A blended learning plan for talent development: a combined Meta-synthesis study with the Delphi technique
Subject Areas : dd
Sanaz Mirchi
Ahmad Vedadi
Driush Gholamzade
1 - Department of Public Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Public Administration, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Public Administration, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Blended learning, Hospital employee, Talent development, Meta-synthesis,
Abstract :
In line with the training of their employees and besides in-person training, hospitals attempt to present part of their training as a non-in person and often electronically, with the presumption they have from it. However, the problem is whether changing the presentation method can culminate in the effectiveness of training. particularly organizational training, whether the organizations and participants of the courses have turned to it merely because of having access to technology and attuning with information technology developments. The present research aimed to explain and analyze the dimensions and components of each dimension of talent-developing blended learning about the broadness of the talent development concept in learning topics. The present research is developmental in terms of purpose and has been formulated using Sandelowski and Barroso’s (2007) seven-step method. First, by using the meta-synthesis qualitative method and by screening, investigating, and coding 86 previous valid articles scientifically and systematically, the dimensions, components, and indices of the blended learning model for talent development were identified. Validity and reliability were approved via Glynn’s assessment tool, formal and content validity, inter-coder agreement, and kappa coefficient. The findings consist of the model’s dimensions, components, and indices. The five identified dimensions include specifying learning needs, learning campaign elements, learning proposal, content strategy, and facilitation model comprising 22 components and 76 indices. Conclusion: The identification and application of the obtained components will allow the policymakers and managers of the health system field to replace the traditional training of employees with blended learning, culminating in employee talent development