Investigating the effect of human resource management activity on organizational performance with regard to the mediating role of talent management in Mapna Operation and Repair Company
Subject Areas : title1
Vahid Taheri
Abdoljavad Khalili
ahmad askari
1 - IAU. lamerd
2 - Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd Branch
3 - قصردشت- رحمت آباد- کوچه بیمارستان فرهمندفر- کوچه 7 شهید حسینی- مجتمع مهر و ماه واحد 19
Keywords: Organizational Performance, talent management, Human Resource Management Activity, Mapna Operation and Repair Company ,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of human resource management activities onorganizational performance with regard to the mediating role of talent management in MapnaOperation and Repair Company. The method of the present study was descriptive-survey analyticaland applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population was all employees of Mapna Operationand Repair Company. Using Morgan table and simple random sampling method, 302 people wereselected as the sample. The research instruments in this study were Taksi (2007) standard humanresource management activity questionnaire, Patterson (2005) standard organizational performancequestionnaire and Phillips and Rapper (2009) standard talent management questionnaire. Todetermine the validity and reliability of the questionnaires, convergent validity methods, Cronbach'salpha coefficient and combined reliability were used, respectively, based on which the validity andreliability were confirmed. In this research, in order to analyze the data from the path analysistechnique using Smart PLS software, the identified research paths have been studied in accordancewith the conceptual model. Findings show that the talent management variable plays a mediatingrole in the impact of human resource management activities on the organizational performance ofMapna Operation and Repair Company. The results showed that human resource managementactivity and its dimensions through talent management had an indirect effect on the organizationalperformance of Mapna Operation and Repair Company.