Studying and investigating the effects of Iqta in the Seljuk period with a special look at military Iqta
Subject Areas : Journal of History (Tarikh)
Nosratollah Taherklani
Koorosh Fathi
Boshra delrish
Ali Zakeri
1 - Phd student in History of Islamic Civilizations and Nations, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran
2 - History, Farhangiyan University
3 - History DepartmentTakestan Branch,Islamic Azad University,Takestan,Iran
4 - Department of Islamic History, Arak university,Arak,Iran
Keywords: Seljuq period, EQTA, malekshah,
Abstract :
During the Seljuq period, there were various types of tribal EQTA, civil EQTA, military EQTA, civil and courtier EQTA, and personal EQTA. In the civil EQTA, although the clans could achieve a lot of economic power, but due to many reasons, including limited land allocation, lack of settlement Constantly in EQTA, the inability to produce structures similar and parallel to the central government, they could not directly confront the government, but the granting of military EQTA, although at the beginning of this period and during the era of sultans such as Aleb Arslan and Malik Shah, led to the success of the Seljuks and the maintenance of its loyalties. became the central government, but it gradually caused the economic and political power of the emirs of the period and after that the desire to increase and develop political power in them and caused the military and political weakness of the central government. The emirs of the period went to the point where they started to rebel and disobey the authority of the sultanate. In the wars of succession between the Seljuk kingdoms, on the surface, they used their military power to support the kingdoms claiming the monarchy, but in secret, in order to dominate the structure of the monarchy and guide and lead the affairs related to the monarchy, they not only dethroned the desired kingdoms and deposed the other. They even went as far as killing the sultans and caused the collapse of the Seljuk dynasty