Biological Response of Capparis spinosa L. to Nitrogen Application under Salinity Conditions
Subject Areas : Biochemistry
Mohsen Zafaranieh
seyed masoud ziaee
1 - iran
2 - iran
Keywords: Proline, Nitrogen Fertilizer, Salt stress, halophyte, catalase enzyme,
Abstract :
Salinity stress is one of the major abiotic stresses, which reduces plant growth by reducing water absorption and disrupting the balance of nutrients. To study the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on the physiological traits of Capparis spinosa L. at high salt concentrations, a greenhouse experiment was conducted in a factorial arrangement based on a randomized complete block with three replications in 2022. The first factor included 5 levels of salinity (100 (control), 200, 300, 400, and 500 mM), and the second factor comprised 4 levels of nitrogen fertilizer (50, 100, 150, and 200 ppm). The traits under study included shoot dry weight, proline content, soluble sugar, malondialdehyde enzyme activity, and catalase. Results showed that quantum yield, proline content, and soluble carbohydrate were affected by salinity and nitrogen concentrations. With increasing salinity levels from 100 to 500 mM, proline and soluble carbohydrate content increased, but with increasing nitrogen levels from 50 ppm to 200 ppm, soluble carbohydrates and proline content decreased and increased, respectively. Shoot dry weight and catalase activity were affected by the interaction of salinity and nitrogen levels. Results showed that at high levels of salinity and increasing nitrogen levels to 150 and 200 ppm, shoot dry weight content decreased while catalase, and peroxidase activity and shoot sodium content increased. According to these results, application of 200 ppm nitrogen is recommended in low (100 and 200 mM) and medium (300 mM) salinity levels while in high salinity (400 and 500 mM) levels, application of 50 ppm nitrogen in the nutrient solution of Capparis is recommended.
Arouiee, H., M. Nasseri, H. Neamati and M. Kafi. 2014. Effects of silicon on salinity tolerance in fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.). Applied Field Crops Reserch. 27(104): 165-172.
Ashraf, M. 2009. Biotechnological approach of improving plant salt tolerance using antioxidants as markers. Biotechnology Advances. 27: 84-93.
Bates, L. S., Waldren, R. P. and Teare, I. D., 1973. Rapid determination of free proline for water-stress studies. Plant and Soil, 39 (1): 205-207.
Bates, L., R. Waldren and I. Teare. 1973. Rapid determination of free proline for water-stress studies. Plant and Soil. 39: 205-207.
Cakmak, I. and H. Marschner. 1988. Enhanced superoxide radical production in roots of zinc-deficient plants. Journal of Expermental Botany. 39: 1449-1460.
Cao, H. X., C. X. Sun, H. B. Shao and X. T. Lei. 2011. Effects of low temperature and drought on the physiological and growth changes in oil palm seedlings. African Journal of Biology. 10 (14): 2630-2637.
Cazzonelli, C. I. 2011. Carotenoids in nature: insights from plants and beyond. Functional Plant Biology. 38 (11): 833-847.
Chance, B and A. Maehly. 1955. Assay of catalases and peroxidases. Methods Enzymology. 2: 764-775.
Chang, C., M. Yang, H. Wen and J. Chern. 2002. Estimation of total flavonoid content in propolis by two complementary colorimetric methods. Food and Drug Anall. 10: 178-182.
Chaparzadeh, N., A. Najjar-Khodabakhsh, M.Pazhang and L. Zarandi-Miandoab. 2015. Effect of salinity and ascorbic acid on growth, water and osmotic relations of Lepidium sativum. Iranian Journal of Plant Biology. 7(24), 39-52.
Dadshani, S., R.C. Sharma, M. Baum, F.C. Ogbonnaya. J. Léon and Ballvora, A., 2019. Multi-dimensional evaluation of response to salt stress in wheat. PLoS ONE . 14, e0222659.
Daneshmand, F., 2014. The effect of ascorbic acid on reduction of oxidative stress caused by salinity in potato. Journal of Plant Reserch (Iranian Journal of Biology). 27(3): 417-426.
De Vos, C., H. M. Schat, M. A. De Waal, R.Vooijs and W. Ernst. 1991. Increased resistance to copper-induced damage of the root plasma membrane in copper tolerant Silene cucubalus. Physiology Plant. 82: 523-528.
Desoky, E.S.M., A.R.M.A. Merwad, M.F. Abo El-Maati, E. Mansour, S.M.A.I. Arnaout, M.F. Awad, M.F. Ramadan and S.A. Ibrahim 2021. Physiological and biochemical mechanisms of exogenously applied selenium for alleviating destructive impacts induced bysalinity stress in bread wheat. Agriculture . 2021: 11, 926.
Dhindsa, R. S., P. Plumb-Dhindsa and T. A. Thorpe. 1981. Leaf senescence: correlated with increased levels of membrane permeability and lipid peroxidation, and decreased levels of superoxide dismutase and catalase. Journal of Expermental botany. 32: 93-101.
Duzdemir, O., A. Kurunc and A. Unlukara. 2009. Response of pea (Pisum sativum) to salinity and irrigation water regime. Bulg. Journal Agriculture Science. 15: 400–409.
Astarki, F., H. Lariyazadi, M. Rafiee and S. Astarki. 2013. Effect of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer on chlorophyll, proline and soluble sugars content leaves in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). In: Proceeding of 2nd National Conference on New Concepts in Agriculture, Save University, Iran. Volume 1, pp 56-61.
Düzdemir, O., Ünlükara, A. and Kurunç, A. 2009.Response of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) to salinity and irrigation regimes. N. Z. Journal. Crop Horticulture. Science, 37, 271–280.
Fernández-García, N., V. Martínez and M. Carvajal. 2004. Effect of salinity on growth, mineral composition, and water relations of grafted tomato plants. Journal. Plant Nutral . Soil Science. 167: 616–622.
Heath, R. L and L. Packer. 1968. Photoperoxidation in isolated chloroplasts: I. Kinetics and stoichiometry of fatty acid peroxidation. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics. 125: 189-198.
Hui-Ping, D., S. Chang-Juan, W. An-Zhi, Y. Tuxi, S.Wen-Qing and F. Bai-Li. 2012. Leaf senescence and photosynthesis in foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) varieties exposed to drought conditions. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 6: 232-237.
Hura, T., S. Grzesiak, K. Hura, E. Thiemt, K.Tokarz and M.Wędzony. 2007. Physiological and biochemical tools useful in drought-tolerance detection in genotypes of winter triticale: accumulation of ferulic acid correlates with drought tolerance. Annals of Botany.100 (4): 767-775.
Gan, L., Zhang, C., Yin, Y., Lin, Z., Huang, Y., Xiang, J. and et al. 2013. Anatomical adaptations of the xerophilous medicinal plant, Capparis spinosa, to drought conditions. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 54(2): 156-161.
Irigoyen, J. J., D. W. Einerich and M.Sánchez‐Díaz.1992. Water stress induced changes in concentrations of proline and total soluble sugars in nodulated alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 84 (1): 55-60.
Jaleel, C. A., Wahid, A., Farooq, M., Al-Juburi, H. J. and Panneerselvam, R., 2009. Drought stress in plants: a review on morphological characteristics and pigments composition. Interntional Journal Agriculture Biology. 11 (1): 100-105.
Jamil, A., S. Riaz, M.Ashraf and M.R. Foolad. 2011.Gene expression profiling of plants under salt stress. CRC. Crit. Rev. Plant Science. 30: 435–458
Kurunc, A., 2021. Effects of water and salinity stresses on growth, yield, and water use of iceberg lettuce. Journal Science Food Agriculture. 101: 5688–5696.
Kurutas, E. B. 2015. The importance of antioxidants which play the role in cellular response against oxidative nitrosative stress: current state. Nutrition journal. 15 (1): 71-86.
Lin, K. H., P. Y. Chao, C. M. Yang, W. C. Cheng, H. F. Lo and T. R. Chang. 2006. The effects of flooding and drought stresses on the antioxidant constituents in sweet potato leaves. Botanical Studies. 47 (4): 417-426.
Machado, R.M and R.P. Serralheiro. 2017. soil salinity: effect on vegetable crop growth. management practices to prevent and mitigate soil salinization. Hort. 20: 3, 30.
Mardani, H., J. Razmjoo and H. Ghafari. 2019. Interactive effect of salinity and urea fertilizer on some physiological characteristics quality and quantity yield of Marsh Mallow (Althaea afficinalis). Journal of Plant Proand Fun. 8(32): 223-243.
Massacci, A., Nabiev, S. M., Pietrosanti, L., Nematov, S. K., Chernikova, T. N., Thor, K. and Leipner, J., 2008. Response of the photosynthetic apparatus of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) to the onset of drought stress under field conditions studied by gas-exchange analysis and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 4 (2): 189-195.
Mehrinfar, F., G. A. Nematzadeh, H. Pirdashti and H. Mobaser. 2014. Effect of salinity on ion content, plant pigments, soluble sugars and starch of halophyte plant (Aeluropus littoralis). New Find in Agriculture. 8(3): 251-261. (In Farsi).
Nayyar, H and D. Gupta. 2006. Differential sensitivity of C3 and C4 plants to water deficit stress: association with oxidative stress and antioxidants. Environmental and Experimental Botany.58 (1-3): 106-113.
Panuccio, M. R., Jacobsen, S. E., Akhtar, S. S. and Muscolo, A. 2014. Effect of saline water on seed germination and early seedling growth of the halophyte quinoa. Oxford University Press, 6: 68-83.
Rahimi, A., B. Dovlati, R.Amirnia and S. Heydarzade. 2020. Effect of application of mycorrhizal fungus and Azotobacter on physiological characteristics of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. under water stress conditions. Iranian Jof Plant Bio. 11(4), 1-18.
Saedi, F., A. Sirousmehr and T. Javadi.2020. Effect of nano-potassium fertilizer on some morpho-physiological characters of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) under drought stress. Journal of Plant Reserch (Iranian Journal of Biology), 33(1): 35-45.
Teimory, H., M. Ghabooli and Z. Movahedi. 2021. Effects of different inoculation methods of Serendipita indica on some morphophysiological, biochemical, and yield traits of tomato under drought stress. Iranian Journal of Plant Biology. 13(2): 1-22.
Ünlükara, A., A.Kurunç and B. Cemek. 2015. Green long pepper growth under different saline and water regime conditions and usability of water consumption in plant salt tolerance. Journal Agriculture Science. 21: 167–176.
Xiong, Q., C. Cao. T. Shen, L. Zhong, H. He and X. Chen. 2019. Comprehensive metabolomic and proteomic analysis in biochemical metabolic pathways of rice spikes under drought and submergence stress. Biochimica Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics. 1867 (3): 237-247.
Vahid, H. Yousefi, M. and Emami, S. A. 2015 Cobra plant from yesterday to today. Journal of traditional medicine of Islam and Iran, 7th year, number, 1-52.4
_||_Arouiee, H., M. Nasseri, H. Neamati and M. Kafi. 2014. Effects of silicon on salinity tolerance in fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.). Applied Field Crops Reserch. 27(104): 165-172.
Ashraf, M. 2009. Biotechnological approach of improving plant salt tolerance using antioxidants as markers. Biotechnology Advances. 27: 84-93.
Bates, L. S., Waldren, R. P. and Teare, I. D., 1973. Rapid determination of free proline for water-stress studies. Plant and Soil, 39 (1): 205-207.
Bates, L., R. Waldren and I. Teare. 1973. Rapid determination of free proline for water-stress studies. Plant and Soil. 39: 205-207.
Cakmak, I. and H. Marschner. 1988. Enhanced superoxide radical production in roots of zinc-deficient plants. Journal of Expermental Botany. 39: 1449-1460.
Cao, H. X., C. X. Sun, H. B. Shao and X. T. Lei. 2011. Effects of low temperature and drought on the physiological and growth changes in oil palm seedlings. African Journal of Biology. 10 (14): 2630-2637.
Cazzonelli, C. I. 2011. Carotenoids in nature: insights from plants and beyond. Functional Plant Biology. 38 (11): 833-847.
Chance, B and A. Maehly. 1955. Assay of catalases and peroxidases. Methods Enzymology. 2: 764-775.
Chang, C., M. Yang, H. Wen and J. Chern. 2002. Estimation of total flavonoid content in propolis by two complementary colorimetric methods. Food and Drug Anall. 10: 178-182.
Chaparzadeh, N., A. Najjar-Khodabakhsh, M.Pazhang and L. Zarandi-Miandoab. 2015. Effect of salinity and ascorbic acid on growth, water and osmotic relations of Lepidium sativum. Iranian Journal of Plant Biology. 7(24), 39-52.
Dadshani, S., R.C. Sharma, M. Baum, F.C. Ogbonnaya. J. Léon and Ballvora, A., 2019. Multi-dimensional evaluation of response to salt stress in wheat. PLoS ONE . 14, e0222659.
Daneshmand, F., 2014. The effect of ascorbic acid on reduction of oxidative stress caused by salinity in potato. Journal of Plant Reserch (Iranian Journal of Biology). 27(3): 417-426.
De Vos, C., H. M. Schat, M. A. De Waal, R.Vooijs and W. Ernst. 1991. Increased resistance to copper-induced damage of the root plasma membrane in copper tolerant Silene cucubalus. Physiology Plant. 82: 523-528.
Desoky, E.S.M., A.R.M.A. Merwad, M.F. Abo El-Maati, E. Mansour, S.M.A.I. Arnaout, M.F. Awad, M.F. Ramadan and S.A. Ibrahim 2021. Physiological and biochemical mechanisms of exogenously applied selenium for alleviating destructive impacts induced bysalinity stress in bread wheat. Agriculture . 2021: 11, 926.
Dhindsa, R. S., P. Plumb-Dhindsa and T. A. Thorpe. 1981. Leaf senescence: correlated with increased levels of membrane permeability and lipid peroxidation, and decreased levels of superoxide dismutase and catalase. Journal of Expermental botany. 32: 93-101.
Duzdemir, O., A. Kurunc and A. Unlukara. 2009. Response of pea (Pisum sativum) to salinity and irrigation water regime. Bulg. Journal Agriculture Science. 15: 400–409.
Astarki, F., H. Lariyazadi, M. Rafiee and S. Astarki. 2013. Effect of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer on chlorophyll, proline and soluble sugars content leaves in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). In: Proceeding of 2nd National Conference on New Concepts in Agriculture, Save University, Iran. Volume 1, pp 56-61.
Düzdemir, O., Ünlükara, A. and Kurunç, A. 2009.Response of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) to salinity and irrigation regimes. N. Z. Journal. Crop Horticulture. Science, 37, 271–280.
Fernández-García, N., V. Martínez and M. Carvajal. 2004. Effect of salinity on growth, mineral composition, and water relations of grafted tomato plants. Journal. Plant Nutral . Soil Science. 167: 616–622.
Heath, R. L and L. Packer. 1968. Photoperoxidation in isolated chloroplasts: I. Kinetics and stoichiometry of fatty acid peroxidation. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics. 125: 189-198.
Hui-Ping, D., S. Chang-Juan, W. An-Zhi, Y. Tuxi, S.Wen-Qing and F. Bai-Li. 2012. Leaf senescence and photosynthesis in foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) varieties exposed to drought conditions. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 6: 232-237.
Hura, T., S. Grzesiak, K. Hura, E. Thiemt, K.Tokarz and M.Wędzony. 2007. Physiological and biochemical tools useful in drought-tolerance detection in genotypes of winter triticale: accumulation of ferulic acid correlates with drought tolerance. Annals of Botany.100 (4): 767-775.
Gan, L., Zhang, C., Yin, Y., Lin, Z., Huang, Y., Xiang, J. and et al. 2013. Anatomical adaptations of the xerophilous medicinal plant, Capparis spinosa, to drought conditions. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 54(2): 156-161.
Irigoyen, J. J., D. W. Einerich and M.Sánchez‐Díaz.1992. Water stress induced changes in concentrations of proline and total soluble sugars in nodulated alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 84 (1): 55-60.
Jaleel, C. A., Wahid, A., Farooq, M., Al-Juburi, H. J. and Panneerselvam, R., 2009. Drought stress in plants: a review on morphological characteristics and pigments composition. Interntional Journal Agriculture Biology. 11 (1): 100-105.
Jamil, A., S. Riaz, M.Ashraf and M.R. Foolad. 2011.Gene expression profiling of plants under salt stress. CRC. Crit. Rev. Plant Science. 30: 435–458
Kurunc, A., 2021. Effects of water and salinity stresses on growth, yield, and water use of iceberg lettuce. Journal Science Food Agriculture. 101: 5688–5696.
Kurutas, E. B. 2015. The importance of antioxidants which play the role in cellular response against oxidative nitrosative stress: current state. Nutrition journal. 15 (1): 71-86.
Lin, K. H., P. Y. Chao, C. M. Yang, W. C. Cheng, H. F. Lo and T. R. Chang. 2006. The effects of flooding and drought stresses on the antioxidant constituents in sweet potato leaves. Botanical Studies. 47 (4): 417-426.
Machado, R.M and R.P. Serralheiro. 2017. soil salinity: effect on vegetable crop growth. management practices to prevent and mitigate soil salinization. Hort. 20: 3, 30.
Mardani, H., J. Razmjoo and H. Ghafari. 2019. Interactive effect of salinity and urea fertilizer on some physiological characteristics quality and quantity yield of Marsh Mallow (Althaea afficinalis). Journal of Plant Proand Fun. 8(32): 223-243.
Massacci, A., Nabiev, S. M., Pietrosanti, L., Nematov, S. K., Chernikova, T. N., Thor, K. and Leipner, J., 2008. Response of the photosynthetic apparatus of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) to the onset of drought stress under field conditions studied by gas-exchange analysis and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 4 (2): 189-195.
Mehrinfar, F., G. A. Nematzadeh, H. Pirdashti and H. Mobaser. 2014. Effect of salinity on ion content, plant pigments, soluble sugars and starch of halophyte plant (Aeluropus littoralis). New Find in Agriculture. 8(3): 251-261. (In Farsi).
Nayyar, H and D. Gupta. 2006. Differential sensitivity of C3 and C4 plants to water deficit stress: association with oxidative stress and antioxidants. Environmental and Experimental Botany.58 (1-3): 106-113.
Panuccio, M. R., Jacobsen, S. E., Akhtar, S. S. and Muscolo, A. 2014. Effect of saline water on seed germination and early seedling growth of the halophyte quinoa. Oxford University Press, 6: 68-83.
Rahimi, A., B. Dovlati, R.Amirnia and S. Heydarzade. 2020. Effect of application of mycorrhizal fungus and Azotobacter on physiological characteristics of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. under water stress conditions. Iranian Jof Plant Bio. 11(4), 1-18.
Saedi, F., A. Sirousmehr and T. Javadi.2020. Effect of nano-potassium fertilizer on some morpho-physiological characters of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) under drought stress. Journal of Plant Reserch (Iranian Journal of Biology), 33(1): 35-45.
Teimory, H., M. Ghabooli and Z. Movahedi. 2021. Effects of different inoculation methods of Serendipita indica on some morphophysiological, biochemical, and yield traits of tomato under drought stress. Iranian Journal of Plant Biology. 13(2): 1-22.
Ünlükara, A., A.Kurunç and B. Cemek. 2015. Green long pepper growth under different saline and water regime conditions and usability of water consumption in plant salt tolerance. Journal Agriculture Science. 21: 167–176.
Xiong, Q., C. Cao. T. Shen, L. Zhong, H. He and X. Chen. 2019. Comprehensive metabolomic and proteomic analysis in biochemical metabolic pathways of rice spikes under drought and submergence stress. Biochimica Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics. 1867 (3): 237-247.
Vahid, H. Yousefi, M. and Emami, S. A. 2015 Cobra plant from yesterday to today. Journal of traditional medicine of Islam and Iran, 7th year, number, 1-52.4