Development of Zabol City : strategies to determine prioritization of public space (ANP model)
Subject Areas :
Akbar Kiani
Farzali Sardari Salari
Maryam Hatami
Somayeh Timori
1 - Ph.D, Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Zabol,
2 - Ms.c student, Geography and Urban Planning, University of Zabol, Iran
3 - Msc., Geography and Urban Planning Islamic Azad University - Shahrerey Branch
4 - Young Researchers Club, Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad
Keywords: Zabol City, Development public space, Analytic network process (ANP), Priority Survey,
Abstract :
Prioritizing issues of public spaces in cities surveyed, must be based on modern theories of public participation, urban professionals concerned with the scientific method.Because of the different perspectives on the issues and priorities of the city, decisions must be convergent and enjoy a comprehensive coverage in order to be a priority. The purpose of this paper is first surveying Zabol development strategies especially determining public spaces. Descriptive research – analysis, evidence-based studies and surveys library are the methods adopted in this research. The study area includes the physical development before and after 2001 as a hub of Zabol in Sistan region's population which stands out as the first major public issue in the use of resources out of the analysis of interviews and questionnaires, Then according to the features and characteristics of »Analytic Network Process» (ANP) Zabol issues, data classification and consequently the initial conceptual model of ANP was prepared. ANP model consists of six clusters based on common areas of Zabol (criteria / group) and 22 options (node / subgroup) which were generated using the Super Decisions software and the results were analyzed in the software field. The results show the highest preference for the public spaces of Zabol issues related to the nodes' neighborhoods bordering the city after 2001which "has been formed and developed” (with a score of 0.795 in normalized cluster location and time). Second, “physical access normalized” with a score of 0.496 in the cluster: having access to the public sphere, the "alleys and streets" with a score of 0.377 normalized (with very little difference in the central market of more than ninety 0.375) in the cluster interior public spaces of the city was located. Thirdly, " The overall vision of the natural environment "with a score of 0.837 normalized cluster utility in the natural environment, followed by the nodes' perspectives and input symbols of the city" with a score of 0.642 normalized in public spaces around the city. Immediately followed by the node clusters "belonging to a space " by a normal rating of 0.485 in utility cluster of natural space in clusters of six or more points, However, the other options were located out in each cluster. Based on comparing the results of clusters and nodes (nodes) in a clustered environment favorable natural "overall vision of the natural environment" in the area and temporal location "marginal neighborhoods of the city after 2001" has been formed and developed and in public spaces around the city "perspectives landscape and input symbols of the city "for the city of Zabol in priority areas of development strategies were located and explained in this research report.