Terms and words of agriculture and horticulture in Koohshahry dialect
Subject Areas : ...
1 - دانش آموختۀ کارشناسی ارشد زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشگاه هرمزگان.
Keywords: agriculture, palm, Dialect, Koohshahry, horticulture,
Abstract :
Manoujan city (from Kerman’s province counties) is located Since the farming history is as old as human history, subsistence agriculture and horticulture in the region since ancient times has been through, dut to the importance of agriculture there are a lot of terms and words in this area. this reserch is dedicated to the explain terms and words of agriculture. The main products cultivated in this region dates, citrus, wheat and barley, which is already low boom because of drought and water less and palm trees of tropical South East today because resistance to water shortage in the area is pronounced of other trees and has its own terms and words, although this fruit of paradise also not spared from the harm of drought. This article offer a part of terminology in various fields of agriculture and horticulture including agricultural products, water and irrigation,variety of plants and trees, metods of collecting product and agricultural tools, word dnd terminology related to the palm and some of other terminology Koohshahry
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