Analysis of the Pattern of Urban Expansion in Mid-Range Cities Using Quantitative Models(Case Study: Malayer City)
Subject Areas :
Mitra Ansari
majid ValiShareeatPanahi
Abbas MalekHoseini
mahdi modiri
1 - PHD student of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Geography Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,Yadegar Emam( Share Ray) Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Geography Department, Islamic Azad University, Malayer Branch, Malayer, Iran
4 - Associate Professor of Geography, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Urban Sustainable Development, Malayer, Quantitative Models, : Urban Expansion Pattern, Compressed City,
Abstract :
With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, the process of urbanization has increased in recent decades and has made urbanization a priority. Evidence suggests that in recent decades, cities have grown exponentially and urban areas have multiplied their initial reaches. Uncontrolled and uncontrolled expansion of cities has greatly damaged urban integrity Space and also the proper distribution of services. As a result, planners and policymakers around the world are working to identify and manage the city's urban development pattern by developing its sustainable urban development. During the four decades, the city of Malayer has been no exception to this massive urbanization incident. This research is a descriptive-analytical survey using Shannon and Hellendron entropy and density models, as well as using existing maps and aerial photographs and satellite imagery, to analyze how physical development of the city and the determination of the area And urban neighborhoods with the aim of organizing the physical model of development and development of the city of Malayer. Based on the results of the research findings, due to the expansion of the deep gap between the value of entropy due to the horizontal and spherical growth of the city during various decades, which is itself influenced by urban growth, the pattern of development of intrathecal focus is increased by increasing the density of the building and the pattern of expansion The continuous mining has been proposed as a future development model due to the physical constraints due to natural factors and the existence of agricultural land
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