An Empirical Test of the Financial Kuznets Curve Hypothesis for Iran
Subject Areas : Labor and Demographic EconomicsMahboobeh Farahati 1 , Leyla Salimi 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Economic, Semnan University
2 - M. A. of Economics, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Keywords: O15, Financial Development, income inequality, JEL Classifications: O40, O11 Keywords: Economic growth,
Abstract :
The Kuznets curve hypothesis of a nonlinear relationship between economic growth and income inequality has been widely tested for different countries. However, the factors influencing such a relationship that determine the position of the Kuznets curve have been neglected. One of these factors is financial development, which according to the financial Kuznets curve hypothesis, is inversely associated to the level of economic growth at which income inequality peaks (ie, the turning point of the Kuznets curve). This study empirically tests the financial Kuznets curve hypothesis in the Iranian economy using data for the period 1361-1397. To this end, real GDP per capita and Gini coefficient have been used as indices of economic growth and income inequality, respectively. In addition, several indices of financial development have been aggregated into an overall (combined) index, using the principal component analysis method. The empirical results indicate that in the long-run, there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between economic growth and income inequality, thus confirming the Kuznets curve hypothesis. In addition, the turning point of the Kuznets curve will be at lower level of economic growth when the level of financial development is higher. These findings provide evidence to support the long-run financial Kuznets hypothesis for Iran. Accordingly, it is suggested that economic planners and policymakers, in parallel with growth policies, improve the level of financial development, aimed at a more equitable distribution of income.
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