The effect of sulphate on amount of pigments photosynthesis and activity of catalase,peroxidase and nitrate reductase in leaf and root of canola (Brassica napus L. cv Hyola 401)
Subject Areas : Antioxidant enzymes
Maryam Niakan
Mohammad hossain Mohammadi
Vali ollah Rameah
Abbas ali Nourinia
1 - Department of biology,Islamic Azad University, Gorgan-branch
2 - Department of biology,Islamic Azad University, Gorgan-
3 - Agricalture research center-Sari
4 - Agricalture research center-Gorgan
Keywords: Canola, pigment, Antioxidant, Sulphate, Nitrate reductase,
Abstract :
In this research, the effect of different amounts of ammonium sulphate as sulphate fertilizer in 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 Kg/ha under farm conditions on amount of chlorophyll a, b, carotene and xanthophyll and enzymes activity of catalase, peroxidase and nitrate reductase were evaluated. The results showed that increasing of ammounium sulphate content were ncreased amount of chl a, b, carotene and xanthophyll in leaf of canola significantly. Peroxidase and nitrate reductase activities in root of treated plants increased with increasing of sulphate in soil, while the activity of catalase in two parts of canola (root and leaf) did not have any significantly changes at different contents of sulfur in soils.
غیور. ا.، کرم زاده. س (1381 ) فیزیولوژی گیاهی.صفحه 62. انتشارات سنجش.
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_||_غیور. ا.، کرم زاده. س (1381 ) فیزیولوژی گیاهی.صفحه 62. انتشارات سنجش.
Chance,B and Maehly, C. (1995) Assay of catalase and peroxidase, Methods Enzymology, 11: 764-775.
Duan, R.B and Kent, M. (2002) Canola production NDSA Extention Service. North Dakota State University. Pp: 345.
Franzen, D.W. (1999) Fertilizing mustard and canola. SF1122, NDSU extention service. North Dkota State University.
Gilbert, S., Clarkson, D.T., Cambridge,M., Lambers, H and Hawkesford, M.J. (1997) Sulphate-deprivation has an early effect on the content of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and photosynthesis in young leaves of wheat.Plant physiology, 115, 1231-1239.
Halvin, J.L., Beaton,J.D., TISDALE,S.L and Nelson, W.L. (1999) Soil ferriliting and fertilier2. 6th edition prentice Hall.Upper Saddle River, NJ., Pp 499
Howkesford, M.J. (2000) Plant response to sulphur deficiency and the genetic manipulation of sulphat transporters to improve s-utilization efficiency.Journal of Enviromental Botany, 51:131-138.
Jensen, A (1978) Chlorophylls and carotenoides, In Handbook of Phycological methods, phycological and biochemical methods, Cambridge Univ.Press, 1978.
Janny, L.P., Federico, J.C and Robert,L.H (1989) Alternation of exteracellular enzymes in pinto bean leaves upon exposure to air pollutants, Ozone and sulfur dioxide. Plant Physiology. 89(1):159-164.
Koroi, S.A.A. (1989) Gel electrophers spectral photometrischoe unter uchungen zomeinfiuss der temperature duf stracture and aktritat der amylase und peroxidase isoenzyme, Physiology Vegetative, 20:15-23.
Kubo, A., Saji, H., Tanaka, K., and Kondo, N. (1995) Expression of Arabidopsis cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase gene in response to ozone or sulfur dioxide. Plant Molcular Biology. 29(3): 479-89.
Merrien,A., and Pouzat,A. (1989) Agronomic colza Cahier Technicqua. CETIOM, Paris, France, Pp:56.
Nandi, P.K., Agrawal, M., Agrawal S.B,and Rao D.N. (1990) Physiological responses of Vicia faba plants to sulfur dioxide.Ecotoxicol Environ. 19(1): 64-71.
Resh, H.M. (2001) Hydroponic food production. Woodbridge press publishing, P.O.Box209, Santa Barbara, CA, ISBN 0-88006-222-9.
Sullivan, D.M., Brown, B.D., Shock,C.C., Horneck,D.A., Stevens,R.G., Pler,G.Q., and Feibert, E.B.G. (2001) Nutrient Management for onions in the pacific northwest.
Sym, G.L. (1984) Optimisation of the invivo assay conditions for nitrate reductase in barly. J. Science. Food.Agricalture, 35:725-730.
Takahama, U., SVeljovic-Iovanovic, S., and Heber,U. (1992) Effects of the air pollutant SO2 on leaves inhibition of sulfite oxidation in the apoplast by ascorbate and of apoplastic peroxidase by sulfite.Plant Physiol, 100(1): 261–266.
Thomas, P. (1984) Canola grower manual, Canola Council of Canada Publication, Winnipay Canada
Tusker, M.R. (2005) Essential plant nutrients. Ncd & Cs.Agronomic Division. Ncda & Cs Miseellaneou publication (OCT 1999).
Willekens, H., Vancam, W., Vanmontague, D., Langebartels, C andSandemann, H. (1994) Ozone, sulfur dioxide and ultraviolet B have similar effects on accumulation of antioxidant gene in Nicotina plumbaginifolia L. Plant Physiology. 89:134-143.
Zeiger, E. (2002) The Effect of Air Pollution on Plants. A companion plant physiology third edition by Lincoln Taiz and Eduarado Zeiger, University of California, Los Angeles, chapter 25.