Estimation of gasoline, electricity and gas demand system for urban households of Iran
Subject Areas : Labor and Demographic Economics
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author), E-mail:
Keywords: gasoline, Estimation, Demand system, household electricity, household gas,
Abstract :
The purpose of this paper is to estimate the income, price and crossover elasticity's of energy carriers of Iranian urban households. For this purpose, the demand system of energy carriers including gasoline, household electricity and household gas for urban households is estimated from the combined household-year data with 77758 households during the years 2016-2017. The distinguishing feature of this article is the use of monthly price index data along with cross-sectional household budget data. The results show that gasoline, household electricity and household gas are among the essential goods. Of these three commodities, gasoline and household electricity are estimated to be elastic and gas domestic is elastic.
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