Investigation and analysis of urban development indicators based on multi-criteria decision making models Case Study: Babol City
Subject Areas :amer nikpour 1 , Faterh rezghi 2
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning,
University of Mazandaran ,
2 - MSc of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Mazandaran, babolsar, iran
Keywords: Social Justice, Babol, Sustainable Urban Development,
Abstract :
Social justice is one of the most important urban management and planning issues. Paying attention to the importance of equitable distribution of services and facilities in urban areas is one of the most important factors in reducing neighborhood inequalities and increasing the level of social welfare and sustainability of urban life. In this study, 12 areas of Babol city were ranked according to 5 criteria and 44 sub-indices in terms of urban services and facilities by multi-criteria decision making models. The research method is descriptive-analytical and has been developed to collect pesticides and minerals. According to the results of the regional rank 3 with the highest rate and region 12 with the lowest rank. Also, the distribution of indicators and variables in the areas of this city is not fair and harmonious, as service distance decreases with increasing distance from the city center. Accordingly, the level of enjoyment in central areas (3, 4 and 10) is higher than the outer and marginal areas of the city (6, 9) and the educational-cultural index has a more unbalanced distribution.
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