and mycorrhiza inoculation on growth criteria, qualitative and essential oil yield of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) under Mashhad climatic conditions. Journal of Agroecology. 6(2): 353-363.
Singliton, V.L. and Rossi, J.A. (1965). Colorimetry of total phenolics with phosphomolybdic phosphotungstic acid reagents. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 16(3): 144-158.
Talaat, I. M. (2005). Physiological effect of Salicylic acid and tryptophan on Pelargonium graveolens. Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences. 20: 751-760.
Talaat, I. M. and Laila, K. (2010). Physiological response of sweet basil plants (Ocimum basilicum L.) to putrescine and trans-cinnamic acid. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. 8(4): 438-445.
Wellburn, A.R. (1994). The spectral determination of chlorophylls and b as well as total carotenoids, using various solvents with spectrophotometers of different resolution. Journal of Plant Physiology. 144: 307-313.
Zhu, X., Song, F., Liu, S. and Liu, F. (2016). Arbuscular mycorrhiza improve growth, nitrogen uptake, and nitrogen use efficiency in wheat grown under elevated CO2. Mycorrhiza. 26(2): 133-140.
Zokaee Khosroshahi, M.R., Esna-Ashari, M. and Ershadi, A. (2007). Effect of exogenous putrescine on postharvest life of strawberry fruit. Scientia Horticulturae. 114: 27-32