Evaluation of urban crisis management (Case study: Sarpol-e-Zahab earthquake in 2016)
Subject Areas :
payman karimi
Abbas MalekHoseini
1 - PhD student of geography and urban planning, Islamic Azad University, Malayer Branch, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Islamic Azad University, Malayer Branch, Iran.
Keywords: strengths and weaknesses, crisis management, earthquake, Sarpol-e-Zahab city.,
Abstract :
Earthquake is always one of the most important Hazardsin the country, which imposes a lot of human and financial losses annually. The results showed that the most important strengths of crisis management include the assistance of non-governmental organizations with a weight of 0.883 and the participation of citizens with problems weighing 0.846. Also, the most important weaknesses were the lack of integrated urban management with a weight of 0.929, the lack of sufficient operational force to respond to the earthquake with a weight of 0.923 and the low awareness and knowledge of the people in the face of crisis with a weight of 0.901. At the level of opportunities, the allocation of financial resources to worn-out fabric with a weight of 0.883 and continuous monitoring of the full implementation of the building regulations with a weight of 0.863 and in the field of threats, the reduction of the motivation and interest of volunteer and public forces with a weight of 0.899, and The prevalence and increase of urban crimes with a weight of 0.853 have been ranked first and second.
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