Assessment of Livability in Urban Regions Using Planning Techniques (A case of Kermanshah metropolis)
Subject Areas :
Mehrangiz Mohamadi
Abbas MalekHoseini
1 - PhD Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Malayer Branch Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran.
Keywords: urban livability, subjective dimension, Kermanshah metropolis, planning techniques, percentage of changes method ,
Abstract :
The significance of assessing livability lies in its capacity to unveil the economic, social, and environmental characteristics of a region. In this descriptive-analytical research, the focus is on investigating the subjective dimension of livability in Kermanshah metropolis. Employing a survey method based on a questionnaire, the sample size of 384 people was determined using the Cochran method, with samples selected based on the population of each region. After confirming the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, citizens' responses were entered into SPSS21 software to calculate the average of each index in the regions. The indicators were weighted using the Shannon entropy method. Livability status in the urban regions of Kermanshah was then examined using planning techniques such as TOPSIS, VIKOR, and SAW. Given the different ranking results provided by these techniques, the research employed the method of percentage and intensity of changes to identify the most suitable technique for measuring and ranking livability. Results reveal that, according to TOPSIS and VIKOR techniques, livability in most metropolitan regions of Kermanshah is unfavorable, with only region 5 deemed suitable. Conversely, the SAW technique evaluates the livability as favorable. Through the change percentage method, it was determined that the TOPSIS technique is more suitable for ranking and measuring the livability of Kermanshah metropolis. The research concludes with suggestions for enhancing the livability of Kermanshah metropolis.
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